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Everything posted by rooney

  1. Hi all, May I first commend you guys for the passion you put into your designing and the creative results I've seen in the gallery, and also TK on creating the superb foundations to begin with. With this in mind, i thought this forum would be the perfect place to find a couple of engineers (1 electronics engineer and 1 software) with a passion for audio / video production. This project concerns the development of an innovative and exciting control surface for audio and video production software. It's currently at the prototype stage and has a truly revolutionary future (and, to ease those concerned, it's not in any way based on TK's designs). Experience and formal qualifications are not a great concern, passion and potential most definately is. So, if you are passionate about engineering and audio / video production, and based in or near London UK, do get in touch, you never know, your future may well be revolutionary. All the best, and good luck in your designs, John
  2. Thanks Screaming Rabiit and Raphael for your help. I've decided to go with indicative markings only as i've found that, with using a variety of software, the numbers (i.e. dB) would not match up. I've also found that the only important one is the 0dB marking. I've also put markings for the centre position as this is useful for when you flip the faders (to work as the encoders). Thanks again, rooney ;D
  3. Hi All How's everyone doing?  I've been using the Schaeffer software to design the front panels (if you haven't used it, i highly reccomend it, inexpensive and you can DIY). Anyway, does anyone know the 'exact' measurements for the markings along the side of a 100mm fader (e.g. 0db, 6db at the top ....)? I've tried searching for it here and on the interweb, but still haven't found it.  I'm sure it will help quite a few people here as i see in the gallery that a lot of midiboxes don't have any markings along the faders. Anyway, thanks in advance  ;D
  4. Hi there, i'm very interested... let me know how it goes, and if you need any help in arranging it. All the best roon ;D
  5. Hi there, i'm very interested... let me know how it goes, and if you need any help in arranging it. All the best roon ;D
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