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About VilladonEnt

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. TK, Works perfectly ;D Thanks so much One more question if you don't mind, I'm using R3 DIN and DOUT boards from smash and the pins don't seem to match up 1:1 Example: When I have a button connected to D0 on the DIN, and the LED to D0 On the DOUT, the LED connected to D4 of the DOUT Lights up Here is how they map out for me. DIN DOUT -------------- D0 >>> D4 D1 >>> D5 D2 >>> D6 D3 >>> D7 D4 >>> D3 D5 >>> D2 D6 >>> D1 D7 >>> D0 Is this an issue with my settings or is that the way to pinning is supposed to be. Thanks a bunch, VILLADON
  2. TK, Just noticed that. I'll set them to '0' and reply back if that works. Thanks, VILLADON
  3. Ok just to make sure I'm correct here, this is what I got: 4 Buttons, 2 Encs on SR2 of DIN 8 Buttons on SR3 of DIN The built in LEDs on the 4 buttons are connected to SR1 DOUT and the 8 buttons are connected to SR2 of DOUT I made these changes with no success. #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_01_08 1 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_09_16 2 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_17_24 0 The rest are set to '0' also Any Ideas? VILLADON
  4. Humm maybe thats the problem.. I'm using SR's 1 and 2 on the Dout. and my .asm file looks identical to the one you just posted. I'm sure I should change those. ;D Thanks again, I promise I'll get better.. ::) VILLADON
  5. I'm using the buttons in On/Off mode. If they use the same routines then I can't see what else I could be doing wrong. I also tried the dout inc/dec app in the troubleshooting section and that seemed to work also. Thanks again, VILLADON
  6. Dear Thorsten, I tried those settings in the MB64e ini file and i still can't get the lights to go out :-\ I was playing around all night long trying different settings in that file and still no go. Here is what I did. 1) Downloaded MB64e application and sent to my box. 2) Downloaded Mksyx and sent the MB64e ini file to my box with the settings you suggested. Since Traktor dosent send out midi msg I didn't think using the midi status received would do what I want, but I tried anyways. (But maybe I don't understand fully) I did however download the midio128 Application and i was able to push a button on my box and the light went on but then went out when i released the button. Unfortunately I don't want to use that application. I need the MB64e Application. If you can find a little extra time in your schedule to help me make some changes to the MB64e app. I would very much appreciate it. I'm getting frustrated because I don't want to continue finishing my box (Designing the rest of my boards) until I understand fully what I'm doing with the led situation. :) One mistake i know i did and have to correct, is connecting the buttons on the din with the with the same pinning on the dout. because when i used the midio128 application, I would press a button and a light from a different button lit up. Thanks again, VILLADON
  7. Thanks TK I will try this soon as i'm home from work. Just wondering though, I have 4 Buttons and 2 encoders connected to one SR will this be ok? (Also on other SR's there is a mixture of buttons and encoders) VILLADON
  8. Hello TK, Yes I have Traktor set to toggle. But I'm now trying to get the code that toggles my leds on/off when i press a button on my box. I was taking a look at the ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3 app, and was wondering if i could insert the whole USER_DIN_NotifyToggle section of that app into the MB64E app and would that solve my issue. This is why i thought maybe it can work. Thanks, VILLADON
  9. Hello again, Hey Thanks for the info on that mksyx and the ini file, I played around with that file and was able to make quick changes which i thought was pretty cool. But I still cant figure out how to turn off the leds when i hit a button. I tried what you mentioned above but no go. I have already set traktor to toggle mode on those buttons so setting toggle in the ini file makes me have to press the button one more time to actually make traktor respond to the button press. If you have any more ideas let me know. Thanks again. VILLADON
  10. Hi Gerorge, I have the MB64E application and I don't see any .ini files anywhere. I Only see .inc files. Thanks, VILLADON
  11. Hello All, Today I'm testing out a board I made for my traktor controller (MB64E) . As you can see when i plug my board into one of the SR's of the DOUT Module the lights are lit up. I only want them to light up when i press them and go out when i press them again. I searched through the main.asm file and a few other files in the MB64E application but I cant find where to set these prefrences. say I have a button connected to SR2 Pin 0 on the DIN Module what corresponding pin must I have the LED connected to on the DOUT Module? Thanks Alot, VILLADON
  12. Hi, I had a similar problem because by buttons were connected to SR1 of the DIN, which I believe are used for menu navigation. You may want to try to connect to another Shift Register and see what happens. Hope this helps. Villadon.
  13. Thanks Illogik I was almost totally confused until you edited the post :D Thanks! everything is clear now! Villadon
  14. Hello All, I've been looking around the forum for some answers but I can't find a straight forword example on Shift Registers. What I'm looking to do is assign 2 encoders to J5 of the din and 4 buttons to J7 of the same Din. I've played around with mios_tables_inc but can not get both working. here is what i changed: ;; SR Pin Mode ENC_ENTRY 2, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 1 ENC_ENTRY 2, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 2 ENC_ENTRY 2, 4, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 3 ENC_ENTRY 2, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 4 left the rest as ENC_EOT Is J5/J6 SR2? , J7/J8 SR3? , J9/J10 SR4? Thanks, Villadon
  15. Thanks drin, I'll be sure to post on the wiki after i test the first board. villadon
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