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About SaMSeMiLia

  • Birthday 09/13/1981

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  • Location
    Germany / Saarland

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. ***Samy hangs his head in shame, too ::)*** Damn....after a short search i´ve found a few Threats about this. I´ve just searched for the value 6,8nF (its 6800J, not 5800J) & 22nF and i had success. They recommend the 22nF Caps instead of the 6,8nF because 22nF will give a better frequency range with less stepping at the low end. ...so we will order these... Thank u for the help everybody...
  2. ...meine Lunge sieht vom ganzen Rauch schon aus wie ne Rosine ...und durch die Nonstop Routine ...die Augen Rot wie Rubine... ;) Now i understand. :o Thx for the links... But i can´t understand why the People from http://www.avishowtech.com sent us 2x 5800pF StyroflexCaps instead of 22uF StyroflexCaps with the SID Kit ... The 470J's are the right ones for the SID 6581, but it cannot use the 5800J's for the SID 8580, right?! So we have to order the right ones i guess....
  3. Hehe...first of all i want to thank you for the very fast replys. By the Way...my Nick is lent from a german rapper. His Name is Sam. And "Sinsemilla" means Weed without Seeds. Yes i already know about the voltage differences and about the different filter caps, too. By the way...we were suprised by these strange Styroflex Caps which are used for this. We've bought the SID Module Kit from http://www.avishowtech.com and there are 2 types of Styroflex caps. But we have not a glue which we should use, cause we cant figure out which value in Farat they have. There are two Values in Joule? & Volt (5800J / 50V) & on the other (470J 50V) ,but no Value in Farat. How can i convert or even read this? I can guess that the 470J is the one with 470pF, but i want to be sure. Best regards, Samy
  4. Hi. We are building a Midibox SID V2, too. But i have a few questions. ::) The "HardSID 4u" ( www.hardsid.com ) can handle both versions of the SID and i would like to know if the Midibox SID V2 can do this, too. And i want to know if this is useful to use different versions of the SID. Can there be any problems beside the voltage difference? Sorry for my bad english and thank u for helping us. 8) Samy
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