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Posts posted by srmaietta

  1. 3 hours ago, Rio said:

    Hello steve,

    Is it possible for you to make your own binary from the sources? I have written a fix for quantized live recording in the past...  you could try the code changes/snippets which it affects. Let me know if you would like to try it out.

    Oh, you mean a possibility of an exact "unquantised recording". Of course, my suggestion doesn't fit there. 



    Up for any ideas!

  2. Hello!  

    I know this has been brought up before, but I’d like to revisit the idea of “unquantized live recording”.

    currently the quantize percent basically shows how far off one can be before dropping a value in the current step/prev step.  So it’s locked to a hard step position.  I know we can up the resolution and track length to kinda sorta work within the system.  But that is not ideal for a number of reasons.

    An idea: when recording midi, if we have the delay parameter assigned on a track, and have quantize set to 0%, it will then drop the played note wherever it was played within the delay parameter resolution.

    Perhaps a new track format needs to be set up, or perhaps it is a parameter to toggle in the menu.  

    I have no idea if this is at all possible from a programming / code base perspective.  But no truly unquantized recording is one of the only missing things of our mighty Seq 4!!!!!  

    Thanks for reading!


  3. On 8/5/2021 at 4:16 AM, clddstllr said:

    Thanks, very helpful! I could have a go at a cheat sheet, that one does not exist yet for the v4+ and should be quite helpful for starting a new journey.

    Deepness is a fantastic attribute for a tool, if it can be unlocked by intuition :cheers:

    Here's a simple "cheat Sheet" I made up a while ago and keep handy.  May be a good starting point for folks.

      I add notes to it, go experiment, and then revise the cheatsheet. . 



  4. --Pushbutton of datawheel might be useful as a single bookmark shortcut.  For example, the track config page could be accessed with one push.  I may try that..  

    --Or perhaps as a tap tempo entry if you find yourself playing in a situation where tap tempo is used frequently (live band perhaps)

    --Or howabout setting the footswitch / gate input as a tap tempo source, that only "listens" when the datawheel encoder is held down.  So you could have a tempo stream coming in from other instrument or player, and whenever things change up, you hold the encoder down for a few ticks and the tap tempo would be re set...


    Would be AMAZING if somehow these things could be set on the machine itself.  



  5. I'm sure with all his involvement he could have built it in his sleep!  And probably can use it fluently in his sleep too!! 


    #44....   Have there been many more than 44 kits sold??  Maybe half sit dormant?  Took me about a year to get around to building mine. . .

  6. Andran, the layers follow the length of the track. 

    That being said you can modify things layer by layer so they dont necessarily have to be in lock step.  

    Another way to work within this structure is to set up two tracks both to the same midi channel/output of different lengths.  put note/gate info on one track, and velocity, etc info on the other.  loads of fun. This is how I work often, it leads to great sequences, uexpected results.


    The nth functions allow you to set up certain behaviors every # of bars, essentially a shortcut to longer evolving pattens... (Kinda sorta mini-song mode)

    • Thanks 1
  7. @Hawkeye    Thank you for the thoughtful replies.  It is easy to think of future wishes and add ons but at the same time forget about how it would effect everything else.  I love the Seq4+, very little I would change!  And the fact that I can get into the code and try things myself is pretty amazing.  That alone is a "feature" that very few seq's can boast.

    @flyweightIf I was looking for more humanized recordings I'd use the longer tracks with higher divisions OR the humanizer feature!  Also, you can specify your own shuffle parameters, you may find something that gives you YOUR feel..   if you could analyze how your beats groove, you may just be able to create that groove as a template and there ya go.  May be worth digging into.  At the same time, your experience and learning from building the Seq is not lost if you sell it.    You lost time, yes. I'm sure if you put it on the market it will sell pretty quickly.



    • Thanks 1
  8. Hey Michael, here's my notes on the ALL button functionality.  I have three uses on my "cheat sheet" that I grabbed from the seq 4 beginners guide. .  

    CHNG ALL JUMP:   ALL&hold -Turn the cursor step knob.  All steps will JUMP to the value of the cursor step.

    CHNG ALL RELATIVE:   ALL press & release -Turn the cursor step knob.  All steps will change but relative to their original value.

    RAMP BTWN:   ALL press & release -Turn a non-cursor step knob.  Steps btwn. the turned knob and the cursor position will align values in a smooth(er) RAMP.


    Not sure about your cursor wheel.  I know the scales can be definied somewhere on the SD card in a file and they can be used after that..


    Enjoy this BEAST of a machine..  Step by step, you'll wrap your head around it.


  9. On 12/14/2020 at 4:12 AM, Elektruck said:

    Hi all,

    I think it has been requested before but I'm not sure... I would really like to divide the clock outputs more. Now the clock can get really fast, 384 ppq, and that's great! but the lowest clock is 1 ppq. And that's still quite fast. I would like to use a clock to reset something every 64th step. But for that I have to divide the clock output through an external clock divider. It would be great to get it from the sequencer itself. Now I use a dedicated track for that but I still have 6 unused clock outputs....I hope it's possible. Cheers!

    @Elektruck, looks like there is somewhere a v4.097 OS that gives deeper divisions for clock out (CV page)!!




  10. 20 hours ago, slo said:

    On the Jam page under Live recording there is this from the manual. http://ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html
    Have not tried it yet but it looks like what you want.


    It seems that the quantize percentage is used to decide wether to put the note-on into the step it was received or the next step.  I’m guessing based on how far it is from either.

    The question (solution?) is, (for the coders) why can’t the note-on  be put where it falls based on step number plus added “delay parameter” ticks.

    not that I would use unquantized recording much!  But seems possible, and may be desirable for users..


  11. @flyweight

    I just tried some non quantized recording now. (Nope..)

    I set the track divider relatively slow so it would be easier to notice if the notes were falling on or off the beat perfectly. (Longer steps, more room for the notes to be off the grid)

    It definitely seems like unquantized recording is not possible.  I tried again after setting a parameter layer to delay which allows one to manually shift notes forward in 96th step increments. But recording, even with quantize set to zero does not actually put the notes on the exact spot they come in.  They either land in the beginning of the step that you were in when you hit the note, or the beginning of the next note. 

    The quantize percentage just controls whether or not the note will be put into the step after you actually play the note (100% quant) or before the note was received.(0% quant.   The fact that quantize mode is doing some calculations in real time based on where the note actually fell, in my mind makes it seem that it might be possible to set a number of ticks in the delay layer at the same time. This way the note would fall on the step you recorded it and have the ticks of delay set at the same time. 

    May be possible to add in the future, Hawkeye would know more about the mechanics of the code and whether or not this is feasible without a major rewrite.  Sure would be nice.  

    The workaround is to set a longer pattern with a quicker timebase. Although it’s definitely not the same thing.


  12.  Has anyone thought to implement a drum trigger grid indication on the TPD? It is a natural fit with its 8 x 16 LED display .  

     I know you can hold the instrument mode button down and see all the different tracks triggering but to have a visual grid might be really nice. My first drum machine was TR707 and the grid view lcd was nice!!!



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  13. 4+ UI question 

    when I enter mute mode, it is not easy to get back to track edit mode.

     it requires me to press either param or trigger or step to get back out of mute mode..  then I can press track to get back to basic track edit mode.

     I would expect to just be able to press track again, and go back to track editing.  am I missing something?



  14. Roy, I get the same thing,  whenever a drum track with two layers (layA and layB) has layB set to Ctrl, and I jump back to Edit mode, the question marks appear.

    Im not even sure what Ctrl is supposed to do..?  But yes, it keeps anything from being set into the pattern.  

    If layA is set to Ctrl, the question marks do not appear.

    Another interesting thing is that if you see all the questionmarks in edit mode and then go back to Menu,Evnt, the track is shown as a basic Note 16/64/8 type, even though it was initialized as a drum track earlier.



  15. Done!!!!    Cant wait to get this set into my rig!

    Amazing job by Hawkeye, Latigid, and of course TK!  Thank so much for making this beast available, it is truly an AWESOME piece of sequencing hardware!!




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