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About dext3r

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. I wired up the E1 and O1 buttons to test the modulation matrix. When I hit them, the LEDs go crazy and start animating up and down. Is this correct? Thanks.
  2. I didn't realize that Mandolane driver expired until I tried uploading the LED matrix test app at 4AM. I was just gonna pay the fee, but it said it could take like 3 days to come and I *really* wanted to test it, hehe. So, I found the mmj driver but it didnt work AT ALL for me. Could not upload anything, would just hang. Then I had to boot into Windows :( The point of my story is that mmj does not work for me.
  3. I haven't posted on this in awhile because I was waiting for the dudes at monome.org to release their keypad kit. (yeah, its expensive for some buttons, but dangit i think it looks awesome) i'm going to be using the 8x8 keypad layout for the modulation matrix, which means i'll have that extra row for Volume. must apologize for the image quality, i really need something else besides a phonecam... :'( Sizewise, its about the height of the C64 breadbox. Ordering the rest of the DIN and DOUT boards from smash tonight...yay finally.
  4. oh, i know. thank you. :)
  5. ooo, that might throw a wrench into my button layout plan... hmm.
  6. stryd: google will host it. pics of the dial/encoder: Wilba, i bought it like that :( Kinda lame, but wasn't really planning on using the breadbox as a case anyways. BTW, i'm CADing out my front panel, and i was wondering if you knew anything off the top of your head that I should add because of V2. CC/Link button changed or something, right?
  7. I bought an old Gateway EV700 monitor at the thrift store for $4.35. Why? It has an encoder w/switch and a nice flat dial. For $4! Just needs a little cleaning and some black vinyl dye to look nice. Didn't spot any C64 though, lol :(
  8. thought i'd just make a build log thread because i think they are fun. if not cool then just let me know and i will delete it or something :) Current Setup: 1x Core Module 1x SID Module (6581) 1x Crystalfontz 20x2 LCD I bought a C64-C hoping it had an 8580, but it had a 6581 R4. Current Partslist: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pffq4SAkAbNYbmf6I5dkbTQ Images:
  9. not meant to be good or anything, sorry if u dont like :( http://www.dext3r.net/garbage/polygarbage.mp3
  10. And also, I will need 3 DINX4 modules for a full control surface, correct? thanks
  11. something else came up: i was messing around and just hitting a continual stream of notes, and the SID output just kept getting quieter and quieter until inaudible. when i stopped, waited a second, and played a note, volume was back to normal. is that due to the default patch settings or is my SID bad?
  12. Thanks for the response. I will eventually be getting a couple banksticks (along with more parts to finish the project off), but i wanted to experiment with some sounds in the meantime. D'oh.
  13. Great project! im psyched, only took a couple hours and had both core and SID boards populated and ready to go. I wanted to build just the minimum before building the additional LCD/control surface parts. Good news is that my SID receives and plays notes without a hitch. But I have a question. Do I absolutely need a Bankstick to modify the default tone? I was assuming that I would be able to modify the default settings and that the Bankstick was just to store multiple settings. I tried to change the settings via jsynth but it didnt seem to work. can i mess with stuff without having a bankstick? thanks for your help. :)
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