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About kaiki

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. the FT232R i think will easily work at 31250 baud, it has very versatile settings to change baud rates, i did a quick calculation based on their datasheet and it seems to be okay. okay so we have the FT232R converting the TTL levels to USB okay, now if I understand correctly the computer has to recognize it as a MIDI port?? (actually I don't care if its windows or linux) can't the software (things like jazz++ or whatever else works with midi) recognise just streams of data as midi, or does there need to be other data as well (special headers/footers) won't it work if the USB device gets a virtual COM port on the computer and all the application sees is a stream of serial data (that happens to be midi?)
  2. I want to build a 'SIMPLE' Midi out to USB cable? so just a single midi out from a keyboard into the computer. i've seen the mbhp_usb module, but it seems to be overkill for what I need. So my question is: is it possible to make such a circuit simply using the FT232{R,B}? i'm guessing it should look like this : MIDI out -> optoisolator ->(isolated 5V) -> FT232B to usb (computer). I know I can get the data into the FT232 but from there on how would the computer recognise it as a MIDI device?
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