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About dns370

  • Birthday January 1

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dns370's Achievements

MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. 1x DOUT, 3x DIN the picture is blured since i used photo-app from my mobile by the way, from my point of view the frontpanel seems to be going a real difficult operation. Although a frontpanel-design is already on ucapps i fear that i have to make some adjustments and to measure it exactly produces goosebumps. another thing are the LED´s ... there are many types available - blue preferred as mentioned, they have different "angles of light-emitting" and also different currents and maybe some sort of LED-clamps for fixation, the main-knob and the other sixteen knobs are very expensive compared to some parts, also spacers are needed i have some other projects with many parts running, so it would be wisely ordering them together
  2. hi everyone Long time ago (i think almost 2 years)i started with my sequencer-project first in mind and later in reality. Since so many things happend in my life i wasn´t able doing anything. SO: Today i reached a critical point, let´s say i finished my baby at the 50% level. I soldered all modules during a three-day-session. Well, the next step will be: 1.) getting the buttons and the knobs with the main-knob (LCD´s and encoders are allready there) 2.) LED (blue ones, damm i like that) 3.) a PSU 4.) SD-CARD 5.) wiring all things and testing 6.) Front-Panel 7.) Enclosure (i am not sure if should make a rack-mount unit or an external box (wood)) 8.) and so on ;) there is still a lot of work to do as you can see on the picture, a beginners failure is obviously, all the IIC_Modules have the Midi-Ports soldered - which was a very mindless action ... i could desolder them and put them on a seperate board ... but what the heck cheers
  3. has not set their status

  4. Thx for the reply.. :) Yes i know ... there are many things to consider when i start with the project. I think it is usefull creating a detailed requirements specification and a step-by-step-plan because i don´t want to get lost and loosing my head. By the way, Mike´s Electronic-Store seems to have most of the parts i will need for the MB_SEQ3 (the modules and chips). For the other parts i will go trough the list which Thorsten provided on the ucapps-site. The case and the frontpanel is not high-priority-rated. I thought about a wooden case. Greetings Robert
  5. Recently i decided to put all my affords in a sequencer project which will be my very first DIY. But things get a little bit confusing since the new SEQ4 is introduced and according to some posts allready in state of "nearly finished". I am not quite sure if it is better for me starting with the SEQ3 or waiting till the moment when the SEQ4 is officialy released. As far as i understood the only difference on the hardware is the new core-board with the chip - right? On the other side - thinking about my skills in soldering (i did some exercise) - it will take me a long, maybe a very long time soldering parts together. Starting with the DIN-, DOUT- and IIC-Midi-Modules seems to be the correct way for me. This leads me to another question. The new coreboard has allready two Midi-IN/OUT´s. Further Midi-Outs (i need in sum four) requires at last two more IIC-Midi-Modules which means completing a MB_SEQ4 needs following modules: 3x DIN 1x DOUT 2x IIC-MIDI (with two Pic16F88) 1x STM32 Oh, beside all this i´d like to say "hello" to the community. I am watching this page since two years always thinking about a DIY-project but the time is now critical (i don´t like setting steps in my DAW everytime and in some case i´d like to be complete independent from my computer) Greetings Robert
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