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Posts posted by reboot

  1. "I do believe that all of the MIDI controllers company have an eye on MIDIBox"

    i'm agree but but  but

    why a nord lead 1 has 4 polyphony ? they don't want to spend maybe 40usd for another chip because they'll have to sell 400usd more ...as  commercial stategy.

    why the ferrari-look-machines have a citroen 2cv engine ?

    maybe isn't not the right answer but i think a good idea can be share if it's too expensive for the companies...if not ...the chat as stryd told

    the fact is that we companies take just a good idea to make shit  :P

  2. please don't be angry ...

    i thought it was less pain to find a file than writing 20 lines....(joke of course)

    i never said "that's a shame"...ok?

    the thing is not publish for a regular or not synth ...

    i learnt the mb modules by mounting them with the schematic TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I DO step by step

    for me it's like a monopoly without the rules ..of course you can play

    but for you're pcb,it's quite simple to understand..again thank you for you did because we didn't do

  3. ok i  now have my pcbs and parts but if i 'll have a problem ....next time i will prefer pcb+schematic

    reverse engineering is not my cut of tea ... i can understand seppoman and at same time i think in the forum nobody wants to make 'parallel market'

    it's the same with wilba's pcb ...i wanted to make my own psu  :P...ok i understood but ...it's not my choice and i'm very happy ..as it works  :)

  4. eu....un peu plus de 100e chez smash tv...rajoutes une boite meme pas tres belle ..un ecran etc...allez 140e max et t'as un truc plus versatile et stable qu'un vieux roland..

    as-tu vraiment besoin d'un patch midi ?

    "J'ai deux expendeurs et un clavier que je veux relier à ma carte son"

    tu veux donc envoyer 3 sysex en meme temps sur trois machines differentes ...

    --soit tu choisi un canal different pour les trois et tu les chaine en midi out--in--thru--in--etc

    --ou tu achetes une interface midi type amt8 emagic ou unitor bien plus stable que midiman ou edirol a éviter

    voila mon avis

  5. hello

    i know severals post about the yamaha db50 haved been post but i didn't found any issue about my problem

    it's possible to control a db50 with a midibox 64 but you can't save new presets unless you use a pc with xg gold ....

    i have a midibox fm and for me the db50 is powerfull and complementery...

    simple question:

    is it possible (i didn't say "make it for me" )to control and save new patches with a core ?

    thank you

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