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Big Blue Saw

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. TK My business is Big Blue Saw. We laser cut and waterjet cut various materials, including plastic, metal, and wood. I've noticed that a good many of our customers recently are making control panels for mixing boards, MIDI input devices, and the like, so I thought I'd let the fine folks of this forum know about us. So I would like to humbly suggest that you consider using Big Blue Saw for your next project. We can ship to just about anywhere; e-mail us for details. Thanks for your time. If you have any questions, post them here or e-mail us.
  2. The file is saved in an older version of the DXF format which doesn't allow you to specify units, and by default the online quoting system interprets dimensions as being in inches. If the file saved in a newer format, or scaled down by 1/25.4=0.0393700787, you would see the correct size. Also, the "Gravur" layer needs to be changed to "Engraving" for the quoting system to handle the engraving correctly. Anyway, the 17 inch panel, made from clear acrylic, would cost approximately $30.
  3. I was referred to here on the DJ Tech Tools Forum. I'm trying to find out if there's an appropriate place on MIDIBox to announce the services I offer. I definitely don't want to spam, but I think that members of this forum might be interested.
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