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About Julian

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Addict

MIDIbox Addict (2/4)



  1. hmmm strange... the SEQ wasn't even connected to a psu since i used it the last time. how can an LCD just brake? O_o I allready reflowed all of the solder joints yesterday. till not working. i think i'll measure everything again tonight, and if i don't find any fault i'll have to get a new LCD :P so long, julian
  2. okay - just connected lcd 2 to the same enable line as lcd 1. LCD1 is working, LCD2 shows strange lines again. strange thing is i cant see ANY characters from the standard character set. just a bunch of horizontal lines that are randomnly connected by dots. when i switch menu pages the pattern change is deterministic. so it will always show the same line pattern for the same menu. if i turn some encoders i can see the pattern change. but it changes on a lot of places on the display on a per pixel basis could it be that my display controller is fried?
  3. its been a while since i powered up my mbSEQ the last time. but it was working good. now i started it again and suddendly the 2nd 2x40 lcd just shows some strange horizontal lines. the pattern of lines changes as i turn knobs or change menus. i checked all the data lines as well as the enable lines with my DMM and everithing seems correctly wired. no shorts etc... so now i'm a little clueless where to look next or what happened. best regards, julian
  4. wasnt the sample playback with the SIDmore like using a SID VCA bug... imho you'vee got an offset dc voltage thats fed into the vca of the sid... when you programm the wavetable with the different vca volume settings for the samples, the dc offset will be modulated to a sound... correct me if i'm wrong ;D best, julian
  5. so, nach langer pause gibts wieder neue infos und der flyer ist auch fertig: mehr unter http://www.microjam.de.vu gruß, Julian
  6. i reduced the noize... its not absolutely gone but not so dominant as before... i just removed the GND connection to the audio in :-o tomorrow i'll have a closer look. thank you very much for the help so far! julian
  7. problem when i don't use the +5V from the core the AOUT_LC produces semi random CVs :( this is the way i have connected everything rigth now. no other interconnections made
  8. ok, now with volume all turned up at my amp, i hear the same noize even if the SID isnt connected to AOUT... but really really silent as soon as i connect the sid it gets loud When i use the 5V from the internal PSU the noise is gone (no difference if i connect sid to aout or not) so i would say its the powerline... julian
  9. it makes no difference if the sids audio out is connected to the filter... i build the filter and the aout in an extra box, with normal audio plugs, so i can disconnect the sid whenever i want, od connect other hardware. nothing is connected to the CEM but +12V internal PSU -5V internal PSU and a OpAmp at the output powered with +/-12V internal PSU ground the only connection between SID and AOUT is the +5V line (also tried it with ground connected to SID, makes no difference) AOUT is connected to +/- 12V internal PSU GND I can make a quick drawing if it helps. julian
  10. the jumpers are connected. I can also controll my modular system filter now without any problems or noise. also the CEM is fully controllable via the midibox. so the CVs are working, but in combinmation with the CEM i've got the noise but even if the 2 CV outputs of the AOUT_LC module are not connected to the CEM, I hear the noise as soon as i connect the sid to the AOUT. Aout and CEM share ground and +/-12V. the noise appears as soon as i connect the +5V coming from the SID. havent put the digital lines on ground yet, but disconnected them all and just connected the 5V from the sid. (i will try putting them on ground now) so long, julian
  11. If i use the ground and +5V from the internal PSU, the AOUT_LC produces some kind of random voltage or very noizy CV voltage, if i control a filter with that it sounds like the CV is modulated with noise. the more i open the filter, it becomes noisier :-/ i use this PSU, modified to deliver as well +/- 5V http://www.synrise.de/diy/supply/schaltplan.htm so long, julian
  12. i've made further testings... if i controll the filter of my modular synth with the AOUT voltage, no additional noize appears. but when i connect the sid audio as well to the filter, suddendly the CV becomes quite noisy -> the cut of freq is jittering. so long, julian
  13. it's coming from the power. i removed the control signals coming frome the core. the noiz also starts when the aout isn't connected to the sid and i just connect the ground from the sids audio out to the ground of the audio in from the cem (but in this case only very silent). no noize if i connect the sid directly to the amp best, julian
  14. yesterday i finished my CEM and my AOUT_LC module. so far everything is working fine, i can control the CEM with my MB and the filter works. but ii've got a noise problem. when i controll the filter with a normal CV pot, there is no noize at all, but when i connect the AOUT to the midibox sid, i get some high frequency noize like this :( apparently the noise starts when i connect the gnd and or the 5V power line from the sid to the AOUT. the silence in the middle of the audio file is when i disconnect the midibox from the AOUT_LC. the AOUT_LC is powered by the midibox (+5V ) and an internal PSU for the +/-12V so long, julian
  15. hi all... since I've updated to version 1.7303b my filter mode button is controlling Keytracking. can't change the filter mode on the CS anymore :( anyone else encountered this problem? or did I overread something? so long, julian PS: my CEM is working and I'm ust up to connect my AOUT_LC to the SID ^
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