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Posts posted by chuck

  1. Sounds like a great idea, with just one small caveat.

    In some places you cannot just walk into a shop and buy some syringe needles - they look at you sort of sideways as if you are going to use them for something other than desoldering !   Know what I mean ?  ::)   

    Over here we need a doctor's prescription to get them - like people with diabetes, etc.

    Any ideas for another source of supply ?  ???   

    Otherwise - a very usesull tip. I've been building electronics projects for about 40 years and never though of it before.  :-[

    you can get needles and syringes on ebay.

  2. If you go to the top right corner of the page and hit the England flag it will be in English.

    But shipping to the states is rather high.  I bought two with a bunch of key caps.

    Plus the Euro rate suck right now.

    I think I paid around 114 euros...  Thats $154.  $60 was shipping.

  3. I search and couldn't find this anywhere.

    I also searched the internet for hour today and only got close.

    What I'm looking for is a switch assembly, to control cursor movement.

    With Left, Right, Up and down arrows and a Enter button in the center.

    I'd like to mount it next to the LCD, so I can make selections off a menu on the LCD.

    Has anyone seen such an assembly or am I going to have to make my own with five tactile switches?

    Extra buttons would be ok.

  4. I'm a little confused, I was hoping someone could clear something up.

    When I look at the DOUT pinout chart at http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=din_dout_pintable the pins on the registers are backwards from what I get in reality.

    For example, I have an LED on register 4, pin D6.

    The chart shows this should be pin 30 hex number 0x1e

    But to turn this pin on, I need to use pin 25, hex number 0x19.

    This is exactly backwards.

    What could I be doing wrong?

    Is it possible that I installed a component backwards, such as the crystal?



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