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Posts posted by reboot

  1. hello

    thank you for your comments

    first thank to Thorsten Klose because without him i would't start to study electronic (2 yrs ago)and make this project and thanks for those who helped me to debug it.

    the case is one of two .It was made by a friend of mine (an ebenist)

    it is made of wild cherry tree (merisier in french) tinted.

    the keyboard is from an old toy. It's same one as yam dx 100 but shorter.If you find one you can cut it (the toy!)but it's probably a bit of work .

    The "midi interface" is not ready .My friend who's get the second one works on it and it's almost done.

    The is 3 things i would like to add

    1.button for mono or poly mode, 2.Pitch bend,  3.Transpose for the keyboard and wait for V2...

    questions welcome

    what else?....i'm happy


  2. thanks for the reply

    the sid works under MIOS V1.8 with the old PSU maybe because the pic was burnt by a friend of mine last year for the prototype we made and i didn't try to re-burn it as i wanted to keep it as a secure pic .

    the psu was probably un-stable and the midi dump too.

    so the system was stable even with a bad psu BUT BUT BUT because the pic was done with another machine ....i'm sorry about the confusion.

    i have no sound from slave even with link button (witch flashes)

    i search the errors i made.

  3. hello TK

    1----i upload now via "use feedback" (i didn't do that)

    2----checksum ok ....same problem with buttons filter and filter mode and when i select S&R osc . The problem seems to operate in random

    3----load revision_id_v1_0

    4----revision id :  0426

    5----i also tried with one from SmashTV's : 0427

    what do you mean by "MIDIO128 the buttons don't reset the core"

    thank you

  4. hello

    1---RC2 is not clamped to ground or +5V

    2----the 1k pullup at RA4 is connected to the core  . it wasn't on slave so i did it

    3----now with master and slave it doesn't reboot but the bug button is still here

    4----i uploaded midio 128

    5---press env ---column l1 light and no sound but i hear the sound of sid

    6--- i put again sid 1_7303b/setup_6581.hex

    7----same problem but more stable , when i select the filter mode it bugs at LBH page and also when 123

          is  select  ::)

    8----now i just try to upload with 900ms and the LBH bug diseapear ......

    9----load again ...like 7


    i forgot that pin RC2 is directly connected to the SID clock input

  5. from http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7423.msg50526#new


    i checked the connection and it seems to be ok

    the problem is

    1----the sid reboot ten times maybe more before it's ok

          then when i push these buttons "filter mode" "matrix" and "lfo mode" it begins to start

    2----if i put only one core with mios 1.8 and 1.7a the system if fully operational(i    tested it with a bankstick that i removed now)               

    so what is the difference between the 2 systems because i made my pcb one year ago and maybe if forgot some fixes

    i have read http://www.ucapps.de/mios_v1_7_hardware_mods.html

    and everything that already corrected

    thank you

  6. hello

    first thank you to help me

    i describe what i do

    1----with a virgin pic i burn with ic prog :mios update v1.9c/pic 18F452/burner/bootloader v1_2pic18F452.hex

    2----open mios studio then dump mios v1_9pic 18F452.hex with "don't use feedback"and 750ms

    3----can read mios v 1.9c and "ready."   

    i did this process a lot a times

    4----again with mios studio i dump this


    5----IT WORKS but when i press edit the machine REBOOT ok maybe it's normal at this point

    6----take second pic with id value 0000...1 with ic prog

    7----mios studio; same file with device id 01

    8----sid is "ready."

    9----again with mios studio i dump this


    10----"MIDIboxSID V1.7303b CS not enabled! "

    11----i plug the first core and the second one as slave and....my sid reboot again and angain

    i have to tell that the master has the chips stuffed in sid part and slave don't have

    i checked twice the connections of j11

    i also tried to change the device id by using mios studio

    something is wrong in my slave area but where ?

    i did the 2 pcb's with 2 core and sid

    do i have to unplug everything to do a test ? i'm no sure it'll be usefull

    thanks again

  7. ok

    my question is

    why does my master reboot itself ?

    when i "burn" the file without cs enabled it works

    i'm sorry to tell that but the installation is a bit strange....and about the id of the core i can't see the files corresponding to the slaves

    sorry ,but 3 weeks with the same problem gets me nervous

    see u

  8. hello

    thank you for your help but it's still the same

    i use the folder mios update v1_9C

    bootloaderv1_2  +    mios v1_9

    then i dump via midi-ox a file i generated with convert.bat after renamed the file setup6581 by main

    the upload works with setup with cs but with setup6581 the sid reboot itself again and again


  9. hello

    i have a problem with last update

    my sid reboot itself again and again with setup 6581.hex

    i have no problem with 1.7a with mios 1.8

    i can't put my first slave because i loose the 1.7a file and i have just one master

    i would like to use the lastest one but i don't understand

    if someone have an idea .......thank you

  10. hello

    i tried the modification to change the buttons by encoder and it seems to don't work

    does somebody ever try it ?

    by the way i own a korg ex-800 a siel dk-80 and expander 80

    the korg don't receive midi exept volume and basic controllers but really not all....

    the siel receive midi on all parameters

    i made the test with syex librarian

    one filter in my dk-80 is dead it's a ssm2045 .....i don't see them in my korg ex-800

    i also made the 3 button modification from slayer and it is a good one but only to edit live because you don't have recall with midi of course

    the sound of these 2 machines is really different  and it's almost the same architecture

    can someone help me

    thank you

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