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About jaym

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Hey! Let me introduce myself, i'm a complete n00b in terms of making MIDI controllers of any kind but I'm fairly obsessed with making a few due to lack of satisfaction with current ones available. I love real analog synths of course but I'm quite satisfied with software ones, in fact I prefer them because they're far more practical to integrate into a live computer based setup. For studio though, there's no beating something like a real CS80 (available now for £9000, not quite my budget). Anyways what I'd like to do is create a MIDI controller which is layed out like a synth, not just a sea of knobs in an uninspiring arrangement. If I manage to make one I'll try a few more. I was quite impressed with using the Legacy controller - it really gives you the feel of the real thing, and it's a pity there aren't more of these, cause I'd snap em up in a second. Especially one for a Prophet 5, Juno 106, SH101 and of course a CS80. Even if it was just a panel of controls minus the keys. It doesn't look hard to do at all, I've seen that Doepfer do a board ( http://www.doepfer.de/usb64.htm ) with MIDI/USB where you can connect 64 analog potentiometers for 145 euro. So then it's a matter of getting sliders or pots plus the caps (I've seen that you can get synth style caps remade after classic synths), connecting them up and throwing them into a box by the looks of things. So would be great to get any pointers / advice here. Any recommendations for an alternative main board? This looks good, although most synths probably don't need 64 controls, more like 40 (ish) or less plus a few buttons. I really like the Range/Octave switch on the MS20 controller which switches between 4 octaves, not something you get on any midi controller. To do that, would it just be a matter of getting a pot with 4 switch positions and wiring it up as normal? Will the board work, sending 4 divisions of the 0-127 scale out? Another question is with buttons, it gets more complicated with LED buttons - is 2 way communication hard to do? So that lights will change if you change the assigned midi parameter externally. If it is I won't bother! Also, something like pressing a button that switches between 4 states with 4 LEDS to indicate which state, is that hard? Or can you just buy parts that do that? Lastly, any general advice with this, do you think it'll work well? Thanks!
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