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About wonder

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Banksticks aren't big enough to store long sysex chains that i need...and usb sticks are veryvery cheap
  2. i have founded this interface...it's possible to use it with core easily? http://www.vinculum.com/prd_vdrive1.html#vdrive2
  3. mmm.....good idea! without a filesystem maybe easier...and with a pc we can write raw data, even without filesystem....
  4. look at http://web.media.mit.edu/~ladyada/make/minty/download.html there is a c source to drive a cf card (the project is a mp3 player pic based....eheh)
  5. Would it be be difficult to interface a memory card (compact flash) with the core? I need to store many chain of sysex and 512 kb aren't enough...
  6. I have found out that this isn't a banckstick problem but a lcd problem.....indeed also with the lcd test function of mios studio, when i try to write ,for example, "Silent Man", the lcd show "Silent Maan".....
  7. boh....il problema e' che le mail che ho provato a mandare agli unici 2 indirizzi che ho trovato (indirizzo mittente e indirizzo specificato sul sito) sono tornate tutte e 2 indietro..... alla fine ho fatto l'ordine da avishowtech....ora aspetto che arrivi.... ora ricontrollo perche' e' un po' che non guardo piu' l'accrocchio....ma se tu riuscissi a farmi un elenco del tipo "pin 1 dell'lcd e' il pin 5 dello schema su ucapps" (ho sparato i numeri a caso) non sarebbe male....
  8. primo problema: ho comprato un display lcd su ebay, basato sul chip hd61202 quindi in linea teorica supportato nativamente. Il problema e' che la piedinatura non coincide ne' nella disposizione, ne' nei nomi dei segnali a quella a cui si fa riferimento nella sezione lcd del sito.a disposizione ho un documento fornitomi dal venditore....c'e' qualche anima pia che mi possa aiutare a capire come combinare le informazioni tratte dal documento in questione (in allegato) e quelle che si trovano su ucapps? secondo problema: volevo prendere il kit per il core e il kit per il programmatore di pic online, ho fatto l'ordine su http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/shop_englisch/index.htm , mi e' arrivata la mail riepilogativa dell'ordine, nella quale si dice che la roba sarebbe stata spedita dopo la ricezione dei soldi (e fin qui, nulla di strano) ma il problema e' che ne' nella mail, ne' sul sito ho trovato le informazioni necessarie per fare questo versamento.Ho provato a chiedere per mail informazioni ma ne' all'indirizzo da cui mi er arrivata la mail, ne' a quello che si trova sul sito del negozio sono riuscito a far arrivare la mail, torna indietro con questo errore "Delivery to the following recipients failed."
  9. i'm trying to match info from my diagram and info from connection instruction from the LCD_Module page. For example.....i suppose that the en signal in my diagram is the enable (marked as E http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_glcd0.pdf, I suppose), but what is D/I signal in my diagram? R/S? I don't know.....etcetc
  10. can anyone help me? sob....
  11. but, don't the chip hd61202 assure the compatibility?
  12. I've bought this lcd display it's hd61202 based the seller gave me a datasheet (see the attach) I'm not so good with electronics (and with english also....sob) Can someone explain me connections? thanks
  13. toh....un italico.... io ho costruito il modulo core per farmi una pedaliera per controllare i preset delle mie 2 tastiere dal vivo....
  14. Hi all I realized the core to make a control pedal for my keyboards. At every pression of the buttons, a midi message based on the bankstick contents is generated All is organized in patches where anyone defines a command set Maybe the concept is a bit obscure, but this isn't important to explain my problem's details (if someone plays keyboards may find useful this project; if someone is interested I can explain better the working mode of the logic) Now I finally explain the problem: I need to read from the bankstick a 40 character string that must be visualized as patch title on the lcd display. Here's an extract from the file banckstick_content.inc related to strings load: db "Europe The Final Countdown " db "Sonata Arctica Full Moon " Here there is my problem : Countdown become Countdownn and Moon become Moonn (the other words remain correct). It seems the problem is the "o" and "n" letters followed by a space. I'm sure that strings in the bankstick are correct. Using the message sysex "F0 00 00 7E 40 00 03 00 F7 F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 40 00 40 00 F7" I obtain the bankstick content and re-converting it with the syx2asm.pl I can verify that there are no double letters. At this point the problem must be in the reading procedure Here there's the code which do the reading: movff addrhi_patchname_current, MIOS_PARAMETER2 movff addrlow_patchname_current, MIOS_PARAMETER1 movlw 0x80 call MIOS_LCD_CursorSet movlw 0x14 movwf TMP1 LOOPNAME1 call MIOS_BANKSTICK_Read call MIOS_LCD_PrintChar decfsz TMP1 rgoto LOOPNAME1 movlw 0xc0 call MIOS_LCD_CursorSet movlw 0x14 movwf TMP1 LOOPNAME2 call MIOS_BANKSTICK_Read call MIOS_LCD_PrintChar decfsz TMP1 rgoto LOOPNAME2 I also tried using the function "MIOS_BANKSTICK_ReadPage" instead of "MIOS_BANKSTICK_Read" to be able to make a unique reading but I can't get it working (I'm not expert with pics and assembly). Do you have some suggestion? P.S. When I wrote about the sysex message I haven't reported the message as I use it. If I send this message I get in reply: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 00 F7 F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 40 00 00 00 52 65 76 F7 F0 00 00 7E 40 31 0E 0A 62 F7 And the application running on the pic hangs Changing the antepenultimate byte from 40 to 3F I can read 74601 bytes form the bankstick (an entire 24lc512 eprom)
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