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Posts posted by strat-1

  1. I asked a lot of questions abut working with seq and never showed how the unit looks like.








    This is the gear that I use with my band, nice lot of midiboxes :smile: , of course SEQ is the brain.

    I will explain them form top to bottom, left to right :


    gear L : vocoder V256, ht 8950 voicechanger, 8x midi splitter, shruthi-1 analog vcf, shruthi-1 digital vcf, polivoks vcf,

    AVRX synthesizer, monomachine, midibox FM, midibox SID

    elctribe sx (for drum samples), SEQ V4, 4xD Delay, gakken SX-150



    gear R : Ambika, Soundlab+AVR synth hybrid, Anushri, midibox Speakjet

    standard digital delay, Monowave






  2. I know how to use ALL function. Also know how to set how many steps will be affected by all function.

    I want to set for example on a pattern of 128 steps : 30 steps one note, 60 steps other note etc.

    I know how to set them, but I wanted to know if there is a simple way.

  3. I'm building patterns with a lot of identical notes for note length.

    Until now I set the notes manually for each step, which is a time consuming job.

    There is a way to copy the same note on the next step ?

    Or I can change the C3 note that is default when I activate step with another ? (change it easily on what note I want)


  4. Now is more clear to me what's happening.


    I have the following patterns : G1T1 drums length 32

                                                   G1T2 drums, G1T3 drums, G2T4 drums length 64

                                                   G2T1 bass lenght 64 (the rest of the track's dosen't matter, because you will understand the issue only with bass and drums)


    First steps from song 1 : POS1 tempo bpm100 ramp0s

                                           POS2 mixer map 1

                                           POS3 mutes G1    G2    G3    G4

                                                               oxxx  xxxx   xxxx   xxxx

                                           POS4 x2       G1    G2     G3   G4 

                                                                A3      X       X      X

                                          POS5  mutes G1    G2     G3   G4

                                                               xoxo  oxxx   xxxx  xxxx

                                           POS6  X16    G1    G2     G3   G4

                                                                 A3    A3     A3    A3







    The problem is like this : First time you play it is ok. But after all groups are present in the memory (or if you set to load A3 on all groups in pos4) and play again,

    tracks with 64 lenght will start to play muted with t1 lenght 32 unmuted. At pos6 instead of reseting pattern from the beginning the 64lenght patterns plays from

    step 33 to 64. At every step it will play in this order 33-64 1-33. (it will not reset from the beginning).

    I think this issue is only in first song. I didn't have this problem on previous releases. (4.080 )                                                

  5. I analyzed again the track step problem.

    I unplugged the midi in's and nothing changed.

    The problem is like this :

    After I press stop first time and play again : First step with notes is pos A2 with act x2 (witch is played well)

                                                                        At pos A3 with act x16, seq it will play only 6 notes from the first measure, and after that the rest of 15 will

    be well played, but it will mess every change from position to position. (until the finish of live set)


    If I play the live set without pressing stop it will be played correctly from start to finish. (all the songs).

  6. After I tested this release, next problems happened  :

    The song sync it's resolved, or is present at some songs with less audible desincronization. (so I'm very happy, thank you for spending time resolving this).

    But I encounter 2 bizarre issues only after this release.

    The first song from my song page, plays normally when I press play (consider 16 steps 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16) .

    But, after I push stop and try to play it again it plays in this order 13-14-15-16-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 and never plays the song in the right order. Only if I shut down the seq, or reload the live set.

    Strangely, only first song have this issue, next songs plays well.

    Another problem is patch changing via cc's. In every song I have 1 or 2 mixer patch change for all the gear.

    In this release, something is happening with midibox FM. In the second song for exeample, I send a patch change to Fm, but when I play the song, the patch is changing 3 times in an aleatory way and stops at a wrong patch.

    After that FM will not accept anymore patch changing, when I transmit patch change the led's of FM lights as if reciving data, but nothing happens.

    The notes are played well by FM (I change the patches manually between songs).

    All other gear, including midibox SID are working well at patch changing.

    (my FM is an midibox FM, not sammish)

  7. Thank you for your support.

    Voltage reference is perfect 2.048v.

    I tried tl084, but with worse results.

    I changed with other TL074's and obtained better results. Like this : (on the first 4 outputs)





    It should be enough for good note tracking. (I wanted to buy precision op'amps, but I think, that I will not obtain perfect 1-2-4-8v tracking)

  8. Sorry. I explained the wrong way.

    I have the pots installed. With the pots I correct the intervals from the voltages.

    But when I adjust the intervals, the voltage also raise or lowers from 1V (test voltage).

    So, I will have good actave tracking for all outputs, but they are not centered at a base voltage. It will boe at 1v test voltage : 0.9, 1, 1, 0.9, 1.1 etc.

    If put all the voltages at 1v from the pots, I will have bad intervals.

    There is a way to adjust both (starting from the same voltage and intervals) ?


    (of course, I can use note base from the VCO's. If the intervals are correct, I can fine tune the voltage coming from CV)

  9. Hello.

    I'm testing AOUT module, and I don't have the same voltages on all 8 channels.

    I'm using for 10k Rx resitor, precision ones with 0.1% tolerance (and I picked by hand the same values from a lot).

    But even with the same resistors, one chanell gives me 1.0v-2.1v-4.2v-8.4v, one 1.1v-2.3v-4.6v-8.8v, one 1.0v-1.98v-3.8v-7.8v etc.

    Any suggestions ?


    I should test many TL074's until I find the right ones ?



    Thank you.

  10. First. Thank you very much for your support ! :smile:

    The new firmware is an improvement, but still some songs are out of sync if I stop the sequencer. But is less annoying.

    As for the trouble song, after I changed the firmware, I push play, then stop to load the patterns in memory. After that it works well, but the instruments still behaves strangely sometimes.

    I'm working on my live set, so I am dependent of the song feature, played from a single session, using jump or stop.

  11. I have a Op-1 synthesizer and I want to control it via USB with SEQV4.


    This synth have no midi output, only transmits midi on mini USB cable to your computer.

    The solution are some midi interfaces like Kenton, iConnectmidi4+ or buy their expensive OP Lab for 400E :((

    I bought a iConnectmidi2+ and because I didn't documented enough I realized that midi2+ don't work as a standalone device

    without a host, and the OP-1 is not a host, only transmits midi on USB.

    The ideea was to put the usb connector on the iConbnectmidi2+ and the midi in out cables on seqV4.

    There is a way to make the connection directly on the USB connector from SEQ ?

    I don't know how hard it is from the programmer view :smile: , it's standard midi data on usb cable ?, how seq see the external usb device etc..


    Thank you. Maybe this will help other synthmaniacs with USB midi out synths.

  12. Here. I saved this song on a separate session.

    As I mentioned before this song have a strange behaviour (at least on my seq) even is the only song in session. It's not about how much data is in the session.

    On CH13 is a midibox SID.

    On CH10 is a drum sampler. (not standard kit, but put any sounds)

    On CH5 any bass synth that double the SID. (plays the same notes as CH13)

    On the rest of the channels put anything you want, you will hear the problem only with drums and basses.

    Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong on the way that I'm programming my songs, besides the sync problem.ALLLOVER.ZIP

  13. Hi!
     While I was preparing my live setup on the seqV4 I encountered a sync problem. I’ve read all the posts regarding this matter but they weren’t of much help, furthermore I installed the latest firmware that was supposed to eliminate this problem.
    The main board of the seq has a STM32 chip.
    I noticed the following problems:
    - When in pattern mode there is no problem, I can mute and unmute and everything syncs correctly
    - When I switch to song mode the first 3-4 notes are played faster than they should, afterwards the song plays normaly
    - I’ve managed to workaround the problem by making the whole live set in only one session. There’s a small desync on the first song but the rest are played normally as long as I don’t use the stop function. If I pause before a song all is fine.
    - If I press Stop and choose to play song #5 for example, just like before it starts out of sync.
    The structure I’m using on a song looks like this:
    pos1 set bpm(bpm song) delay0
    pos2 set mixer map
    pos3 set mutes (xxxx 0x00 etc.)
    pos4 play pattern A1 A1 etc.
    posx jump to song2 (or another song I want)
    Just like I said, if I press pause during a live session, I can use the Pause function at the end of the previous song’s bar and when resuming with the Play function it all behaves normal. Not the case for Stop.
    The way I found to solve my problem is more than sufficient and I wouldn’t be writing for help if I didn’t encounter a song that doesn’t work either way. Let’s say the song is set on the 7th position, the previous 6 songs are played in sync and when it reaches #7 it all goes haywire!
    Even if I import it in another session, the behavior doesn’t change.
    They’re just drums and a few simple notes, nothing too complex like arps or automations.
    This track has an out of sync at the beginning, plays all the bars I’ve set in the first part, then in the next part consisting only of drums it enters with a certain offset and all the notes played by 2 synths are completely out of sync.
    The 2 following recordings are examples of my problem.
    The first is played in pattern mode with no time issue to show how it should be heard, the second one is in song mode and has all the problems mentioned above.
    I’ll also post the system status.
    1.status on pattern mode
    2.status with pause after first 3 notes glitch on every song
    3.status taken directly in play mode on the song with play issues at middle of the song when the synth play all out of sync.
    Thank very, very, very much for your support.
    [422661.728] system
    [422661.730] System Informations:
    [422661.730] ====================
    [422661.730] MIDIbox SEQ V4.079 © 2013 T. Klose
    [422661.730] Operating System: MIOS32
    [422661.730] Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32
    [422661.730] Chip Family: STM32F10x
    [422661.730] Serial Number: 37FF36163150303630521243
    [422661.731] Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes
    [422661.731] RAM Size: 67107840 bytes
    [422661.731] MIDI IN Ports:
    [422661.731]   - Def. (available)
    [422661.732]   - USB1 (available)
    [422661.732]   - USB2 (available)
    [422661.732]   - USB3 (available)
    [422661.732]   - USB4 (available)
    [422661.732]   - IN1  (available)
    [422661.732]   - IN2  (available)
    [422661.732]   - IN3  (available)
    [422661.732]   - IN4  (not available)
    [422661.732]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422661.733]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422661.734]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422661.734]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422661.734]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422661.734]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422661.734]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422661.734]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422661.734] MIDI OUT Ports:
    [422661.734]   - Def. (available)
    [422661.734]   - USB1 (available)
    [422661.734]   - USB2 (available)
    [422661.735]   - USB3 (available)
    [422661.735]   - USB4 (available)
    [422661.735]   - OUT1 (available)
    [422661.735]   - OUT2 (available)
    [422661.735]   - OUT3 (available)
    [422661.735]   - OUT4 (not available)
    [422661.735]   - IIC1 (available)
    [422661.735]   - IIC2 (available)
    [422661.736]   - IIC3 (not available)
    [422661.736]   - IIC4 (not available)
    [422661.736]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422661.736]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422661.736]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422661.736]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422661.736]   - AOUT (available)
    [422661.738]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422661.738]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422661.738]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422661.738]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422661.738] Systime: 00:05:42
    [422661.738] CPU Load: 74%
    [422661.738] MIDI Scheduler: Alloc   0/ 15 Drops:   0
    [422661.738] Stopwatch: 60/631 uS
    [422661.739] Current Root Note (via Keyboard): C-3  
    [422661.739] done.
    [422746.759] system
    [422746.761] System Informations:
    [422746.761] ====================
    [422746.761] MIDIbox SEQ V4.079 © 2013 T. Klose
    [422746.761] Operating System: MIOS32
    [422746.761] Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32
    [422746.761] Chip Family: STM32F10x
    [422746.761] Serial Number: 37FF36163150303630521243
    [422746.762] Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes
    [422746.762] RAM Size: 67107840 bytes
    [422746.762] MIDI IN Ports:
    [422746.762]   - Def. (available)
    [422746.762]   - USB1 (available)
    [422746.762]   - USB2 (available)
    [422746.762]   - USB3 (available)
    [422746.762]   - USB4 (available)
    [422746.763]   - IN1  (available)
    [422746.763]   - IN2  (available)
    [422746.763]   - IN3  (available)
    [422746.763]   - IN4  (not available)
    [422746.764]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422746.764]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422746.764]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422746.764]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422746.764]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422746.765]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422746.765]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422746.765]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422746.765] MIDI OUT Ports:
    [422746.765]   - Def. (available)
    [422746.766]   - USB1 (available)
    [422746.766]   - USB2 (available)
    [422746.766]   - USB3 (available)
    [422746.766]   - USB4 (available)
    [422746.766]   - OUT1 (available)
    [422746.766]   - OUT2 (available)
    [422746.766]   - OUT3 (available)
    [422746.766]   - OUT4 (not available)
    [422746.767]   - IIC1 (available)
    [422746.767]   - IIC2 (available)
    [422746.767]   - IIC3 (not available)
    [422746.767]   - IIC4 (not available)
    [422746.767]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422746.767]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422746.767]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422746.767]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422746.768]   - AOUT (available)
    [422746.769]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422746.769]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422746.769]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422746.769]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422746.769] Systime: 00:07:07
    [422746.769] CPU Load: 77%
    [422746.769] MIDI Scheduler: Alloc   0/ 26 Drops:   0
    [422746.769] Stopwatch: 60/639 uS
    [422746.770] Current Root Note (via Keyboard): C-3  
    [422746.770] done.
    [422782.722] system
    [422782.724] System Informations:
    [422782.724] ====================
    [422782.724] MIDIbox SEQ V4.079 © 2013 T. Klose
    [422782.724] Operating System: MIOS32
    [422782.724] Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32
    [422782.724] Chip Family: STM32F10x
    [422782.724] Serial Number: 37FF36163150303630521243
    [422782.725] Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes
    [422782.725] RAM Size: 67107840 bytes
    [422782.725] MIDI IN Ports:
    [422782.725]   - Def. (available)
    [422782.725]   - USB1 (available)
    [422782.725]   - USB2 (available)
    [422782.727]   - USB3 (available)
    [422782.727]   - USB4 (available)
    [422782.727]   - IN1  (available)
    [422782.727]   - IN2  (available)
    [422782.727]   - IN3  (available)
    [422782.727]   - IN4  (not available)
    [422782.727]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422782.727]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422782.728]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422782.728]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422782.728]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422782.728]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422782.728]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422782.728]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422782.728] MIDI OUT Ports:
    [422782.730]   - Def. (available)
    [422782.730]   - USB1 (available)
    [422782.730]   - USB2 (available)
    [422782.730]   - USB3 (available)
    [422782.730]   - USB4 (available)
    [422782.730]   - OUT1 (available)
    [422782.730]   - OUT2 (available)
    [422782.730]   - OUT3 (available)
    [422782.732]   - OUT4 (not available)
    [422782.733]   - IIC1 (available)
    [422782.733]   - IIC2 (available)
    [422782.733]   - IIC3 (not available)
    [422782.733]   - IIC4 (not available)
    [422782.733]   - OSC1 (available)
    [422782.733]   - OSC2 (available)
    [422782.733]   - OSC3 (available)
    [422782.733]   - OSC4 (available)
    [422782.733]   - AOUT (available)
    [422782.733]   - Bus1 (available)
    [422782.733]   - Bus2 (available)
    [422782.733]   - Bus3 (available)
    [422782.733]   - Bus4 (available)
    [422782.733] Systime: 00:07:43
    [422782.735] CPU Load: 88%
    [422782.735] MIDI Scheduler: Alloc   1/ 30 Drops:   0
    [422782.735] Stopwatch: 192/639 uS
    [422782.735] Current Root Note (via Keyboard): C-3  
    [422782.735] done.
  14. Agreed ... MBFM is lovely. I like the look of the SID too!

    Did you etch that double-sided board yourself?? That's always a challenge!

    MIDIbox of the week?

    I etched that board myself. I used vias from one face to another.

    It's not so hard. First I print the front face with fewer layers, using press and peel.

    Second I make the drills. And after that I print the bottom layer using the holes that I made as a guide.

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