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Posts posted by Sebo

  1. Hi:

    Recently I'm using more the clock output of the MIDIbox CV (firmware ver. 1.2a), and noted an anoying behaviour. My sequencer (SONAR) is sending MIDI Clock all the time (even when stopped), and MIDIbox CV y synced all the time, so is outputting Clock signal all the time, that's OK, when I hit start in my sequencer, the MIDIbox CV keeps outputting Clock, but not sync the division to the start of the sequencer. Let's say I configured the Clock of the MIDIbox to 24/12 ppqn, when I start the sequencer most times the clock is shifted from the the tempo of the sequencer. The shift could be anything between 1 ppqn and the division I set in the MIDIbox configuration (1/8 note in my example).

    How could I reset the counter in the MIDIbox CV when a MIDI start message arrives?

    Thank you.

  2. Hi:

    Some time ago I finished my MIDIbox CV, but the LCD Backlight never was very bright, the LCD is Winstar WH1602B, but the color scheme is not the same as in the Winstar site, mine is blue background with white characters. I used another one for other project and worked OK, but this one is barely readable with this dimmed out backlight.

    Finally I decided to add one or two white LEDS at each side of the LCD, and I'm wondering wich is the better way to power them. Can I simply connect the LEDS directly to the pins B- & B+ of the CORE V3 (PIC based), just in parallel with the actual backlight, and without any current limiting resistors? or is it better to connect them directly to 5V with some current limiting resistors?

    Thank you.

  3. Hi all:

    I finally did the acetone bath to some 80017a.

    I took the coat away of 3 chips using acetone and 2 of them worked OK.

    The third one, worked too, but not quite right, the VCA worked, but the VCF

    behaves strange, the resonance have little effect and the cuttoff have a non

    linear response (very weird).

    Anyway 2 of 3 is a good number.

    Now I have 5 coated working voices in my Juno, and 2 uncoated working

    voice for a total of 7, this left me with a spare voice. I will start to decoat

    the working voices one by one to prevent them from failing in the future, and if

    something goes wrong I will stop decoating and still having 6 working voices.

  4. can you tell me a good software LFO? I can't find one that does what i want ,interpolates between waveforms... OR curve fitting between given points  :P

    Well actually I don't have one that complex. I use the controller sliders of ERA and draw some basic waveforms, then if I want to somooth out the steps I use the Slew Rate of the

    MB CV or a portamento module. Sometimes I use a plugin, I can't remember the name, but

    most of the time I use the envelopes of the DAW, I simple make an empty clip of 1 or 2 bars

    then I draw a waveform with the envelope of the controller I want, then copy the clip (with

    the envelope) over and over.

  5. Yes, the MIDI jacks are on the back of the modular, as I will keep it connected always,

    I tought it will be better to left them there. Also the MIDI is chained internally to other

    module (Quantix-8).

    I built a standalone MIDIbox SID, a modular version is not im my plans for now, but...

  6. Hi:

    The MIDIbox CV is acting as an interface between my computer and the modular synth,

    so I can sequence it from my software sequencer or I can play it from any of my MIDI

    keyboards. Also I'm using the extra CV outs to send pitch wheel and controllers

    from my software sequencer and keyboard, and software generated LFOs and


    Also I'm using the clock out to trigger things (like ADSRs).

  7. Hi:

    Some weeks ago I finished my MIDIbox CV, it's working great. I used a AOUT module and powered with +15-15V without any modification.

    I have a sugestion to make: I'm unlikely going to use 8 voices with my modular, most probably between 2 and 4, and the left CV outs will be

    assigned to CC. That leaves me with 4 to 6 unused gate outs. Maybe in a future version could be implemented a sub-menu to assign those

    gate outs to something (ej: midi note on to trigger drum voices, or CC switches like portamento on/off).

    Thanks TK for this great project!!!

    Now some picture:

    MIDIbox CV Front.JPG

    MIDIbox CV Back.JPG

    Modules 1.JPG

    MIDIbox CV Front.JPG

    MIDIbox CV Back.JPG

    Modules 1.JPG

  8. Hi:

    I just finished my MIDIbox CV and is working great, I will use it to control my DIY modular.

    I used the AOUT (MAX525s) and powered it from +15-15V, also used the J5 of the CORE as gate outs.

    These outs are took directly from the PIC to the jacks without any protection, and I know that every time

    I will plug a patch it will short briefly the PIC outs to ground. I don't know if the PIC could take this stress

    or if it is better to protect the outs.

    If protection is the way to go, do you think that a 100 ohms resitor in serie with the outs is enough?

    Thank you.

  9. Thanks for the info Sebo! I was surpised to be able to follow the code in the file, given that I usually work quite a few layers of abstraction up from the processor... ;)

    Haha, great you can, I can´t. I was just trying to show how simple is to modify the original MB64, and use it to control multiple synhs,

    and still use it as a midi controller.

    By the way, I heard somebody mentioned tweaking the Juno-1, well... it can´t be done. If you want to edit a patch is OK. But if you want to control various parameters in real time while your sequencer is running, the timing becomes totally messed up.

    I usually use the MB64 for some speedy patch edit (for in deep edition I go for software, specially with the Matrix), if I

    want to tweak in realtime, sysex is too slow, so I go for CC, sadly the Juno can´t do CC so I end assigning the filter cutoff to

    aftertouch, and use the MB64 to send aftertouch messages.

    Also some parameters of the Juno can´t be controlled in full range by sysex (I think is a bug in the Juno), for example you can´t assign the maximum range of the aftertouch to the filter, you have to do it from the frontpanel.

    I knew all this before starting to build my MB64, so instead of trying to clone the PG-300 just built a flexible MIDI controller.


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