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Posts posted by Martin_Haverland

  1. For 16F and 18F ! Cool.

    I have some 16F laying around because my jdm never worked.  ;D

    can i use another npn universal small signal transistor as a bc337 replacement?

    Maybe i can put my broccoli-18 back in the "emergency only" case... ;)

    thanks alot for another new design


    (when do you sleep?)

  2. @jdutcher: thanks for correction. i was wrong. i searched with IE and didn't search with placeholders for the quotes in the quotes.

    i should have known better, since i designed and maintained and used a helpdesk system for until 100 (upgradable) clients and an M$ based search engine for document management and a scalable database management all to be accessed really fast in a mixed slow ethernet / ras environement with realtime checking of access and security rules that was 99% self containing, web managable including databases and content management that was used for 6 years without flaws (until last year, and since now parts could not be supplemented) storing 100.000 cases of it and business problems so that a big german it trust was and is very interested in our work...since their international german speaking support is not nearly as fast and actual as we are...and we are their customers.

    all based on IE... but obviously i make faults in simplest handling of IE and M$ search algos...tssss....

    i'm really "no" IE or MS pro.  i was not working long and intensive enough on this... maybe your definition of "pro" is something else, that's ok so don't worry...


    i don't take this in any way as an offense to be corrected. i say thank you. you were right and i was definately wrong.

    i will do better next time and say sorry.

    @cheater: you are right. people are *SO* friendly at this board, that it's nearly examplaric in the net and diy scene (no *RTFM* kind of people...)

    and it should be like that in future.

    i want to say that KD just donored a very interesting MB extension design to us all to reduce noises with a very simple but cool analog circuit idea using just one pin of the mios system to drive an analog envelope following volume/noise reducer...

    i think his spare time is much better invested in design of cool circuits for the community as in pcb optimizing.

    (if you know, most pro's are working with pro software under nda, ok? but a nice try !!! ;D)

    your additional circuits ideas are very nice, i was thinking about a cool little stereo opamp based mixer for our sids and fm's...


    If this was a commercial ready-made box that I was paying a bunch of money for (let's say the Sidstation), then I would expect it to have bypass caps / work 100% all the time / etc.  However, that's not what I'm going for.

    you don't want a synth that works 100% all the time?  ;D

    my sid works / worked a little fluffy in my very overstreamed audio/midi environment and i would wish it to not to block that often as it did.

    (even if i know the cure's and medicines / better midi routing...and yes i know, professional behavior was not a design goal but homestudio inspiration)

    i would like it to behave a little more not *commercial* but even better if i can do it myself with little effort.

    showing the customer complimented musicelectronics industries that diy is no "spleen" but a serious force with innovative quality ideas. 8)

    make peace not war ;)


    we all support TK.

    if not, we wouldn't be here.

    he is the anchorman of the whole midibox project and nobody wants to deny his importancy. not here and not at other diy sites.

  3. however, to say that thorsten is "not a hardware designer" is unfair.

    search for "not a hardware designer" at this thread... you are not quoting correctely.

    Torsten you are a splendid software writer many more times

    better then i will ever be, no question about that, but you and others

    still have a lot to learn in hardware design.

    thats not quite the same isn't it.

    i think we all "still have a lot to learn in hardware design".

    learning is fun.



  4. i calm down a little bit and since this unhappy experiment shot down the 5V part of the psu (i'm soooo dumb) and it's NOT the type you can open and simply change the fuse after such a malheur.... i took the 7805 back into the circuit (cabled and with a heatpipe) and tested with a 18V DC psu i had laying besides.

    after powering up my midi patchbay shows midi out after 2 seconds  :)

    (with another preburnt pic) (not THAT bad).

    And i was successful in uploading mios and the sid app!!!

    i'm a little bit frightened to connect the lcd again i must say.

    But seems like everything's working fine, even the bankstick...until now...reconnected the sid module, ....no sound until now... :(

  5. @doc

    i think you are right if you mean the voltage of the regulators, but the psu should deliver more because the regulators cause a voltage drop, i think.

    so i think illogik is right with the values...

    maybe someone to explain better?


  6. Vielleicht kann man auch einen entsprechenden Spannungsabfall über Dioden erzeugen... Artesia hat mal sowas gepostet, ich habe es im Moment nur nicht so recht in Erinnerung...

    (Mein core vom sid hat sich soeben verabschiedet und ich bin etwas durcheinander...)


  7. i made a terrible mistake when i tried my optimized psu solution...

    resulting the voltage for the core of beeing 9V instead of 5V!!!

    (and no voltage regulator afterwards of course...) >:(

    a few seconds later there was a loud crack sound, i mentioned a short bad smell and the lcd turns to an undefined state. :o

    i switched off but too late. :(

    the pic was very hot, i did not feel any other hot part.

    i'm in fear to possibly have burnt the lcd controller (2x40!). :o

    is this possible?

    wouldn't the trannie be hot as well?

    could it have damaged the opto? ???

    any opinions welcome...

    ...under shock, it happens minutes ago and my MBSID sounded sooo sweet... :'(

    any opinions welcome

    Martin :-[

  8. this thread was pretty quiet for some months ... Andrew are you still working on the pokey?

    just interested .... my sid is just ready and i'm going to etch some cores intended for the seq2, MBFM, and 2 of my own pure midi app projects...

    would be really cool to have another unique sound machine!!!


  9. thank you very much for the detailed comment on the above mentioned issues.

    I think you're absolutely right that star grounding is one of the turn keys (or a "secret" weapon) of the successful making of quality analogue audio circuits and probably much more important than the bypass capping.

    (i've "modded" some studio gear with slightly flaw designs by simply doing a good stargrounding with immediately hearable results. even more relevant than changing opamps, vca's or re-capping .)

    and yes: every "design rule" is just as important as it proves in the real lives implementation  ;D

    but as it turns out that we will have more and more mixing of analogue and digital circuits (as it seems to be a major interest of the midiboxers), KD's mentioned issues maybe of great importance for the future development of possibly more complex applications with for example integrated DA - filter - chains....

    (sorry if bad english...not my day... ;))

    very interesting thread....thank you both...


  10. whooops!

    seems that you are right. it's a major design flaw.  :'(

    maybe we will need new pcb layouts taking decoupling caps into account to make the midiboxes more stable... :P

    grrr... ???

    thanks for your revision of the mbhp modules.

    i would be very interested in a comment from thorsten, if he would mind to change the schematics ...


  11. to be more clearly:

    you are in fear of a failureTM, because you wanted the really big thing and are a perfectionist!

    (like me!)

    after eight months you are at the point to say: OK, i need a smaller step first to get more self confident!

    you are in the right way!

    the first task to make your fear go away and let the fun come in is:


    solder the core and get it running.

    PS: the psu is not really the problem, it's an excuse for not beginning...

    The only place where to go now after 8 months is: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html

    Search for:


    It's very easy!

    And don't think u are the only one with great dead projects in the drawer...

    I hope this helps...you and all the other silent readers... ;)

    We all start as chickens. I managed to blow a fuse in my c64 psu yesterday ( and i studied electrotechnics for 4 years...)!


  12. >Anyway - I've come so far as to decide I don't want an external powersupply (my C64 didn't come with one), as I'd rather have >everything in one box for convenience. How do I solve that pertaining to the two different voltages needed.

    For an internal psu you should calculate 2 transformers (14V / 5V  or 14V / 9V maybe), capacitors, diodes, regulators... and a little bit of time (TAKE CARE WITH HIGH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT)... or buy readily built multivoltage psu as needed...or cannibalize broken electronics...or,or,or... :'( (i hear the chicken say: "so many options and possibilities...i can't decide...i'll never make it..."  )


    If you are a chicken: Do yourself a favour and stay external! Stay with Ebay...invest the 1$+shipping for a c64psu after all the stuff u bought already...

    I you just wanna test and want to get rid of the chicken behaviour: test the SID A with a 9-12V *any* psu (external) to tease yourself with the taste of the SID before deciding to make it really GOOD sounding, giving it a good psu and knobs and LEDs etc. to have the real fun.

    (How such an internal psu with 2 voltages can be realized in general can be seen in Thorsten's MBFM synth implementation...look at the pics he posted from it's "inner life".)

    that may be a starting point to get a first success... remember it's just the first 2 little pcbs... after that you can't await to give him all the other options...

    Don't be afraid, begin with soldering the core pcb. Go chicken, go!!!  ;D

    Heat your soldering iron


    PS: i saw somebody posted before me...nevertheless: BEGIN WITH SOLDERING THE CORE!

  13. @skunk: Eine hervorragende Idee, da du sozusagen *direkt* vom Fach und in örtlicher Nachbarschaft sitzt! Vielleicht ist da eine Art Angebotsliste mit Mindestmengen und Preisen für uns relevanter Artikel zu machen.


    Ja, so eigenartige Erfahrungen mit der Aquisition / Kundenbetreuung  habe ich auch schon mal bei einigen Firmen (insbesondere örtliche Provider, Banken, aber auch Teilelieferanten...) gemacht.

    (Anno achtzehnachtzig, als ich noch Freiberufler war.) :'(

    Nach der zweiten Anfrage macht dann halt jemand anders das Geschäft, wenn partout kein Angebot unterbreitet wird...sowas regelt der Markt selbst... 8)

    Sowas darf ruhig diskutiert werden und ist kein *Gepöbel*. :P


  14. @chriss: i've a max 525 laying around here, payed nothing for it... but...last time i was looking for to order one from germany the max 525 + shunt were around 45€ + shipping, so maybe prices changed in the meantime...

    tl074 and resistors are almost at anytime in my stock, so one could try out and experiment without soldering a (maybe not so expensive) max smd.

    after all it is just an option, there's nothing wrong with the max 525 at all...

    i'm looking forward at the things to come ...

  15. So probably a solution may be to have one core running the to be programmed "tap sequencer" and one having the mbseq running, linking the cores and finding a way to exchange pattern data / share ressources ???

    don't know if i'm getting it roughly?

    And yes, i will build the MBSeqV2 anyway...but a tap sequencing option would be a very great thing, even realized with a second core...

    thanks for going into detail torsten, forgot it was a timer question of ressources, since your sequencer left over program space for enhancements after all the features it got already (arp styles maybe?)...



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