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Posts posted by grizz

  1. Thanks for the tips! I got it working again! I had changed LCD when I had my MB9090 PCB connected to the LPC17 setup, which I stopped using because the project seemed to stop and I couldn't figure out a panel case for it. I even found a note in one of my notebooks that says "change LCD type back when used with Wilba front panel and TPB".

    I went ahead and ordered the new core and some other odds and ends from Midiphy as my understanding is the new core has some more features.

    Thanks again for the help!



  2. Hello all,

    I just tried to install the new .97 version of the seq V4 software and after uploading the software  my LCD's are just showing black bars. It is not the LCD's work fine when hooked up to my original old core setup, so it seems to be something with the LPC17 core. Does anyone have any ideas? The LCD's have black bars and backlights they are getting power too. I've been trying to adjust the two trim pots but no luck so far. They are just the standard LCDs that I used back in 2010/11 when I first built the sequencer. I am assuming they should work without any code changes.


    I can use my old core setup for the time being but it isn't able to use the newer firmwares with the features I love.

    Thanks in advance.



  3. Just now, Shuriken said:

    I have 3030 myself. Still pondering if i should rack it as is or i should include a sequencer.

    Mine is racked now, and I use my SEQ V4 to sequence it, and my 9090... I'm moving away from bringing my MB808 and 9090 to shows as I have built a bunch of Euro drum modules to replace them for live use... The 3030 though I want to keep using live as I like being able to teak the bass sounds depending on the type of room I am playing in... hence trying to build a smaller control surface. I think the 3030 with a dedicated MB SEQ V4 with a control surface tailored to its needs would be pretty great!

  4. Thanks for the responses. The SEQ4 lite isn't quite what I am after. Hawkeye, I'll watch your tutorial.. Thanks!

    After thinking about it, I think what I am really after is a control surface to use as a sequencer for my 3030. I think I will design something that I can house with the 3030 (kind of like my MB808, but much much smaller) that I can travel with. I now understand the display limitations, so I am thinking the 2 40x2 displays with 16 duo LED buttons the TPD and then some buttons for specific purposes like modulation of the cutoff frequency (I have the 3030 V2 which the cuttoff can be modulated over midi), midi delay, etc. I remember years ago someone did a MB-303, which looked great so maybe I will go down that road for myself.

    I built a control surface on veroboard for my MBFM which works great, so I think I am capable enough... I hope!




  5. Hi all,

    After years of using my MBSEQ V4 both in the studio and live at shows I am looking to reduce its size significantly. My original sequencer (from the first Wilba bulkorder) is great to work with, but it is quite large and all the tactile switches and encoders are failing to differing degrees. So, instead of desoldering them all and replacing them I would like to try to figure out a smaller control surface. My idea is to have my larger sequencer for writing and a much smaller one for live performances. My main use for a smaller control surface is to have a sequencer for my Oakley 3030 303 clone for shows.


    So, I have a few questions:

    First off, does anyone think this is doable? A stupid idea? etc.

    Secondly, I am thinking of using my TPD as part of the control surface and then maybe something simple like the SCS board with a display. Would it be possible to use these two and a display as a control surface? Is it hard to create a new hardware file?

    It is probably pretty obvious that I am in the early stages of thinking about this... I am willing to learn PCB design, and dive deeper into the hardware file to make this happen. If I end up making a new control surface PCB I will happily run a bulk order if there is interest.




  6. Name            PCB BLM   PCB miniCore   Case   Shift button   M2 hardware   4xLED

    availability    0         0              -      4              1             12


    latigid on      1         1              1      1              1             1

    Rowan          1         1              1      1              1             1

    Phatline        2         2              1      1              1             1

    TK                1         1              1      1              1             1

    Altitude         1         1              1      1              1             1

    rwo               1         1              1      1              1             1

    jojjelito          1         1              1      1              1             1

    tashikoma     1         1              -      1              1             1  

    workspace    1         1              1      1              1             1

    flyweight       1         1              1      1              1              1

    Grizz             1         1              1      1              1             1


    Total          12        12              10      11              11             11

  7. Ok, so I think I figured it out. If I request "bank" in sysex librarian MIOS studio shows that it is downloading the 128 patterns from the MB808, but each pattern shows "no name available". Is there a way to set MIOS studio to receive each pattern label, ie: A1, A2.... B1, B2, etc? That way I can visually see that it is backing up properly. One thing is I'm not sure which 808 software version I have installed... Is there a way to figure this out? I think I have 1.3, but I'm not sure.


    I guess this leads to another question. I built a 8 bankstick pcb on perfboard which should give me 128 patterns right? What I know how to access is A-H, with each capital letter having 8 patterns each. That makes 64 patterns. Where are the other 64? This might seen like a dumb question, but I'm only up to C7 so I haven't really thought about the patterns that I don't know how to access.


    A little edit to these questions. So short of seeing the software version on the LCD of the 808 I am going to just update to the newest version. I think I have V1.1 or something close to that. Here is my last question: Will my banksticks be reformatted if I upgrade from V1.1(2) to V1.3? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but since I can't do a complete sysex back until I upgrade I'd like to be 1000% sure before proceeding.





  8. Hey,


    Anyone out there have a spare GM5 or GM5x5x5 board they'd be willing to sell me? I have the GM5 chip so I just need a bare PCB, although if there is a populated one available I'd consider that too.




  9. Ha! Funny how something can be so easy, but allude me no matter how much time I spend trying to figure it out. Thanks sneakthief!


    One more question: what button do I press on the 808 to get it to send a complete backup? And does the device ID matter? I'm assuming I just leave the device ID on 0?




  10. I need to switch out a dead LED in one of the GP buttons, but I want to do a complete backup before taking everything apart. There isn't any documentation that I can find on the SYSEX features except that ALT+SYSEX gets me into the menu and the GP buttons choose device ID. Does anyone know what I need to do to transmit a complete backup of all of my patterns? I built a bankstick addon so that I have more pattern saving potential.


    Also has anyone ever taken the Omron GP buttons apart without removing them? My goal is to pull the cap off, desolder the LED, and replace it without desoldering the switches from the board.




  11. I have 2 extra boards that are fully stuffed except for the SSM2044 chips... I also have a jumper bypassing the relay, but I have the relays in a bag. Not sure what I'd want need to charge but if you are interested we could figure something out. PM if you want them.




  12. Is there a place in the US, or somewhere else with an easier to use website, to get the LCD's that TK uses? The website that the LCD link points to is really hard to decipher... Or maybe there is an "english" button on the site?



  13. Hey all,


    I'm parting with my AOUT_NG setup that I used with my MBSEQ due to changing over to a different solution for MIDI-->CV. I have for sale 2 seppoman SSM2044's, built, calibrated and working perfectly, 1 AOUT_NG built and working, and 1 PiAi 9770 PSU that can power all of the above. I'd like to stick to the US, but I'd consider WW if need be. I can email pictures upon request. I also have a populated breakout board for the 8 gate outs and the AOUT_NG that I'll sell. It ramps the gate outs to 5V. Everything has been tested and is working perfectly.


    Prices: Buyer pays shipping and paypal fees


    AOUT_NG/Gate Breakout PCB: $30

    AOUT_NG $50

    PAiA PSU: $40

    SSM2044 $100 each




  14. Hi Thorsten!


    I've been thinking about this question today, and for me I think the below option would hamper my workflow. I switch between patterns, and rely on the mutes to stay the same when switching between patterns. The easiest solution for me would be if everything was muted on power up by default.


    I haven't updated the firmware in awhile, and I'm wondering if being able to control AOUT tracks with the LRE8x2 (MBNG) is possible yet? I have my ssm2044 boards hooked up to the AOUT_NG, and would like to use encoders to control cutoff and resonance through NRPN messages.




  15. Would it be possible to have each individual drum within a drum track mute when using the "utility mute" function? I use it when first powering up, and would like to not have to mute each individual drum within drum tracks. The main reason is that all of my tactile switches are slowly failing... I'm putting off changing them all out because I know it is going to be a royal pain in the butt...


    Nice tutorials, BTW!!!



  16. I have some leftover MB-LRE8x2CS PCB's for sale. I also have 24 of the 10k SIL Rn chips, and 6 of the 220 Ohm DIL RN. The boards are $12 USD each. The 10k SIL's are .10 cents each, and the 220 Ohm RN's are .34 cents each. On top of those costs will be shipping and paypal fees which are 4% I think. If i'm wrong feel free to correct me. My preference is to sell to someone that wants the whole lot, and if no one does I'll sell them individually. I'll give shipping quotes when I have a committed buyer. I'm in Portland, Oregon USA.






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