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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Thanks for taking so much interest guys. After some thinking, and a talk with SmashTV, i'v decided to run the main software on a PC. Sorry to dissapoint. Unfortuantly this mean that i will be developing this software first and wont get to play with midibox for a while. However i am having some thoughts about a system to send more than 7bits of data over MIDI. When i work out the spec for this protocol i will post it in this thread.
  2. Wow, we i'll definately be writing in c++, the stl is sooo handy. And i'v never got to terms with malloc and all those variants. Only other reason to use a laptop is for the screen. Can you output VGA from a midibox?
  3. A major consideration for having DMX on the laptop is that i may need up to 1024 channles of dmx, all simutaniously with sine-curve fades. I dont think the SMT32 will be able to handle that.
  4. Only thing is that i requrie a fullsize screen output. And this device will be controlling moving fixtures and doing some quite heavy maths do deal with some moving light features i have in mind. Also i'm a c++ guy. So i would feel better once im back in c++ on the computer. And linux i can create a 2gb part of my computer and run a very small, fast micro linux. Must say, looks like you have a very nice project. I'm just fed up with the board at my theatre really. Its a manual (fader based) board. And i prefer key based programming.
  5. Hi, I work in a theatre company as a lighting tech and i'v always wanted to build a lighting desk. Basically i'v spent a few hours on the wiki and on UCAPPS looking at what midibox has to offer, and im feeling optimistic! These are the requirements i'm aiming for: (this is a rough replic of a lighting controller called a 520i) 4 x Charactor LCD 4 x Motorised Faders 8 to 16 normal faders numerical keypad and many other buttons (probably over 100 total) communicates with a LINUX program via midi to controll the lights 3+ rotary encoders / joystick / trackball 4 XLR Desk Lamps I would like to know your opinion on this project, and if anything similar has be attempted before. Also should i go with Core32? I imagine a large amount of my code will be custom anyway. Thanks, thomasfedb
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