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Everything posted by potain

  1. Hello everyone. Has already built four PICCC now I'm trying to build a nucleus to turn on some encoders. I've never worked with before encoders. I bought the Bourns PEC11 with button included. I made an expansion with only a DINX1 ic 74HC165. I modified the file to be the first encoder SR1. the problem now is that the encoder works, there is a channel that increases and decreases its value as if it were an analog potentiometer. and are posted several notes, but I can not just be a note that when a road side and a different note to the other side. what is the problem that's happening so that the nucleus is sending dozens of different notes and meaningless? Asked for your help please. the mode of the encoders is detented2. tested with the detent and removed with a totally original encoder. File configured by me: ; $Id: setup_midibox16e.asm 195 2008-03-09 15:01:18Z tk $ LIST R=DEC ; ; Setup File for TK's MIDIbox16E ; ; Number of connected encoders: 1-64 #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_ENCS 2 ; number of connected encoders ; NOTE: the encoders have to be assigned to the DIN pins in mios_tables.inc ; ; Width of a group - normaly matches with the number of connected encoders, but ; the MB64E_LCD_PrintGroupNumber function in mb64e_bank.inc only supports ; group widths which are a power of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) #define DEFAULT_ENCODER_GROUP_WIDTH 2 ; Number of connected buttons ; Allowed values: 1-64 #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_BUTTONS 0 ; number of connected buttons ; ; debounce counter (see the function description of MIOS_SRIO_DebounceSet) ; Use 0 for high-quality buttons, use higher values for low-quality buttons ; NOTE: with a value > 0 the ledrings will flicker on every button movement! #define DEFAULT_SRIO_DEBOUNCE_CTR 0 ; ; ; A difficult decition: define here if you want to store many banks or many patches ; in the (optional) BankStick(s). ; - Bank based (PATCHMODE 0): 8 complete configurations are stored in each BankStick ; - Patch based (PATCHMODE 1): 1 configuration bank and 128 patches are stored in each BankStick #define DEFAULT_PATCHMODE 0 ; ; Chip Select Number of BankStick which should be used: ; -1: allows the MIDIbox to address up to 8 BankSticks (-> 64/8 Banks) ; 0: the MIDIbox addresses only the BankStick with CS=0 (-> 8/1 Banks) ; ... ; 7: the MIDIbox addresses only the BankStick with CS=7 (-> 8/1 Banks) ; all others: don't use any BankStick ; ; * -1 is the most prefered choice, also when only one BankStick is connected. ; * specify a CS number 0...7 when you are using different Applications ; with your MIDIbox in order to assign a dedicated EEPROM to it. ; * specifiy any other number to disable BankStick support at all #define DEFAULT_BANKSTICK_CS -1 ; ; Channel which is used to send a program change event on bank changes ; and to listen for bank change requests ; Allowed values: 1-16 #define DEFAULT_BANK_PRG_CHNG_CHANNEL 16 ; ; Channel which is used to send a program change event on patch changes ; and to listen for patch change requests ; Allowed values: 1-16 #define DEFAULT_PATCH_PRG_CHNG_CHANNEL 15 ; ; here you can change the default device ID #define DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID 0x00 ; ; if this option is enabled (1), the DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID won't be used, but ; it will be automatically derived from the MIOS Device ID instead #define DEFAULT_AUTO_DEVICE_ID 1 ; ; For MIDI activity monitor: define the DOUT pins for the Rx and Tx LED #define DEFAULT_MIDI_MONITOR_ENABLED 0 ; if 1, the Tx/Rx LEDs are enabled #define DEFAULT_MIDI_RX_LED 0x40 ; DOUT SR#9, pin D0 #define DEFAULT_MIDI_TX_LED 0x41 ; DOUT SR#9, pin D1 ; ; --> define the DOUT registers which are connected to the LED rings here: ; --> the shift registers are counted from one here - means: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc... ; --> please mark unused ledrings with 0 #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_CATHODES_1 1 ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_CATHODES_2 2 ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_ANODES_1 3 ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_ANODES_2 4 ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_CATHODES_1 0 ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_CATHODES_2 0 ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_ANODES_1 0 ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_ANODES_2 0 ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_CATHODES_1 0 ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_CATHODES_2 0 ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_ANODES_1 0 ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_ANODES_2 0 ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings ; #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_CATHODES_1 0 ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_CATHODES_2 0 ; second register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_ANODES_1 0 ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings #define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_ANODES_2 0 ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings ;; see the documentation of MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet for the purpose of these values #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_NORMAL_MODE MIOS_ENC_SPEED_NORMAL #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_NORMAL_DIV 0 #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_SLOW_MODE MIOS_ENC_SPEED_SLOW #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_SLOW_DIV 6 ; (6: increment on every 7th step) #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_FAST_MODE MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED_FAST_DIV 2 ; (2: divider = 2^(7-2) = 32) ; This DIN map allows you to customize the MB64E application to different hardwares ; The MB64E dump structure allows the use of up to 64 buttons, they are grouped to 8 buttons per shift register ; Define the used shift registers for the buttons here ; the shift registers are counted from one - means: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc... ; mark unused button groups with 0 ;; NOTE: by default, the first two DIN shift registers are used for the encoders #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_01_08 2 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_09_16 3 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_17_24 1 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_25_32 4 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_33_40 9 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_41_48 10 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_49_56 11 #define DEFAULT_DIN_SR_PIN_57_64 12 ; ; Datawheel for menu navigation/data entry connected or not? ; A datawheel can replace the left/right buttons! ; if 0: datawheel not connected ; if >= 1: encoder number assigned to datawheel function ; don't forget to check the pins of the datawheel in MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE (-> mios_tables.inc or setup_*.asm) ; it has to be connected to pin 4 and 5 by default #define DEFAULT_ENC_DATAWHEEL 0 ; ; DIN pin numbers of menu buttons #if DEFAULT_ENC_DATAWHEEL == 0 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_EXEC 7 ; menu exec button assigned to DIN pin #7 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_RIGHT 6 ; menu right button assigned to DIN pin #6 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_LEFT 5 ; menu left button assigned to DIN pin #5 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_SNAPSHOT 4 ; menu snapshot button assigned to DIN pin #4 #else #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_EXEC 7 ; menu exec button assigned to DIN pin #7 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_SNAPSHOT 6 ; menu snapshot button assigned to DIN pin #4 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_RIGHT 5 ; NOT USED - overlayed by datawheel #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_LEFT 4 ; NOT USED - overlayed by datawheel #endif ; ; This DOUT map allows you to customize the MB64E application to different hardwares ; The MB64E dump structure allows the use of up to 64 LEDs, they are grouped to 8 LEDs per shift register ; Define the used shift registers for the LEDs here ; the shift registers are counted from one - means: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc... ; mark unused LED groups with 0 ;; NOTE: by default, the first four DOUT shift registers are used for the encoders #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_01_08 5 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_09_16 6 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_17_24 7 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_25_32 8 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_33_40 9 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_41_48 10 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_49_56 11 #define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_57_64 12 ; ; ; Some menus are providing the possibility to use 16 "general purpose" buttons ; for selecting a parameter - e.g. the Bank Select menu allows to directly change the ; Bank with these buttons. So long as you stay in this menu, the normal function of ; these buttons (triggering MIDI or SFB events) is disabled ; Define the two shift registers which are assigned to this function here: ; 0 disables the GP buttons (not recommented!) #define DEFAULT_GP_DIN_SR0 2 ; first GP DIN shift register assigned to SR#2 #define DEFAULT_GP_DIN_SR1 3 ; second GP DIN shift register assigned to SR#3 ; ; above these buttons LEDs should be mounted to visualize the selected parameter ; (e.g. to visualize the bank which corresponds with the buttons below) ; Define the two shift registers which are assigned to this function here: ; 0 disables the GP LEDs (not recommented!) #define DEFAULT_GP_DOUT_SR0 5 ; first GP DOUT shift register assigned to SR#5 #define DEFAULT_GP_DOUT_SR1 6 ; second GP DOUT shift register assigned to SR#6 ; ; with following settings it is possible to center the screen on 2x20 and 2x40 LCDs ; see also the functional description of MIOS_LCD_YAddressSet ; recommented values: ; 2x16 | 2x20 | 4x20 | Comments ; -----+------+------+---------- #define DEFAULT_YOFFSET_LINE0 0x00 ; 0x00 | 0x02 | 0x42 | cursor pos: 0x00-0x0f #define DEFAULT_YOFFSET_LINE1 0x40 ; 0x40 | 0x42 | 0x16 | cursor pos: 0x40-0x4f #define DEFAULT_YOFFSET_LINE2 0x14 ; 0x14 | 0x16 | 0x02 | cursor pos: 0x80-0x8f (not used yet) #define DEFAULT_YOFFSET_LINE3 0x54 ; 0x54 | 0x56 | 0x56 | cursor pos: 0xc0-0xcf (not used yet) ; ; The morphing function uses addresses within the MIOS address range which are ; reserved for the AIN handler. ; NOTE: morphing is automatically disabled if analog pots/faders are connected #define DEFAULT_MORPH_FUNCTION_ENABLED 1 ; ; Although MIDIbox64E has been designed for rotary encoders, it can also handle with ; up to 64 pots/faders or up to 8 motorfaders. ; Pots and faders are mapped to the "encoder" entries 64-128. ; Example: if group width is 16, and group 1 is selected, encoders are using ; entry 1-16, and pots are using entry 64-70 ; NOTE: morphing is automatically disabled if analog pots/faders are connected #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 0 ; ; you could enable the multiplexers here to test this application ; with a MIDIbox64 based hardware ; if 0: no multiplexers (a *must* when MF module connected) ; if 1: use multiplexers #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_AIN_MUX 0 ; ; motorfaders connected? ; if 0: MF module disabled ; if 1: MF module enabled #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_MOTORDRIVER 0 ; ; The well known motorfader calibration values -- can also be changed "online" in the calibration menu #define DEFAULT_MF_PWM_DUTY_UP 0x01 ; PWM duty cycle for upward moves (see http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html) #define DEFAULT_MF_PWM_DUTY_DOWN 0x01 ; PWM duty cycle for downward moves (see http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html) #define DEFAULT_MF_PWM_PERIOD 0x03 ; PWM period (see http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html) ; ; ; following settings configure the touch sensors ; The DIN shift register to which the 8 touch sensors are connected has to be defined here ; Shift Register 9-16: touch sensor changes won't trigger the MBMF button handler ; no MIDI event will be sent ; Shift Register 1-8: touch sensor changes will trigger the MBMF button handler ; 0: touch sensor disabled #define DEFAULT_TOUCH_SENSOR_SR 0 ; ; Now define one of three behaviours (note: value can be changed "online" in the TS mode menu) ; The TS mode works independent from the MBMF button handler, means: use TOUCH_SENSOR_SR >= 8 ; to suspend the motors w/o allocating a button function ; ; TOUCH_SENSOR_MODE EQU 0: no additional action when touch sensor pressed/depressed ; TOUCH_SENSOR_MODE EQU 1: the motor will be suspended via MIOS when the appr. touch sensor ; is pressed, so that it will not be moved on incoming MIDI events ; TOUCH_SENSOR_MODE EQU 2: like mode 1, additionally no MIDI event will be sent when the ; touch sensor is *not* pressed. ; ; Mode "1" is used by default to avoid circular troubleshooting requests in the MIDIbox forum from people ; who don't read this information before starting the application. ; Mode "2" should be the prefered setting if your touch sensors are working properly #define DEFAULT_TOUCH_SENSOR_MODE 1 ; ; The touch sensor sensitivity (can also be changed "online" in the "Touch Sensor" menu) #define DEFAULT_TOUCH_SENSOR_SENSITIVITY 3 org 0x3280 ; never change the origin! ;; In this table DIN pins have to be assigned to rotary encoders for the ;; MIOS_ENC driver ;; ;; up to 64 entries are provided ;; ;; The table must be terminated with an ENC_EOT entry. Unused entries should ;; be filled with ENC_EOT ;; ;; ENC_ENTRY provides following parameters ;; o first parameter: number of shift register - 1, 2, 3, ... 16 ;; o second parameter: number of pin; since two pins are necessary ;; for each encoder, an even number is expected: 0, 2, 4 or 6 ;; o the third parameter contains the encoder mode: ;; either MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ;; or MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ;; ;; Configuration Examples: ;; ENC_ENTRY 1, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; non-detented encoder at pin 0 and 1 of SR 1 ;; ENC_ENTRY 1, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ; detented encoder at pin 2 and 3 of SR 1 ;; ENC_ENTRY 9, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; non-detented encoder at pin 6 and 7 of SR 9 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; encoder entry structure ENC_ENTRY MACRO sr, din_0, mode dw (mode << 8) | (din_0 + 8*(sr-1)) ENDM ENC_EOT MACRO dw 0xffff ENDM MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE ;; encoders 1-16 ;; SR Pin Mode ENC_ENTRY 1, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 1 ENC_ENTRY 1, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; V-Pot 2 ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ;; encoders 17-32 ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ;; encoders 33-48 ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ;; encoders 49-64 ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT #include "src/main.inc"
  2. thanks for all reply's I Catch the problem... so, its really stupid! very stupid the problem is the first wire, this wire as been connected in the core, and the first MUx, but have one union in the mid, and this union has been connected to the Ground! :( is this the problem, if signal is ground, the value is 0. thanks for your help. iam a really noob, in this projects. now I made the second AIN, in Dot board, and have 64 pots connects, the next step is made onde more dinX4 for have 64 pots and more later i post the finnaly pictures. thanks a lot!
  3. hi Midibox Mans. Ilove this project, is its really my first box its runs. my project have a pic18f452 with mios e 128in128out64pots aplication. now i only have one expansion AIN and DIN. but more later my midibox have 2 ain and 2 din. now i connected 36 pots. 32 mued and 4 not multipxeder. my project runs with cubase 3sx. its fine. relly fine, but have one problem. 8 potentiometers dont work. this potenciometers are connected in the first mul. Today i replace all multiplexers, and test all connections, but this problem persists. have explication? maybe i'm a noob, but i search in the forum board and dont catch this problem. Very Very sorry for my english is really bad. thank you to all EDIT for add pictures about this project.
  4. ja entendi alguma coisa, que achas de mandarmos vir coisas da smashtv? tava a pensar comprar core32, o que preciso para ter motor faders? e facil usar nos software tipo cubase ? para actualizar as posiçoes de volumes e equalizaçoes era brutal. tenho facilidade de mandar vir potenciometros desses da china, bem como outro amterial se for necessario, se tiveres msn adiciona ai o meu mail potain69 (at) gmail(dot).com abraço
  5. ola portugueses, eu sou de portugal e descobri a midibox por necessidade, gostava de fazer um controlador midi para usar com o cubase e assim tornar as minhas produçoes mas faceis. vou ser sincero, nao consigo compreender o projecto midibox. alguem tem um pack com todos os ficheiros necessarios bem como um esquema, alguem ja fez a midibox e esta a usar? cumps
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