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Everything posted by omnitek

  1. Hi, I have another question that might sound stupid but how to save a patch in the bank stick with the CTRL editor? Thanks! Nick
  2. Hi, Apparently, the MD pin of the core has to be connected to the SC pin of the audio module like described here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sid_faq#how_do_i_connect_the_sid-module_to_the_core-module I uploaded the V2 hex file and now the Sid is alive and I have sound at the output. Thank you for you help! Nick
  3. Hi, i bought my boards from AVI Showtech Smash TV. I connected the two boards as follow: Core J10 Audio J2 Vd Vc Vs Vs SO SO SC SC MU MU CLK CLK RC RC There is a MD pin one the J10 connector of the Core board but none on the J2 connector of the Audio board. I'm I missing something? Thanks! Nick
  4. Hi everybody, I'm new on this site but I would like to have some help for troubleshooting the Midibox Sid V2 that I've just builded. It's a basic unit with only a core module and an audio module using the 8580R5 chip. So far the communication is good between the computer and the Midixox Sid but there is no sound coming at the output. I've run the mbsid_interconnection_test_v2 but it's seem there is no communication between the core module and the audio module since the voltages on the Sid chip don't change. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Nick
  5. Bonjour à tous, J'essaye d'utiliser Jsynthlib sur mon Mac pour communiquer avec mon Sidbox mais ça ne semble pas très bien fonctionner. Jsynthlib ne semble pas détecter mon interface midi (Midiman Midisport 2x2). Pourtant, j'ai installé le "midi provider" Mandolane qui fait bien fonctionner les autres applications midi en Java mais pas Jsynthlib. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider? Merci! Nicolas
  6. Hi everybody, I'm trying to communicate with my Sidbox using Jsynthlib on a Mac but that doesn't seems to work. When I make a MIDI loopback test I always get this error message: "Didn't see anything come into the input" I installed Mandolane but it does not fix the problem. My Sidbox is communicating well with MIOS Studio. I'm using an Intel Mac Mini with OSX 10.5.6 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Nicolas
  7. Hi, I'm want to built a basic Midibox Sid (Core + Sid board only) that I would control with a midi keyboard controller. Right now I assembled the boards and tested them with the MBSID_TESTTONE application and I'm getting a sound coming out of the audio output. My question is: Do I need to create my own application or may I use the Midibox SiD V2 application to be able to control my Sidbox with a midi keyboard controller? Thanks for your help! Nicolas
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