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Posts posted by redhead

  1. Hi Thorsten,

    I only need this function for making fast volume groups, cause for channel panning i know that isn't very useful...

    You think this will work?

    Looping LC_ENC_SendVPot for the selected channels you think i can get an immediate response from the "grouped" motorfaders? The "incremented value" will be added to the current value of the motor-fader ONLY for the selected channels??

    I'm just a sound technician, and i know that my  idea can appear "unuseful" but  when i have to arrange a drum-set volume fader by fader, making attention to increment every channel the same value, i think that such function could really help me :)

    Thank you again for helping me with this :)


  2. Hi Thorsten, thank you for your quick reply!

    Currently i'm using Ableton Live 4.0, wich unfortunately  don't include a grouping function...

    I wanted to create such function ON the MidiBox because of that...

    My project include also compatibility  with Protools, wich includes the grouping function... (BankSticks)...

    I think that  giving to a rotative encoder  the possibility of incrementing the selected value (pan - volume) of  the selected channels, the function can be created, but i don't know "how", and it's not a little particular...

    Could you tell me if it's possible to create such function ON the MidiBox?

    Sorry for the bad english and thank you very much for the support :)


  3. Hi all,

    i am on my first project, and i would like to create a dual Midibox LC with a master Midibox LC...

    i wanted to add a function for "incrementing" the value of selected channels by moving only ONE fader or pan,

    a "such fast grouping" function ON the Midibox...

    I think i have to send the increment to the other channels by their DOUTX4 module, but i have no electronics experience/cognition and i'm a little bit confused...

    Someone has tried doing this before?

    Could someone give me some useful hint?

    Thank you ;D


  4. Ciao a tutti, sto pianificando di costruire un "semplice" midibox come primo progetto...

    Il mio progetto è composto da:

    - 17 fader motorizzati (16 canali + master)

    - 16 rotary con ledring per il pan

    - solo, mute, rec enable, select per i 16 canali

    - bank select (1-16, 17-32, 33-48, 49-64,NEXT)

    - comandi per Transport (play, rec, stop, ffd, rew)

    - un display per il timecode (hh,mm,ss,ff)

    - un display (o diversi) per vedere la channel label e lo stato dei parametri mentre li si modifica...

    - compatibiltà Protools - Ableton Live

    Non avendo molte cognizioni di elettronica, ho un po' di confusione sui moduli che devo usare...

    in teoria avrei bisogno di:

    - 2 Midibox LC (8 fader motorizzati, 8 pan con ledring, solo, mute, rec, select  e display - per ognuna)

    - 1 Midibox LC (1 fader motorizzato "master", controllo dei faderbank slave, transport , display per MTC)

    e Banksticks per la compatibilità Protools - Ableton Live...


    Come posso collegare insieme i moduli CORE per avere la possibilità di comandarli dalla Midibox "master" (controllo dei fader Banks)?

    Qualcuno conosce le differenze principali tra i messaggi che vengono inviati a Protools e Live?

    Il vostro aiuto è molto gradito, se non vi rispondo è perchè sarò al manicomio ;D

    Grazie a tutti,


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