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Everything posted by fucanay

  1. That's funny. I have both an SR-16 and a Trigger Finger, though the Trigger Finger is currently for sale because I need to pay for wiring up the new console by selling some other gear. With the SR-16, I can set each of the buttons to arm a specific track in Logic? That sounds like the easiest way to go at this point as long as I can use the same button to arm and disarm tracks. I'll hook it up in a few days and try it out. Thanks for the tips guys. Matt
  2. Ok, I think it just got simpler. I am picking up a 32 channel Soundtracs console on Thursday and it has Mutes and Solos on it. I'd still like to look into a remote arming box, but I guess it would be kind of overkill to go through the trouble of building one now. I can probably find some box that already has 16 buttons to program to arm tracks. I don't know, it would still be fun to build one. Not sure. Matt
  3. Thanks Justin, Yes I am in the US. California to be specific. I will follow up on the links you gave. This is absolutely helpful and appreciated. Thanks Matt
  4. Hello everyone, This is my first post here. I've never made a midi controller before, but I know what I want to build. I want a simple mid controller box that has 16-24 channels of solo, mute and arm track buttons. I would also like to have transport controls. I plan to use this with logic, but may also make one for a friend who uses ProTools. The idea is that I could use this as a kind of tape machine remote, but for DAW recording. I would like to use led lit button to show what was engaged and what is not. Is this kind of project doable on the cheap and easy? Where would be the best place for me to start researching this? Thanks a lot for the awesome forum. Matt
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