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About jrkirkish

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Alright, I've built my second core, and now this one doesn't work. I'm just going to go through the MIDI troubleshooting guide and tell you guys my results for each test. At the bottom are pics of my core. First off, I'll describe my current situation. I put a SMASH CORE module together, and power it up. The LCD displays the top row of solid blocks for a second or so, and then goes blank. I am not trasmitting any MIDI. I even tried the LED in the MIDI out port trick. I am at an impasse. Now, for the diagnosis: Measuring the Vdd at the points listed in the CORE midi troubleshooting guide leaves me with 7.6-something volts. Not five. Measuring ground as per the same guide leaves me with 13-something volts. That's really high. I checked all the pins as stated in the CORE building guide before installing the ICs. Well, that's it except for a Quick question: My pic, from SmashTV is already burned with MIOS, right? I don't have to upload MIOS, right?
  2. bump, cause I'd like to know how this project is going.
  3. Any chance of getting some pics of the guts? Especially the control panel/LCD. I am planning a 1/2 space 1 U rack MBSID. Step A, and would like to see how you have everything wired.
  4. And has anyone ever heard of an interface that does? I tried uploading MIOS back into my interface (lexicon Omega) using the loopback trick. I sent the .hex file manually, to force it. Now I opened up the IN and OUT midi monitors. I saw the hex file being transmitted, but did not see it being recieved. So does my unit filter sysex messages? Have you ever even heard of such a thing? And I also have an M-audio oxygen 8 keyboard controller that has a USB with midi out. No midi in. could I use this to transmit and upload MIOS?
  5. no, nothing. And I know it's not my computer because I tried the LED thing on the MIDI out port on the board.... it doesn't light up. I was looking at some other threads where people were having problems and I saw this: Compaired to this guys CORE, my C1 and C2 are transposed with C7 and C8. Could that be the problem?
  6. I don't believe it. I managed to screw up counting the pins AGAIN. But this time I've got it right. I have 5 V on pins 1-12, 11-12, and 31-32. Everything's golden there. I looked at this: http://www.ucapps.de/howtodebug/mbhp_core_extract_measuring_vdd.gif, and everything is good except for pin 25. that reads about half a volt. I also checked this: http://www.ucapps.de/howtodebug/mbhp_core_extract_measuring_gnd.gif and everthing seems alright. I'm just hoping somebody can look at my scans and say, "Well there's your problem" Thanks for the help, and yes, I too am surprized that I was able to put this together with such little knowledge...
  7. Even better than photos - I have a scanner!
  8. alright. I have infinite resistance between 31/12 and 32/11. This is not good.... maybe I should just order another CORE kit.... sigh...
  9. Wow, I'm a dumbass. I was counting the pins from the wrong corner. ::) But now I've got a similar problem: Pins 31 and 32 only read 11mV. All the other readings (taking into account that I'm now measuring the right pins) are good.
  10. I've found a replacement for mandolane. It's free, too! http://www.humatic.de/htools/mmj.htm works like a charm, for all you mac guys.
  11. Pins 1 and 12 on IC 1 don't give me 5v. it's more like 250mV. I tried IC1-pin 12 to ground, and that gives me the same 250mV. I don't get it. Everything seems like it's soldered well, it's just that it's not working. Grrrr. And as an aside, my IC3 is getting really warm. Really warm. is that normal?
  12. This is exactly why I have a 500 MHz Celeron windows boxen sitting around, I guess... Thanks.
  13. Alright, I just built my CORE and wired the LCD in. I'm powering it with a 9 v wall wart. Everything seems to look alright, but.... When I open MIOS studio, and try and set up the MIDI device routing, I cant. I highlight the in on my midi interface, and the MIOS studio in port and press connect. Nothing happens. Well, it actually says that I'm running an unlicensed version of MIOS studio. I thought this thing was open source?!? I can't uplode MIOS because I can't get my interface and CORE talking to each other. Now what do I do?
  14. That's awesome. Blown away. Now just to make everything ergonomic in the user-interface department.
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