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Posts posted by Jaicen

  1. I realise i'm bumping up a bit of an old thread, but I have a suggestion regarding the LED's.

    Why not use dual-gang pots, and connect one half as normal, and the other half as a voltage divider to alter the brightness of the LED's.


  2. It sounded OK. We just had to shut down around milking time....

    Is that because you were souring the milk? ;) Or was it the sound leaking in?

    I do have a degree in Music Technology Turuloid, as I stated earlier, which includes training in acoustics and design. That link is pretty good for a very basic and easy to build damping system, and it's the method i'd first turn to. If you check, there's also a table of absorption coefficients, which you can use to calculate problem frequencies in your room (using the handy Mode calculator on the site too!), and you can then target those specific frequencies with the design of your absorbers. Personally, I prefer to diffuse rather than absorb (especially in the upper freq's), but in very small rooms sometimes that's the only option. 

  3. My point was that they provide so little damping, it's not really worth the effort of gluing them to the damn walls!! Any thin cardboard will provide the same level of damping if fixed to the wall with a small airgap of say 25mm. Even then, the damping will only really be apparent for frequencies of above 10kHz.

  4. I wonder how many people that advocate the use of egg boxes actually have any scientific reasoning for doing so?? I don't want to sound presumptuous, but the one thing I did learn in my Music Tech degree, was that egg boxes really, really suck for any sort of sound damping or diffusion. Their coefficient of absorption is too low to be an insulator, and the're not dense enough to diffuse anything but the highest of high frequencies.

    That said, they are probably better than nothing at all on a plastered wall, but even a thin carpet would be a lot better.

    *Jaicen dismounts lofty steed...

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