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Doug Wellington

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About Doug Wellington

  • Birthday 04/05/1959

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    Tucson, AZ, USA

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MIDIbox Tweaker

MIDIbox Tweaker (3/4)



  1. Can't promise how much I'll check in here, but I got an email about the latest posts and thought this was an obvious place to put an update. I don't own the eight-oh-eight.org domain. I don't have a login there any more, so I can't even put in my charge card info like I did last time. I don't have a phone number for Moogah, I only have email and mailing addresses. I sent an email as soon as I realized the site was down, but haven't heard back. I think I have copies of the files from the site, so as I have time, I will upload them to the midiboxaddict.com site. I own that domain and I pay for that hosting. On a personal note, my son has cleaned up his act and is now away attending a two year college. My daughter has dropped out of University and is in a twelve step program, so I have been able to step back from that as well. I am almost completely recovered from my last surgery and I can walk and ride a bike again. (I need to ride the bike 40 minutes every day for my heart, and along with the beta blockers, my blood pressure is now usually below 140/90, not ideal, but better than the 170/105 I had before, and the migraines are gone.) I hope we're done with the deaths in the family (most recent one was last month) for a while, and I am now working on a different contract at work, so I'm not travelling 50% of the time like I used to. I will have to travel next month (March) for one week and then I have only one more business trip for a week some time later in the year. I know it has been a long time, but things are looking up and I will get out from under the backlog. I'm not trying to be rude, but please don't waste your and my time by complaining about things, I don't have time to deal with it. If it makes you feel better, you may indeed call me any name you wish. If you're truly not happy, please send me an email at my midiboxaddict dot com address and ask for a refund. It may take me a while, but you'll get it if you ask for it. Otherwise I promise you'll get a kit some time this year. Regards, Doug
  2. Are you still making MB-6582 Panels? I realize that this post is quite old, but myself and a friend are both making a midibox. any info is greatly appreciated.

  3. OK, guys, the http://www.eight-oh-eight.org web site is down. Please don't panic! I'll get with Jeff and sort it out...
  4. Ah, glad I set up that topic watching thing. Paul, thanks for giving me the title of your email, it's the way I figured out who you are. I had no record of "classifiedmaterial" anywhere in my database or in a paypal search. (You were listed as flashgordon.) Paypal says you're not registered with them at the live.com address, but I sent the refund anyway... Are we sorted now? Regards, Doug
  5. Thanks for that. I have now set up an immediate notification for replies to this topic. Of course, I was just informed that I'm being sent on a business trip, so I won't be able to reply to anything until next Thursday. Sorry about that... Exactly. Please, please, contact me directly. I don't know whether you guys are afraid of me or what, but I am *amazed* at how few people have actually contacted me directly compared to the grumbling I keep hearing rumors of. I and I alone am to blame for all delays in this project. If you really don't trust me and are afraid it won't ever happen, then please contact me and I will refund your deposit. (NOTE: I'll be on travel until at least next Thursday, August 11, so please be patient until I get back.) Regards, Doug
  6. P.S. I managed to extract all the posts from the eight-oh-eight forum and I'm in the process of going through everything and updating the build docs. In the meantime, for people with batch 1 or 2 boards, the instructions are at: http://www.eight-oh-eight.org/Assembly/ Regards, Doug
  7. Hiya Kreeper, I'm sorry, I can't help you with batch 1 or batch 2 boards, they were done a long time ago by Moogah. I'm building a prototype of the batch 3 board (second batch of prototypes, the first batch had too many errors to turn into a final design) and as soon as that's done, I'll order the batch of final boards. Once I ship kits to everyone who gave me a deposit, then I will work on the waiting list. As always, it's best to contact me at doug at midibox addict dot com. The only way I knew about this post was that SmashTV pointed it out to me in the chat. (Thanks Smash!) Regards, Doug
  8. Thanks to Nils for pointing this thread out to me. I don't get a chance to login to forums much any more. The best place to get information at the moment is at the http://www.eight-oh-eight.org web page, or even better, you can email me directly. I also stay logged into the MIDIbox chat room when I'm available... I got a chance to assemble one of the prototype boards. This was a good thing, because I found some bad things with the board. I was able to fix the design and I'm now waiting for next batch of boards. I think they will be the same as the final batch. I will build one of these as soon as they get here. If it works, I'll be able to ship the rest of them (there are a total of five, so I'll have four to ship) and then I'll place the order for the main batch of boards. As I said, I haven't had time to login to forums, so if you have a problem with me or this project, I won't know if you don't email me. My address is doug at midibox addict dot com... Regards, Doug
  9. I assume you got the email I sent out this morning? I had to download my paypal history to get the email addresses. It took me an hour and a half to do that, including the call I had to make to paypal tech support. Then of course, my email provider flagged the message as spam because I exceeded the number of recipients they allow. Sheesh! Heehee... Regards, Doug
  10. For anyone who's keeping track, the eight-oh-eight.org domain name won't actually expire until 2012. The site is shut down because the hosting payment didn't go through last month. If I don't hear from Moogah by Friday, I'll pay the fee myself... Regards, Doug
  11. Yeah, I understand! The plug got pulled on me too, if you take my meaning... Yes, thanks, I'm on it... /me adds one more thing to the list... :frantics:
  12. Wowsers... Sorry guys, I don't own the domain - that's up to moogah to take care of. Maybe I'll talk to him about transferring it to me so I can take all the blame... I try to hang out in the MIDIbox chat every weekday 9AM-6PM U.S. time. As far as I know, my email address doug at midibox addict dot com is completely functional. If you have trouble contacting me via email, please join me in the chat and tell me what error message(s) you have... As I posted on the web site, the last of the parts are on their way finally, and believe me!, I want to get this thing out of here as much as or more than you want to receive it!!! Regards, Doug EDIT: nILS has a good point, let's stick to one IRC Chat channel... See you on #midibox!
  13. Wowsers, sorry man, I thought you had been getting my emails!!! The first package got lost, but they actually paid me the insurance money. I was all set to send a new package, but my father-in-law died, so I got side-tracked with that. I have another set of faders ready to send to you. I hope to take care of that between Christmas and New Years day... Please, don't hesitate to send me email - doug at midibox addict dot com, and I try to hang out in the chat room as much as possible... Doug
  14. Update: today my father-in-law got his third dose of chemotherapy. He seems to be responding well, but is very tired. I am currently on a business trip. I will be back home Friday afternoon, so I will reply to PMs this weekend...
  15. Hi everybody, Unfortunately, my father-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago, and then I was sent on a business trip for work. (I am thankful to have a job with good health insurance...) It seems like one of the packages may be lost, so I need to keep some faders in case I have to send another batch, but there are still some left after that. I will be back home this weekend, and will reply to PMs then... Regards, Doug
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