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Posts posted by igi

  1. YES!!!

    I have a lot problems on MB SEQ V4 (LPC17)with "HARD FAULT on PC......" before

    V4.057.(only using USB)

    I'm using new firmware for few days and I don't have this problem anymore. :frantics:

    Thanx TK :flowers: ,I'm happy now!

    Best regards, IGI

  2. Hi ALL!

    I'm working on MIDIBOX SID DARK MATTER sound extension module.

    (Any similarity with Dark energy is just coincidence)

    This is actually controlling two CEM3394 with MB SID V2 via Aout module and

    outputs on J5.(for wave select)

    Almost finished and thanks to TK's great SC and Aout's working great. :frantics:

    But there is one problem.

    I try to use envelope generator 1 or 2 for controlling VCA via level, but if I set

    EG depth to full (128) voltage is not working on full range.(0-5V).

    If I control level with ext.controller then I can get voltage from 0 to 5V.(like it should)

    Should EG work on full range, or I miss something (again)??? :getlost:

    PW, Cut off, reso... works fine with full range.

    Thanx in advance and Best regards,IGI

  3. HI!

    TK, thanks for your reply.

    I check my computer, but I did not find any viruses, so I hope you are wrong. :cry:

    Problem is that you are usually right!!!

    I also check my room and I found mostly MIDIBOX gear and no virus! :thumbsup:

    I will report If I have more problems.

    Best regards, IGI

  4. Hi!

    I noticed one problem with controlling external filter.

    I use MBsid V2 (rc38) with AoutLC (cutoff 12bits,resonance 4 bits).

    Everything if working just fine, but:

    For example:

    (all modulations (LFO's, EG's) is turned off)

    cutoff value is 0, and I hold any key pressed then cca.every 5 seconds voltage is increase for 1,25V.

    (I use 0 to 5V)

    When key is pressed value=0V, after 5sec. value=1,25V ,after 10sec. value=3V ... until voltage is 5V.

    If I release key and press it again voltage stays on last value.

    On display value is still 000.

    I can set voltage to 0V again only if I move cutoff knob.

    Resonance voltage is working normally.

    Any ideas???

    Thanks in advance and best regards,IGI

    I just noticed that problem is not in Aout, because there is the same problem

    with internal (SID's) filter.


    I upload application again and.....that is this :frantics: !

  5. Hi!

    Thanks, and Happy new year!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

    Sorry, but after testing : I can't get sysex thru MBSEQ.

    Could be something wrong by my side?


    Sorry,I was too fast!!!

    Of course, problems in my side.

    Working perfectly! :tongue:

    TK, you are KING!

    Thanks again.

    Best regards, IGI

  6. Hi!

    I have two questions about SeqV4.054 (LPC core).

    1. When I enabled MSD USB everything is OK, until I try change something

    on the SD card.

    When I do that then Seq. show: HARD FAULT at PC=0x0002fca0 and

    seq. stop working. (sometimes computer too). I was try with different cards, but with

    same results.

    Is also the same if I start MSD from MIOS studio.

    Everything is normal when use card directly in PC, and then in Seq.

    I use PC with Windows XP.

    2. I cant get sysex thru MBSeq.

    MIDI MONITOR is shown input (sysex) normally , but on out port

    is nothing. Is the same if I use USB or "normal" MIDI port.

    I was try with different router settings, but no results.

    Notes, CC ... working normally.

    Did I miss something or this is normal?

    Thanks in advance and Best Regards, IGI

  7. Hi!

    I also have a problem with sending sysex thru MBseq V4 4.054.

    Router: IN:USB Ch1. OUT:out4(any) ch.1

    On MIDI monitor is show incoming SYSex, but on out port only on start and stop sysex massage is shown.

    I try use C6 and PCto550, but all the same.

    I have no problems sending sysex directly without MB SEQ V4.

    I'm using PC with win XP.

    Thanks and Best regards, IGI

  8. Hi Lee!

    Thanks for interest. :rolleyes:

    On every note on retrigger the TRIGGER and GATE on.

    GATE is on until any note is on.

    Something like this:

    note on:

    >trigger on (pulse a few ms )

    >gate on

    note off:

    >gate off

    For example:

    >note on(36)= trigger on + gate on

    >note on(37)= trigger on

    >note off(36) = nothing

    >note off(37) = gate off

    Thanks and best regards, IGI

    Gate and trigger should work on any free pins of LPC core.

  9. HI JRock!

    I have gate out's connected to J5.

    RC37 and RC38 is firmware version : MIDIBOX SID V2.0RC37 and last version is MIDIBOX SID V2.0RC38. :thumbsup:

    I have no problem with gate out's on firmware MIDIBOX SID V2.0RC37.

    On RC38 gate's not working at all. (none of them).

    Could be a bug?

    Thanks and Best regards, IGI

  10. HI all!

    Maybe I miss something, but on my SID v2 rc38 gate out's is not working. :getlost:


    #define DEFAULT_J5_FUNCTION 3

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC1_L_OUT 1

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC2_L_OUT 2

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC3_L_OUT 3

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC1_R_OUT 4

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC2_R_OUT 5

    #define DEFAULT_GATE_OSC3_R_OUT 6

    Working on rc37!!

    Anybody any idea?

    Thanks in advance and Best regards, IGI

  11. HI all!

    Here is My new MIDIBOX AY V2.

    Compare to original MB AY2 I use 4x20 lcd

    and PIC18F4620 from seq V3 (now is V4).

    It's a nice synth, little unusual, but very interesting with a lot of fun. :thumbsup:

    Hint: Don't use AY38910 from microchip because noise generators not

    working.Use chip from GI or YM2149.

    I want to say big thanks to Lemmonhorse for his

    MIdibox AY2 project and for really great support an help.

    Of course, thanks also to TK for nice platform and help. :flowers:

    Best regards, IGI


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