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About chille

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. You're the man.... 8) How long do you think it will take to get the faders? A month? <3
  2. You forgot me... or actually I forgot to tell you I'm in :) 8 x RSAON11M9, N-Type Motorfader 8 x FK13x25 Silverchrom Btw, if you order 200 N-Type faders instead of 190 it will be a bit cheaper. When and how do I pay?
  3. I'm eventually intrested in the following: 8 x RSAON11M9, N-Type Motorfader 8 x FK13x25 Silverchrom 32 x Knob 6mm D-type I'm not sure if I can get money before the deadline, whenever it is. I've been dreaming about building a MIDI controller for years now. Maybe my dream will come true one day. And when I'm done with the MIDI-controller I will make a DSP framework and a analog expansion module with balanced inputs/outputs. ;D
  4. I'm really intrested in those faders, but I can't figure out exactly what type it is. As i can se the RSAON11M9 is aviable both as 60mm & 100mm with and without soldermount. And i guess there is no touch sensor? How much would 8 of them cost to ship to Sweden? I guess i wont get a chock if i count with around $25?
  5. I'm completly in love with them, but I can't find any cheap place to buy from. I don't want to give around 130$ for 50pcs. I see a lot of people use them in thier midiboxes, so they can't be that expensive!? And I want to know if anyone knows a place to buy 1*4 LED/LCD displays for less than $15. EDIT: Sorry, I'm new at the forum and probably posted this in wrong category. Can someone please move it to "Parts Questions"?
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