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Everything posted by Playkey

  1. Hi, I've built a controller for a VST Hammond Organ composed by a core (ID 00) with 2 AIN modules with 45 pots/faders, plus 6 analog buttons, and 1 DIN with 31 buttons, linked from J11 to a second Core (ID 01) with 4 DIN for 122 notes and 6 buttons. The PICS have loaded the midibox64.syx and midio128.syx. I'm using only 1 Power Supply(9V - 500mA), no LCD connected. The issue is that when I power-on, all the analog inputs goes to 0V and the digital buttons don't move to the positions set in the hardware. The pots send the correct position to the VST only if I switch-off and then switch-on the Vd from the core to the ains modules. Regards.
  2. Hello, this is the first time I'm writing in this forum. First of all sorry for my bad english... I've built 2 Cores, the first with 2 ain and 1 din modules, the second with 4 din modules. I've loaded in order the files midibox64.syx and midio128.syx changed to drive a controller for a virtual hammond. The cores are linked. This is the question: I want that at power on, the core scan the position of the buttons (hardware) and if the state is on or off the core send immediately the value 127 or 0 to the virtual instrument. It's possible? Thanks. Christian
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