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Posts posted by tangram

  1. Fantastic work SM, really something I could use. Can't believe I didn't discover this earlier, but then again, I only ever visit when I have a problem, so it's my fault. Makes me feel I should contribute to this community more.

    I've had some annoying issues in using the MbSID in my sequencer, I belive it sends an "all controllers off" at the end of a recording, which seems to mute the MbSID, so I have to change the patch back and forth for every few bars of recording. Now I can avoid this and even automate controls!

    You're my hero of the day!

  2. Thanks for the tip, but no, doesn't seem to be them, they are fairly cool. I'm using the optimized C64 PSU design, and the power is stable and voltage high enough (also over IC socket).

    And actually, it doesn't start at all now. A selection of leds light up, top line of display is shaded (but not black).

    I have tried disconnecting DINs and DOUTs, uploading the application without control surface enabled, so it's not the serial registers. When uploading, confirm messages were returned via midi, so the PIC is alive, so is the optocoupler, even tried replacing with a new PIC. Today i'll try replacing the EEPROM.

    Thorsten, what elements are actually initialized, ie. where the PIC relies on a response, at startup?

  3. My mbSID has been up and running and working well for some time. I've used it for tens of hours without any problems. Now suddenly I have crashes, (sound locks up, panel locks up after a few seconds, but works well until then) and reboots, but most of the time it won't even start up (top row of display is shaded, no MIOS message comes up, sometimes all LEDs light up, sometimes none, sometimes a selection).

    I need some help identifying the problem. What parts can cause these issues? Since it has been working for some time, i know there are no shorts on the board themselves, the undersides are sealed off with glue on all sides, and I have checked all topside connections. Power supply delivers good and stable voltage (4.97V and 13.90V). From troubleshooting when building, i haven't experienced faulty serial registers from the DIN and DOUT modules causing issues like this. Also, the SID would not be the problem as communication is one-way. Can anyone help identify likely candidates causing these symptoms? Unstable PIC? Any tests I can perform?

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