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Posts posted by pkniffer

  1. Assuming you are using a SID V2, since you want to connect 2 sid's to 1 core, did you check the connections between the core and the 2 sid's? They are not exactly the same as you can see in the optimized psu 8xsid.

    You don't have to connect S0 J2 between the 2 sid's. For the second sid you have to connect core J14 to S0 J2.

    I have done this, finally, and after having no LCD and no boot for a while, after redoing the LCD interconnect everything works.

    now only the 7805 is hot, like, can't touch it hot.

    but, everything seems to be functional.

    However, upon going into ensemble mode and trying to access the second sid, it registers only one. I connected the SO of Sid2 to J14 like required. no dice. am i missing some fundamental configuration step?

    thank you guys, i know noobs are really tiresome sometimes. but know that i am having the time of my life, great way to get over an ex-girlfriend :)))

  2. hello,

    i have added another SID module to my core. i connected it in series, same outputs from the CORE to the second SID module.

    i have two problems

    a) now neither sid plays notes, but both are on, i can hear the hum in both channels.

    b) boths SIDs are hot as fuck.

    what have i done?? do i have to configure the second SID with a different ID?


  3. OK. I have changed the lead to S0 instead of SI.

    when i load the ain64_din128_dout128 app i get on the LCD:

    AIN                                        DIN            DOUT

    crazy flashing numbers: 0          1o              1o

    i disconnected my veroboard to make sure there was no shorts. i connect only the button from the encoder.

    when i push it, nothing happens.


    i try to connect it to the other registers to see if it's the first chip, nothing.

  4. great ! thanks guys, i was wondering about that earlier... why there was SI on the other side of the header.

    the SId is connected dogily, yes, with only half a SIL. i lost the cap :))

    but, it makes sounds. it works most of the time. i've even used it at 2 shows so far !

    once it wouldn't boot!

    will try this.

    thank you so much guys for the help, i couldn't enjoy life last night.

  5. ok, i am stuck. it's sad because i thought i was totally going to solve this tonight, but i simply can't -

    i have uploaded the setup_6581.hex to my core. I am 1000% sure that the DIN4 module's 5 leads have good connection.

    i connected the button leads from my rotary encoder to J4:D6 (menu edit) and nothing happens.

    i connect it to all the other inputs, to see if i can change ANYTHING, nothing happens.

    J1:RC gives 4.99v.

    J1:SC gives 0.14v

    S0 gives 4.94-4.95

    Vd givs 4.99.

  6. So i finished the panel, at least soldering the buttons to the veroboard.

    i have all the grounds of the buttons connected, all together, as illustrated in mbhp_32buttons.pdf.

    i connected my DINX4 to my CORE. i used alligator clips to test to see if the buttons would send data, and i get nothing.

    all the resistors are in place, in the correct orientation. two slots are stuffed.

    help !

  7. Hi,

    I am about to upgrade to v2. so, in preparation, before i do anything else, i want to make the control surface.


    i bought an encoder with pushbutton from smashTV. it has 5 pins, 3 on one side and 2 on the other. how do i find the specs so i know how to connect it to the digital input of my DINX4? which pin is for the button push?


    does it matter how i order the buttons/encoder? should i put all the buttons first then the encoder?

    thanks !


    yes, thanks everyone, it was of course a simple wiring issue. i had screwed up the J1:SI din to J9:SI connection, putting it instead to J1:S0.

    cool edit function.

  8. ok a little update - the disk drive enclosure would have required some serious cutting to get it to the size i needed, so i opted for something a bit more simple:


    tomorrow i got to the store to get some mounts and some epoxy? or this JB weld business? which?

    and to cut the holes for the buttons, a dremel tool is better than a handdrill i suppose?

    cheapest place online to get one?

    thanks guys !

  9. yep


    it works somehow, miraculous;


    it's quite noisy because i made the simple power supply, wanting to make sure the damned thing worked first.

    even the bankstick works.

    the LCD can't stay where it is, so i'll cut a whole in the top (i have no idea how), and i have to shorten the whole case too, it's way too big.

    but how do i affix the pcbs/lcd to the plastic? how to make screwholes? i can't just tape them.. :)

    sounds great though !!!

  10. so i finally got a psu, and i was attempting the non-optimized psu just to test - but SmashTV's pcbs J2/J10 don't say PWM ?! what is the equivalent here?

    and, where it says "front view" for psu plug - is that front view of the psu end, or the female mount that came from the C64?


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