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mister k

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About mister k

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. haha! dunno how i missed that! cheers mate.
  2. cheers for the help guys. so i'll look at the schematics and figure out which bits i need to change then get going with it. and i'm right in thinking i can just bung an 18F4685 in my old core, change a few bits, and it'll work? (after programming the bootloader, etc. of course) i didn't realise mixing the chips would cause problems, cheers for the heads-up. i think i'll just live with it for now, then when i get round to adding more sids i'll keep them in pairs. i'm going to start gathering parts this weekend so i'll let you know how it goes!
  3. hi everyone. just after some opinions/advice on my new sid build. i currently have a v1 midibox sid which i built a few years ago. it has the minimal control surface. 1 core, 1 sid (6581), 1 din and a (now broken) LCD. all the pcbs are the original revisions from mike's. i've aquired an extra 3 sid chips, so i now have 4 (1x6581, 1x8580, and 2x6582). i would like to upgrade to v2 and build a full control surface whilst leaving myself the option of adding extra sids later (when i can afford them). so my question is this: what can i reuse? i gather i'll need 2 cores and 4 sids, and that v2 uses a new pic on the core. but can i reuse my current boards. or will i be saving myself a whole load of hassle by just ordering a full set of new boards? thanks. k
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