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Posts posted by protofuse


    The problem is easy to understand: I wanted to drop my PC keyboard + mouse during live performance in order to be focused on music/sound/live. The only way to solve my problem was to use an hardware to control Ableton Live, but not only that, I need a feedback from it too. But I need a lot of pots/knobs, a lot of multicolor lights, a lot of buttons...

    I need a big hardware without multifunctional knobs, sub-menu you have to choose to change the function of this button etc etc : I need to have ALL under my eyes and I need that EVERYTIME. I looked for the perfect controller, but I didn't find it. only monochrome stuff or 2/3 colors leds, only few pots with a billion of sub-sub-menu to change encoders function etc. So, I guess ... I have to think, read, code, test, build, learn to solder better... to create my OWN hardware.

    I have to thanks a lot of people which helped me A LOT ; without you, this story wouldn't have been possible!

    - Denis St Amand:: my quebec friend! he helps me a lot about the structure, screws etc, the PCBs too. he would have helped me with midibox if I didn't do things before to ask him...

    - Mike/Noofny :: the guy who made the deltadeck. he inspired me and gave me the power to build the protodeck

    - Tim/smashTV :: the guy who makes the very best/reliablest/cheapest midibox modules in the world!

    - Lucem :: the guy who helped me about driving a common anode RGB leds matrix

    - nILS :: one of the guy connected everytime on old-school IRC midibox channel. thanks you didn't laugh at me (too much) while I asked question...

    and obviously, Thorsten Klose, the great midibox creator and guru!


    the first demo is here

    THE PROTODECK controller features

    - 87 potentiometers

    - 90 buttons

    - 81 rgb leds

    - 2x20 LCD

    - 2 PIC 18F4620 (20MHz RISC processors)

    - fully custom rgb led drivers

    - fully custom firmware

    - 2 MIDI IN/OUT interface

    - power supply unit included in the box


    As a lot, I really believe in open-source

    It provides power to break all walls.

    So I decided to deliver ALL about the protodeck here

    I can answer questions, but you have to read carefully before asking.

    I cannot guarantee answering quickly

    I'll begin VERY soon some workshops around controller design and technology for artistic expression

    If you're interested: protofuse@gmail.com


    My website: protofuse.net

    and julienbayle.net too

    my email: protofuse@gmail.com

    I'm more available on chat on msn and gtalk at julien.bayle@gmail.com

  2. salut protofuse :)

    95 pottars sans latence visible ? c'est quand meme très impressionant !!

    Merci pour l'info

    J'aimerai tout de meme savoir le temps de latence exact, j'essaierai de jeter un oeil sur le code pour calculer une approximation.

    Je dois préciser aussi, par honnêteté, que je pense éventuellement à vendre les futurs controleurs MIDI que je fabriquerai, donc je programmerai mon propre code, et concevrai mes propres circuits (ce qui ne m'empeche pas de m'inspirer de la MIDIBOX, pour certains trucs ^^)

    Le boulot fait sur la MIDIBOX est vraiment très impressionnant, le MIOS est très complet et très bien fait, et le concept des modules est vraiment super pour les DIYers.

    Chapeau aux concepteurs et à la communauté !! ;) :)

    J'ai pensé à un truc, pour pouvoir mettre autant de pottars qu'on veut sans sacrifier la latence, et sans devoir mettre plusieurs cores, mais il faut encore que je vérifie si c'est une idée viable:

    en sortie du pottar, mettre un condensateur (bien dimensionné), et un comparateur qui - dès que la valeur en sortie du pottar est différente de celle en sortie du condensateur - envoie une interrupt au PIC, pour lancer la conversion A/N.

    J'ignore si c'est envisageable, mais je pense que c'est une idée à creuser...

    Bien sur celà n'est pas utilisable directement sur la MIDIBOX, sans une modification du MIDIOS et du module Ain, donc j'ignore si c'est le bon endroit pour poster ce genre d'idées, mais je voulais la partager :)

    Si quelqu'un connait le temps réel (mesuré ou calculé) de latence sur la MIDIBOX, je suis toujours intéressé

    je suppose que tu as pris connaissance des licences sous lesquelles sont développés l'ensemble des composants midibox...

  3. just a little question.

    what is the most efficient option?

    1/ variables globally declared and used in SR_Service_Prepare()

    2/ variables locally declared inside SR_Service_Prepare() and used in SR_Service_Prepare()

    I guess in the case 2/ each time the SR_Service_Prepare() is called, declarations eat cpu time ... right ?

    so it may be the 1/ to choose


  4. ok Thorsten. I understand.

    you meant J5:A/B/C ...? I guess

    in http://svnmios.midib...mios32_config.h (the 12th tutorial about AIN muxing), I found :

    // control pins to select the muxed channel
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX0_PIN GPIO_Pin_4 // J5C.A8
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX0_PORT GPIOC
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX1_PIN GPIO_Pin_5 // J5C.A9
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX1_PORT GPIOC
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX2_PIN GPIO_Pin_0 // J5C.A10
    #define MIOS32_AIN_MUX2_PORT GPIOB 

    should I change something ?

    I mean, I read in the readme file : the for MIOS8 compatible pin enumeration tip.

    I'll use it.

    But should I define the MIOS32_AIN_MUX... constants ?

  5. No, just send to the DEFAULT port, which is assigned to USB0 by default.

    If you want to send to a MIDI port, just use MIDI0 instead of DEFAULT (or USB0)

    There is nothing special that you need to add to your code to make this working.

    It seems that you still haven't worked through the tutorials ;)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.



    Thorsten, I read them, but was confused.


    thanks a lot :)

  6. hello,

    I use 2 AINx4 on one core8 and 1 AINx4 on the other one.

    Now, with core32, I know I'll use my 3 AINx4 in a same chain.

    I wrote "I know", but it is more an "I guess"

    I'm a bit confused with the hardware and software part

    actually, I have 3 pins + 2x5 for each SR chains.

    with core32, what is the best architecture I can build?

    I mean, I have at least 2 options :

    - 2 AINx4 on one core32 port and the last one on another port.

    - the 3 AINx4 chained and this chain on only one core32 port

    all infos would be appreciated :)

    all the best,

  7. about midi port and USB port.

    If I want to use USB port only for midi IN & OUT, I guess I have to forward things like that in every user functions that received & send midi bytes, right ? :

    // forward USB0->UART0 and UART0->USB0
    switch( port ) {
    case USB0: MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(UART0, midi_package); break;
    case UART0: MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(USB0, midi_package); break;

    am I right?

  8. hello Thorsten,

    and thanks for the very fast feedback.

    I didn't solder anything yet.

    I began to translate the app for now.

    only that.

    I'll upgrade it asap, but I'm involved in many things these days so....

    oh, I planned to work on workashops about " making of diy controller for Ableton Live "

    some people are very interested.

    it would talk about all the process from the idea/need to ableton live (with all the different worlds crossed ... like midi/osc, max for live and max/msp, Live API and javascript etc)

    all the best

  9. Hello friends :)

    as I'm a geek at the same time as a music/sound producer, as soon as my protodeck was OK, I already decided to upgrade it to core32/mios32/firmware 2.0 :D

    so, I'd need informations about power supply.

    I'm using actually the little tweak on my 2 core8: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_ng_switching_psu.pdf

    for your information, the modules architecture is described here


    What should I have to do with my only one core32 ?

    I have 2 questions:

    - I'll use the usb only for data. What should I modify for that ? I guess I have to remove the J17 jumper

    - about the voltage regulator, should I remove it and use the J2 with my external power supply 5V ?

    All infos would be appreciated :-)

  10. I've got no idea man, i've only used Kicad a little bit but i found fairly buggy


    as I don't like cracked thing, if I used Eagle, I could only do very little board.

    so kicad is a very fine alternative, not as buggy as you wrote :P

    gEDA seems to be a nice alternative too...

    I'm installing virtualbox for making a virtual machine linux in order to test it here.

    i don't know if geda/kicad conversion are fully integrated

  11. hello,

    I need your help.

    i'm using KICAD 20100314 SVN R2460 version but I'm sure it doesn't matter with my

    words here..

    I have some problem with power components: some give me errors type 3

    I tried to remove them, put another one, remade the connection to be sure... but

    I still have some inconsistencies :-(

    I tried to use another lib for that too.. for instance, Vcc & GND from sparkfun

    library, or from the native one etc.

    I have errors when I run ERC ...

    I remove, I replace, I rerun ERC, it gives me the same error but at another place, not appearing at the first ERC etc etc

    Should I remove all of them and use wire labelling instead of power objects ?

    any ideas or tips would be appreciated!!

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