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Posts posted by Geerinckx

  1. TK,

    Pulling up RA4 solved the hang up problem.

    But than i getting a lot of random not midi like data in midi studio.

    I've changed the UART settings to:

    MIOS32_UART_BaudrateSet(0, 38400);

    know I've got normal midi transfers.

    pot's are working, but a lot of sjitter. but this can be a power supply issue. I check Thad out a soon as possible.

    But my touch sensors won't work. non of them. But i don't have anny pulse train on J14

    I'm using Midibox64 project.

    Anny thoughts about Thad?



  2. TK,

    I don't really know whats happening in the PIC, I know the pic works in an older midibox (using pre-made pcb's from SmashTV).

    This is on my own pcb, i dubbel checked every connection. I only can see if the pic is alive by meassuring the the clock or LD signals on the 74hc165.

    The first 10 seconds I've get puls trains after thad it just stops.

    I test the transfers before and after its "crash",

    The settings I've made in the LPC are correct?

    Do I have to test UART0 or UART1 in my recieve midi package function? It's kind of confusing when reading the MIOS32_MIDI functions....

    I've made the midi connection to port p2.0 & p2.1




  3. Hi All,

    I'm working on a big project with a LPC core controlling several LCD's Buttons,Led's.

    LPC17 core's can't control touch sensors so I have a PIC 18F in slave.

    I've connected Tx(25) pin from the PIC to J11 MI1 P2.1 from the LPC.

    I've made a copy from a pic (Old MIDIBox64 Project but still running 100% OK) with the PIC burner

    The Midibox64 project has been configured for the MIDIbox - to - com link.

    In the extern "C" void APP_Init(void)

    I've set these lines:

    MIOS32_UART_BaudrateSet(1, 38400);


    But nothing works, On midistudio I get an debug message from the midi receive handler(LPC) ==> Timeout on port 0x20

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong..

    Also when i measure with a scope on pin 1 from the 74hc165 from the first touch sensors. i've get pulses for the first 5 a 10 seconds after thad noting.

    Ive tested the pic in the old Midibox 64 project and thad works fine.

    I'm stuck,

    Anybody an Idea?



  4. Found my point to the right direction....

    Enable line is a select line and a kind of a clock line.

    So, clamping it to ground or vss wouldn't do the trick.

    A multiplexer is answer to my question i guess.

    To-morrow i will test it with a 1 to 8 multiplexer.



  5. Still got a problem,

    The first LCD works perfect, but whene i connect the Enable line to 1 of the J10 pins. the LCD does nothing...

    Does not init at startup.

    At initialisation off te application, I set all J10 pint as output open drain.

    Even whene i don't connect the E line to annything (pull up connected) the LCD won't init at start up. (E line should be high)

    Am I missing something?

    At de datasheet for the LCD, the E line is a puls train. Right now i dano't have a scope with me to check what the E line off J15A/J15B does.

    But i thought, whenever you wonna write to a LCD, the E pin off thad LCD was just high(+5V) the entire time.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?



  6. Ah,

    Okeey TK, for now i wil just put all J10 outputs in open drain mode, and use external pull-up to 5v.

    I think all E lines are anabled at start up, so all displays wil get the same correct initialisation. Correct?

    and after init, i just set/reset the correct J10 pin before any Lcd_print command

    I'm still a bit confused with the following tutorial:

    u8 pin = (midi_package.note - MIDI_STARTNOTE)
    & 0x7f

    // turn on LED

    MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(pin, 1);

    What does the "& 0x7f" ???

    Maybe silly question...

    But Isn't it, if I set: MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet( 0 , 1 );

    Thad the first LED will light up?



    ps: TK do you mind giving me access to the programmer lounge. maybe i can do there some good idea's.

  7. Hi All

    After reading reading reading I've started a new midiBox project.

    I already own a midiBox128 and a midiBox64 project for controlling lighting software.

    But now I've started a LPC17 project to replace the old 1 with 8+ LCD's.

    Everything is running, code for Din & Dout is ready.

    For now I'm testing with 1 LCD but the plan is to have 8 or more LCD running under Mios32.

    I can't find where i can modify the lcd_device_set code

    I would like to have it like this:

    LCD_1 E-pin ---> I take from J15A

    LCD_2 E-pin ---> I take from J15B

    LCD_3 E-pin ---> I would like to have on J10.D0

    LCD_4 E-pin ---> I would like to have on J10.D1

    and so on....

    Where do i modify this? I should think in Mios32_Board? But I can't find it.

    Can someone point me in de right direction?

    Ps Big thx again to TK and his team for this wonderful new project.



  8. Me Back again!

    Ive been Reading, reading, reading......

    But still no idea how i can modify MB64e or MB64 to reconize 128 buttons but still have te opportunity to do this with different banks...

    Annybody an idee???????



    ps I'l post some pic's soon of the cores with the dins and ains.....

  9. Hi Goldie_pl

    Yes!! ;) Now it works :-*, Reinstalled Perl on de default dir "C:" and now i can execute the script! Thank You Verry Much ;D :D

    Anybody a idee, about modifying MB64 to reconize 128 DIN's and stil have the Bank possibility?

    Or may i better use MB64e:?

    In priniciple 128 digital inputs are available, every button allocates one input, every rotary encoder allocates 2 inputs.....



  10. Hi Tk,

    Thx for the quick reply!

    What is "s/Perl/site/lib"?

    Not a Clue what it is!

    Which perl version are you using?

    I followd the instructions in the README file:

    o DOS/Windows Users should install ActivePerl, which is available at the

        following site:


        Get the .msi package and follow the installation instructions

        (Win98 users have to install the Microsoft Windows Install 1.1+,


        To start the script just open a command window and type (i.e.)

            perl mk_midio128_syx.pl midio128.ini

            -> the resulting syx file is named "midio128.syx"

    The Perl virsion =

    Is MB64 easy to modify to be enable to reconize 128 DIN's?

    I only need 192 DIN's and 64 AIN's I have 2 cores, 6 DIN's, 2AIN's & LTC module

    It would be great if i can add 4 more banks/desk's to it so i can control 768 Digital parameters!



  11. Hi guy's

    Still buzzy on my midi box! Ill drop some pic's soon but i have still some questions

    1) Can I use a bankstick with MidiBox 128??

    2) When i wonna connect a Midibox 64 & a midibox 128 to an LTC module i have to use the MidiBox Link! But where can i adjust this in de assamber files?

    3) i Still can't convert a ini file to a sysex file i follow al the instructions but i always get an error:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Gert Geerinckx\Bureaublad\pic18f>perl mk_syx.pl midibo


    Bareword found where operator expected at mk_syx.pl line 0, near "s/Perl/site/li


    syntax error at mk_syx.pl line 0, near "'E:/Programma's/Perl/site/"

    Bad name after pl'.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Gert Geerinckx\Bureaublad\pic18f>

    What am i doing wrong?

    4) When i'm using different banks i can assign the same button to different Midi notes. Am I correct??



  12. Hi

    tactile switches arent fast enough! I'm an Lj but i don't use the internal chasers of the software for shutting the lamps i always do it manually! becaus its more acurate!

    So i switch every 1/4 of a beat in song from switch

    i know it sounds stupid and manny Lj don't do it this way but they rely on the internal chasers

    the flashes of a strobe have to be done manually to be acurate



    In the club i work we use this table:http://www.avl.be/dutch/enigma.htm

    Its works verry fast for live sets!!

  13. Hi guy's

    Thx for all the reply's

    i did experimented with the QT160! but i cant touch 2 buttons at the same time!

    and the respons time is to slow! maybe a 20MHz istead of a 10MHz will do the trick! I used 33µF capps for the inputs but i think de cap doesn't affects the speed of it it just changes the sensetivity! correct me if i'm wrong :-X ??? ;D

    I tested everything with buttons and everything works fine!

    10K pull-ups are gone to!

    I do think Touch Sensors are sepported in MB64 becaus you can adjust the sensetivity in the main asm file and in the sysex editor for the MB64

    I will search for a bad grounding, but i think i gonna find nothing i tripple checked everything, but ones again doesn't harms annybody 8) ::)

    Yes i think i gonne search for an other solution if this doesnt works

    X-mass greeting


  14. Yes exactly the same!

    I only connected 2 sensors the others to the ground of thad 74hc165

    Or is thad maybe a mistake??

    I'm using MB64

    I pretty sure J14 is supported

    when i disconect J14 is gives all random information...........



    ps: thx for your time en help

  15. ltc not connected:

    when i dont do a thing it stays at 127

    When i touch it is changes from 0,127,0,127...........

    When i clamp myself to the 0V it stays at 127

    When i connect the ltc:

    dont' touch it stays 127

    when i touch it, it also stays at 127

    also with skin connected to 0V it stays 127

    Jah i knew what you mentiont

    But everything else works! alls DIN's & AIN's

    so i disconected the stuffed module en connected only the module with 1 74hc165

    but nothing is different

    i don't use an optocoupler becaus i use an LTC module



  16. Hi audiocommander

    Nope nothing changes! stil 0,127,0,127.....

    en when i connect myself to the 0V it stays at 127



    ps: I connected the input of the other 3 schift registers with a wire to the output

          Is this correct? or should it be resistors?

  17. Hi SLP

    No i just wonne have a DIN to trigger some buttons on my pc!

    i'm a light jocky in a club and i wonna replace the old controller to a pc based controller! but without a hardware solution it is not possible!

    So i use the touch sensors for really quick flashes en shutters for the pars, strobe

    scans, & movingheads!



  18. Hi Doc

    The LTC modules is for connection to the Pc with the rs232 port!

    The behavior of the other stuf is normal! pot's all work buttons to!

    But i was thinking, for the testing purpose i only stuffed 1 * 74hc165

    of thad DIN, the other DIN (MIDIBOX 64) is fully stufed

    I connected the serial input to the serial output with a wire! of the not stuffed 74hc165 but it is in the end of the row:

    ______              _______________              ____________________________

    | Core | -------> | DIN full stuffed | -------> |DIN first 74hc165 stuffed others|

    --------            ------------------            | Connected true with a wire!    |


    Is thad maybe the problem?

    X-mass greetings To all midi-boxers


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