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Everything posted by Swine

  1. I have been reading up on what requirements are necessary for pots/faders ect. And just to make sure i need to get 10k linear ones, correct? I recently purchased a busted denon dj mixer for $5 on ebay just to take apart as a learning experience and then decided to see what i could salvage from it to put towards my midibox. (i know have a tested/working core + lcd screen) -the markings on the line (not necessarily linear?) faders i took out are "119-20KBx2" now if i am reading this correctly, the resistance on this can be twice as much as i want for my MB? I think the B does mean it is linear? The fader has 8 (four on each side) metal legs (non of which are for stability) and two have been broken off for the assembly of the mixer. -the markings on the pots are "103B 115C" does this mean it can be linear or log? it does have 7 "input" legs. -the one i bought from smash tv says clearly "B10K" so at least that one is easy :D both of the faders are alps faders/pots and ive started looking for data sheets on them and i can only figure out which fader i MIGHT have from the picture havnt yet decoded the writing on the side for sure. so i am a little confused as to the letters for linear/log faders. i understand that the A vs B printed on them changed some time ago and from country to country. i also "ripped" out some switches and pushbuttons but those are either on-off or on-on switches and i am assuming that virtually any switch like that will work. any input or links will be GREATLY appreciated.
  2. The batteries in my meter were fresh, i took it to school and measured the levels there adn they were about the same (.02 off...) but still high. i just changed the wallwart to a 9.6v and the input at j1 is exactly 9.6v. every where else it is 3.85 w/o lcd and 7.78 with lcd. The 7805 hardly gets warm now as apposed to the 5.68v where it wasnt too hot to touch, but worryingly hot. so everyone that assumed the wallwart was dodgy was right. i was shocked to see that this other one that came with my boss dr202 pumped out EXACTLY 9.6 (according to my meter). As far as sending it to you? ummm no thanks haha. even though my core doesnt do anything yet i sometimes just get up and plug it in for fun and get really excited. i show my friends that come over and they just say "who gives a shit it just says ready" haha. but they also do apprciate that it takes a bit of work and luck to do this. Either way this will not be my last mb so im sure problems will arise when i start using pcbs that are pre numbered :). Thanks for answering my question as where to go now with out me having to ask. i wanted to ask but i know there is much reading that i must/want to do. but any advice would be and is greatly appreciated. im on a mac currently but im in the process of setting up bootcamp as it seems the majority of testing ect is all on pc. i was also planning on using my keyboard midi through function as the means of hooking it up to my computer through usb, is this a bad idea? ill probably end up getting one of the midi/usb boards that TK had a thread about. once again im so excited to have gotten this with virtually no problems far and all the help has been amazing! cheers! EDIT: naturally through the first couple pages of reading i realize mios studio works on mac! woo! but i also realized my key board has no midi through ports.. bollocks.
  3. Dreamer hit it spot on! It works!!! It seems like a should have been doing a bit more reading on this site if i over looked something liek that, i was wondering what those potentiomitors did.. but thanks so much for the help. i was with lylehaze on that one about (mike?) from smash tv, i was nearly certain that he had everything in order considering how everything was perfectly packaged ect. So its wonderful seeing that little Ready text there! but... as weird as it may sound... i feel a little cheated. Dont you think that i should have struggled a little more to get my first core to work? I havent even given any real thought as to which program to upload, i thought i would be troubleshooting for a couple months ;). now it looks like ive got to catch up on the programming reading, yikes. I'm sure ill be on here again asking for everyones help very soon but for thanks much for the friendliness and simple but very very helpful/needed advice.
  4. I put a resistor or two before j1 (was this stupid) to reduce teh voltage and then decided to plug everything. Just to try and be as explicit as possible I've built the most recent (i am assuming since i bought it 1 month ago) Smash tv core kit, with a 4620 pic. So it does have the 7805 regulator. I've tried plugging the pic and optocoupler in and my LCD screen does not change from its blue led backlight. a normal person would have just said that the "ready" message does not show up on teh screen, but oh well and i am at least getting power. If all the voltages are still correct when the pic is plugged in is the most likely fault that i wired the LCD screen incorrectly? or possibly that the pic wasnt burnt properly? I've checked all the components and their locations (all correct), so if the voltage tests proved correct does that mean that there is not a single bad joint? is there anyway to test if the pic is working with a volt meter? cheers!
  5. few, good thing i didnt plug it in. Ill be putting leds on it later today after i get back from lovefest ;D. but im pretty sure that the multimeter could be dodgy considering it was my grandfathers pocket micronta, its only from 91 or so but i dont know what its been through. When the pic is plugged in is it possible that it will be closer to 5v then? just out of curiosity what would be an ok margin for error? 5.3v? Thanks for your help and hopefully my question hasnt been brought up too many times
  6. Ive been lurking on this site for about 6 months now and finally built my first core module! I have followed MANY VERY helpful pdfs and posts explaining how to neatly wire a lcd screen with ribbon cable and how not to screw up ect. So i finally have my core and have tested the vdd going through it at the designated spots, every reading is 5.68v. and my initial reading if i put the volt meter on J1 is 16.79. then when i plug the lcd screen in the vdd readings show up to be 5.76 and te j1 reads 14.68v. I am a little confused though becuase my wallwort (not sure on spelling) says taht it is pumping out 9v... not sure how im gaining those extra volts... maybe my power supply (which is a cheep variable one) is a little wonky. as of now i know little about electricity but am fast learning (in university as well as the internet), so to all of the very helpful people on here i would like to know if its ok to be plugging the pics in. I'm very anxious to do plug everything but rather not mess every thing up and have to reorder. i know the pics are fairly robust but im very much the better safe than sorry person. Thanks so much for the help and i hope ive written a good first post that won't warrent the "search the forum" answer (as i have been on this forum more than my parents and professors even doctors would agree to be the healthy amount ;D)
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