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Posts posted by lucem

  1. Zu Luftlinien:
    Ratsnest ist ja auch nicht zum Verbinden von Signalen da. Der Befehl sucht lediglich die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen Traces und/oder Pads.

    Verlegen muss man die dann noch von Hand bzw Vias setzen, wo angezeigt.

  2. Vielleicht ja nach ner kurzen Zeit Abstand von dem Gerät weitermachen.

    DIY ist leider manchmal frustrierend, aber es gibt genug Leute hier, die dir dabei gerne helfen, die Klippen sauber zu umschiffen :)

    • Like 1
  3. Wobei zu bedenken bleibt, dass Platinenfläche (variabel) im Gegensatz zu Einrichtungskosten (fix) im Vergleich günstig ist bei der Leiterplattenherstellung.

    Ich würde mal ausprobieren wollen, wie sich die Platine verkleinern lässt, wenn man die SMD-ICs beidseitig (versetzt) bestückt.

    Leider würde ich da heute nicht mehr zu kommen, da ein Testlayout zu bauen, sonst würde ich das selbst machen, aber vor morgen Abend keine Chance.

    Wenn bis dahin noch kein Layout im Thread zu sehen ist werd ich mich da mal selbst dran machen.

  4. Vom Prinzip her wird sich sicherlich jemand finden.

    Da allerdings mein eigener PIC-Brenner gerade irgendwo in einer Kiste rumgammelt, würde ich bevor ich mich selbst dafür anbiete erstmal schaun, ob sich noch jemand meldet.

  5. This community is all about the DIY spirit and freedom from commercial background.

    The thing is, it's not that most people around here would totally dislike commercial activity -

    the requirement is, that this activity benefits the community and not just makes money from other people's work.

    The two sanctioned places to sell midibox hardware are run exactly to provide that.

    People sticking around long enough have seen people trying to do somethin commercial, or doing unsanctioned knock-offs,

    come and go, and I can't remember one of them leaving a good impression. This is why people coming in talking about

    commercial ideas in their first posts are usually not well received...

    It's not about "buy a premade board" - it about "build your box".

    If you can design your own boards, make them and run them all the way through, do so - for yourself,

    or even people in the community that may use them (ultra's ultracore is a prominent example of that).

    Just note that in order to sell these designs, if they incorporate anything of the midibox platform,

    like in implementation of board schematics, or software delivered with it, it needs sacntioning by the copyright

    owner (which would be TK). Anything done for the community and openly done in the community, like making

    a batch of boards and sharing the cost with other people, is usually fine.

    The premade boards are for the people that don't want to make their own ones, or can't.

    They're not a requirement per se.

    Regarding commercial or semi-commercial activity in the community, there are good examples around of things

    that are possible and can work out. Anything offered that doesn't touch other peoples copyright material

    is your own decision to do, e.g. if you come up with a new module for a new application, that's your design

    and your copyright, and you are free to do with that how you like.

    However, people in this community like stuff free as in freedom, and some as in beer.

    This means that anything that's closed up will unlikely be very successful.

  6. Did you wire up four or eight data lines to the lcd?

    In 4 bit mode, if you wire up the additional lines D4..D7, this can introduce an error condition.

    So, if you did wire those up, remove them and leave them open.

  7. Wasn't I really cautious when writing about this?

    I did my best to not sound like I was blaming someone for anything, I just expressed disappointment.

    When i got around to reading the questions you sent, I was already informed that it was out for offer;

    I'm sorry that it might not occur to you that over holidays, people maybe have other things to do than spend much time online.

    The sound difference in the different kinds of chips is drastic, and I think I made it very clear that there are different chips in this box.

    The 6581 just is way more agressive and "distortive" than the 6582/8580 models; I guess you only tried to send to MIDI channel 1, right?

    Anyway, I did not try to blame anyone for anything or "give names"; I was merely upset about the fact that it obviously didn't take you much time

    to contradict the impression you gave about wanting to have the box, and the fact that the tag on it was increased a lot

    (which is not to be taken that lightly). I did not guess about reasons or say you wanted quick money.

    So, please, do not blame me for stating my disappointment; that is certainly your right.

    With the things you said about the box, that's teh first time I hear about that; could you be more specific?

    I did the best to my knowledge to package it in a way that would prevent it from being harmed, so if there is anything that happened along the way,

    I would have liked to know that. The fact you didn't write about that, but only asked sound questions, suggests to me that this was not as serious as

    you present it here; and frankly said, we all know how rough the post people treat packages, which is why I stuffed it as good as possible before sending it off.

  8. I'm a bit puzzled that the guy who bought the box is now offering it on the sequencer.de forums...

    It obviously took him only a few days to go on and decide to sell it again, despite communication

    suggesting that he really was looking forward to having it.

    Well, so much for me on this; I was made aware of it by another forum reader and thought I'd

    say my two sentences about it.

    Due to the fact that he now wants 200 € more than I took, that's a possible licence violation

    and I consider discussing that in private with TK to see about that; one can obviously never fully

    prevent such things to happen, but in case I decide to sell anything midibox related, and be it spare sparts,

    in the future, I guess I'll only do that to trusted people I personally know or that have a well-known reputation.

    I can only encourage everyone else considering sales to do the same.

  9. When I set up the guide you referenced, I noticed that on Vista (and this should be valid for 7, too), things didn't work out well due to the non-conforming mingw suite; I don't know for sure if this has been fixed now.

    The easy solution would be to set up a virtual machine running XP and doing the compilation there.

    (If you have a valid XP licence around, of course)

    Otherwise, you could help yourself by using eclipse and setting up the paths there - that should usually work,

    but it's a bit of a hassle to set it up for the first time.

  10. 1. Die Frage der verwendeten IDE hat nichts mit der verwendeten Programmiersprache oder Kenntnissen darin zu tun.

    2. mios32 ist derzeit nur über subversion verfügbar.

    3. Niemand kann Support für Entwicklungsumgebungen leisten, mit denen er keine Erfahrung hat.

    Wenn du auf deinem Keil-Compiler bestehst, wirst du wohl die notwendige Arbeit dafür selbst leisten müssen.

    Da es mir aber mehr so scheint, als bestünde das Problem in der Ablehnung des Lesens der zitierten Informationen,

    muss ich mich in meiner weiteren Einschätzung nILS anschließen - welche Motivation sollte irgendjemand haben,

    dir zu helfen, wenn du nicht mal 10 Minuten Zeit investieren willst, um das, was man dir hinlegt auch zu lesen?

  11. Hi,

    den referenzierten Guide zur Einrichtung der Entwicklungsumgebung habe ich mit geschrieben, also falls da Fragen zu übrig bleiben mir ne pm schicken.

    Das Entwicklungssystem für Core32-Anwendungen unterscheidet sich sehr wesentlich von der für PIC-basierte Anwendungen.

    Unter anderem ist es so, dass Betriebssystem, Toolbibliothek und Userapplikation als ein monolithischer Block compiliert werden, weswegen es nicht ausreicht

    nur Header einzubinden, sondern es notwendig ist, auch die Implementierung verfügbar zu haben.

    Am einfachsten ist es, zunächst einmal den source tree aus dem subversion repository auszuchecken und sich die generelle Struktur anzuschauen,

    insbesondere die dort enthaltenen Applikationen. Praktisch die gesamte Dokumentation zum API für das Core32-System befindet sich im Quellcode

    und in einer Reihe von Beispielprojekten im source tree.



  12. Aw, please.... come on!

    In fact a wellknown musicsoftware developer just had a huge webserver breakdown because of a recent update. 80% of the followers began bitching about Windows platform... until the dev himself responded that the webserver actually is running Linux!!111

    My guess is, that if ppl had better understanding about computers, they wouldn't get into problems that often.. and that's a general statement, regardless of OS, hardware, everything. I can't build a house f.ex... but that doesn't mean that i should think 'bricks are bad' :D

    Anyways, this thread is about recording equipment, and i use computers for recording all the time. In fact a lot of huge studios uses computers too, to make multimilliondollar hits. Tons of worldtouring international artists has half the stage full of computer rigs - I'm sure they would use hardware-only if it yielded better results :)

    Sorry for derailing the debate :flowers: back to soundcards and mixers

    Hehe, well, I was merely pointing at the fact that forced reboots for forced updates out of the user's control are a bad thing and shouldn't happen at all.

    Updates can always go wrong, on every OS. The thing is, with Windows, I have to dig deep in order to keep it from auto-updating in the mid of doing important work.

    Show me any Linux or OS X or other Unix that does that? They nicely ask if you want to update right now, if anything. The whole process is under your control.

    Now back to mixers and interfaces :)

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