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Posts posted by TafterT

  1. Hi,

    I bought the MB-6582 from Tafter T.

    It looks great.

    But I'm in the US, I don't have the ability to play it yet with out the right plug.

    Can anyone advise me on this?



    It literally hadn't crossed my mind about the UK power supply not working in the US

    i did a quick search of Ebay and here's a couple of options that should work!



  2. Yeah i did solder the larger Capacitors in before the IC sockets which was a bit of a mistake ,but i just bent a couple of the legs on the IC sockets to hold them in place which worked ok,if i were to build another the larger components would go in last for sure.

  3. Hey folks,

    Just about finished this MB-6582 ,all thats left to do is fit the feedback pots!


    I'm more than pleased with this Synthesizer,the only problems i had with the build was 2 led's didn't work which i have replaced now, also i didn't read the instructions properly on the length of cable between the base PCB and CS PCB ,i used 3 inches of cable and it ended up i couldn't close the case!.

    The panel is from Julianf and knobs were courtesy of bhc303 and thanks to Wilba for the great instruction guides.

    If you want to see some more pics here's a link to my Photobucket page http://s259.photobucket.com/albums/hh302/taftert/MB-6582/

  4. Hi,

    I'm looking for some advice ,i have been trying to load the bank midibox_sid_presets_8580.syx into Midibox Sid V2 editor and i get this error message "This file does not contain a bank with 64 or 128 valid patches" has anyone any idea what could be causing this, i'm using winxp and the latest java ,the editor is talking to the sid as i can edit the patches  ?

    Thanks for looking!!

  5. Hi ,

    I have been trying to change my Sid's midi channel via sysex using this command "F0 00 00 7E 4B 00 06 70 00 10 05 00 F7" ,for midi channel 6  the problem is it doesn't  change ,the sid seems to be working ok in regards to receiving midi as it can play notes form the keyboard in mios studio and i can get patches onto the bankstick ,am i using the right sysex command? ,the program i am using is Midi-ox .


  6. Hi,

    I forgot to mention previosly to wiring up the lcd module properly i had wired it up wrong and when switched it on it got warm and didn't work, so that might have damaged the internals slightly ,also when building the core the only changed i made to the  module was to leave out the voltage regulator and bridge rectifier as i was using the optimized psu .

  7. Hi folks,


    I have just finished wiring up my Midibox Sid and optimized PSU,switched it on and everthing was working ok untill after about an hour when now  the lcd has an intermittent fault, there is a line missing from the top line of characters, this comes and goes ,i have checked for shorts etc and cant seem to find anything ,i am using the 4685 pic and the lcd is wired up for 4 bit operation ,is this problem likely to be a dodgy lcd module or could it be a problem with the core ?.

    The other issue i have is the core doesn't seem to accept patch updates to the bankstick i have managed to get the vintage presets onto the bankstick using Sysexbox ,it only worked once now i cant seem to change the preset patches.

    Thanks for looking !! 

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