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Posts posted by clem!

  1. Hi all,

    first I want to thank you TK and all the other friendly people here. And I know that I'm a little bit late...

    A few years ago I midificated (that means only a MIDI IN) a Crumar Performer string synthesizer with an old PIC (that was lying around from other midibox projects) and Midio128 old version. I designed a little PCB that houses the optocouplers and mounted some of those PCBs beneath the keybed. It workes fine.

    But when I used it yesterday controlled by another keyboard with a sustain pedal I remembered that the sustain-pedal-functionality doesn't work. And I would like to implement it. But after a look into the software code it seems that this will not be that easy for me. Is there anywhere a function implemented that buffers MIDI OFF messages for the DOUTs if the hold pedal ist pressed and sends them if it is depressed? Hope someone can help me.

    Best clem!

  2. Thx for the reply ilmenator,

    I didn't found any schematic for the Yamaha RAM4 or RAM5 on the web but I have a service-manuals for DX7II  and you can find pics of the PCBs of the RAM-Cartridges - so you are right. But I never worked with eagle and the spacing of the pins of the cartridge port is a bit uncommon, so it would be helpful not to start from scratch. Perhaps etching a  breadboard-catrtridge will do it. But I don't know how to create a matching connector in eagle.

    BTW Kölle am Rin is my old Heimat ;-) but that was 25 years ago.



  3. Hi there,

    I know this a is little bit OT and may be not very contemporary:

    I have bought an old DX7S and thought about building a RAM-Cartridge by myself. Maybe someone here has some experience with this or knows where to find completed eagle files or a pcb to do this.

    Best regards,


  4. After solving some problems with bad soldering points and little softwareproblems, the little toy has got a form and is working. Thanks to TK. and all the others that helped.

    And now I've to fix the wheels, connectors for pedals, the pots and the CV-Out. Looks a little bit like a modular:happy:. Here ares some pics:  Parts.jpg.a515c9d640caaa5da5ccd80070b288Woodenframe.jpg.c8b3f8bb9e3c519b3a1c57daAluframe.jpg.8ea3f1797bacee5a9dadb3da319Control1.jpg.1b8ee01b7596f91ff7dad6b5843Control2.jpg.4d2489d73fb9e0ce52a7be9fad4

  5. Thank you Thorsten for your help.

    I've got the problem under control - yes there was an error, don't know why. But after formatting the sdcard and inserting the " typical keyboard configuration for a Fatar DF type with 61 keys" from the "midibox_ng_manual_ngc" into the default.ngc everything works as expected


    [96240.295] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #1.1

    [96240.295] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #2.1

    [96240.295] Init DHCP
    [96240.395] [network_device_init] PHY initialized
    [96241.300] SD Card connected:
    [96241.377] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #1.1
    [96241.452] [MBNG_LCD] no response from CLCD #2.1
    [96241.781] Init DHCP
    [96241.786] [MBNG_FILE_C] Event Pool Number of Items: 198
    [96241.786] [MBNG_FILE_C] Event Pool Allocation: 8636 of 24576 bytes (35%)
    [96241.801] [MBNG_FILE_L:23] ERROR: 'EVENT std_rgbled': label too long, should be 8 chars maximum!
    [96241.806] [MBNG_FILE_L] 1 error has been found while generating the .BIN file - please fix DEFAULT.NGL!
    [96241.813] [MBNG_FILE_S] snapshot #0 not stored in /DEFAULT.NGS yet
    [96241.817] [MBNG_FILE_R] /DEFAULT.NGR (optional run script) not found
    [96243.817] Creating initial DEFAULT.NGL file
    [96243.817] [MBNG_FILE_L] The file '/DEFAULT.NGL' already exists - won't create a new one!
    [96243.818] Failed to create file! (status: -1)




  6. Hi all,

    i've connected a fatar df 61 keybed (now 49 keys working fine with midibox kb (v1.016) on lpc17) and now changed fw to midibox ng (v1.033) and have got some problems.

    The order of the keys is wrong (rows etc.) and no velocity. No problem I thought and tried to adapt the keybed by setting kb 1 and tried debug mode via miosstudio but this is not working. The parameters seem to change but no visual or audible effect. The wrong order and missing velocity is still there. So what is wrong or do I have to compile the firmware first with other settings, if I want to use it with my keybed?



  7. Error found and solved - no it was not the cable. It was a bad soldering point at J8/9 and a pin from IC1 was not plugged. Everything is fine now.

    Next I need to adapt the dynamic curve and I have  to shorten the keybed by 1 to 1,5 octaves, there are some defective keys and 5 octaves are to much for the planned keyaxe.

  8. Thank you FantomXR,

    if twisted means pin1 from Core32, J8/9 goes to pin 1 of DIO_Matrix, that is what I have done. So this can not be the reason. I will proove the soldering and the connections of the setting with the multimeter one more time, especially the micromatch-connector maybe a cause of defect.

    BTW: I've connected a DEM 20485 SYH-LY, KS0066 based 4*20 LCD for EUR 16,50 from Watterott (good price I think), here is the plan for the wiring that differs in the cathode/anode from other displays:


  9. Hi all,

    after long absence I have decided to build a midibox kb. So I have soldered  LPC17, loaded up midibox kb and thought, DIO_matrix "1 to 1" connected to keybed (as shown here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_kb/midibox_kb_fatar_df_61_interconnections.pdf) and core would produce a working system. But it seems I have failed, I don't get midi note_on-messages from the core. Do I have to adapt the setup somehow or is the 1 to 1 connection the false option?

    Best clem!

  10. With a little delay and after a long time of absence from this forum I found this thread too.


    I like the glove. It is a very interesting concept.


    As such, I need to concentrate more on MEANINGFUL melodic improvisation as well as proper musical passages that I can easily recall... you know, like a traditional instrument ;)



    Isn't it very difficult play ambitious rhythmically patterns this way with thumb and opposed fingers?


    Did you know the Guidonian Hand? --> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Guidonian_hand.jpg

    Guido d'Arezzo was one of the first western music pedagogist, he invented it in 11. century as a learning aid for young musicians. So your nick isn't only a nick :shocked: .

  11. hi,

    I don't want use my MIDIbox SID any longer with two powersupplies. I've found a Switching-PSU from an external harddrive with 12V and 5V. Is it possible (secure and without humming) to place those connections behind the regulators 7812 and 7805? Will the power be stable enough or is it better to remove them and to solder in bridges there and connect the new psu at the power connectors?

    best regards


  12. Hi Rufus,

    don't know what you want to do with the keyboard. Maybe your thread belongs more to midification than to design concepts. This eventually might help you: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midiboxkb_-_using_a_c64_keyboard_as_input

    'coz what you have there is a 4 by 12 scan matrix with switches and diodes, you only have to change the number of columns and rows in code and perhaps alter the note numbers. Than your little toy will work.

    You will only need to solder a nice 30Pin conector to your dins and douts and connect it directly with your keyboard-scan-board.

    Best regards,


  13. Upload aborted due to error #3: Checksum mismatch


    Upload aborted due to error #11: MIDI IN Overrun Error


    Upload aborted due to error #1: Less bytes than expected have been received


    sounds as if it is a transmitting problem.

    First try to alter the setup/settings of your midi adaptor.

    Second try to alter the setting of your software. (buffersize etc.)

    Best regards


  14. Hi there,

    I don't want to be heretic (forgive me TK). But if I had only little experience and the opportunity of micromatch adapter - I would recommend (in this case - remididfying fatar keybed) - "doepfer mke" for 80 EUR. :fear:

    Ashes to my head.

    But I see, it's less fun.

    Best regards,


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