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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Wow, thanks very much LyleHaze... very helpful. Would you mind telling me what model encoder you purchased? how many signals/revolution? how does it perform (in your opinion). I personally like the idea of hacking into an old mouse and snagging the photosensors... that way I can "tune" the resolution to my liking. Thanks again, nate
  2. I've been lurking around for a while trying to learn as much as I can, but I have a few questions. I would like to integrate a jog wheel into my project, but I'm not sure what route to go. I think I would like to implement a rotary optical encoder along the lines of what rasteri developed. This seems like it would yield the highest performance at the lowest cost. How exactly does an optical encoder integrate into the various modules? Is it "plug and play" so to speak, or will I have to code a program to interpret the signal? I have ordered a core32, DIN, DOUT, and AIN module to play around with to help me understand their workings before I tackle my first project. Any insight regarding optical (or any) rotary encoders would be very helpful. thanks, nate
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