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Posts posted by Teig1

  1. I'll answer my own post..... I had a faulty bankstick in position 5 (thus the error message 245). Edit: No no no.....Not the correct error description.... Bankstick ID5 is not configured for pedalbox


    Sorted the bankstick problems.... I had to export master & devices manually from PBEditor2 manually to sysex files, then use MIOS studio to upload the info.


    Not a trivial task to get the bankstick uploaded...  This is what I had to do (after xxx tests)


    1: do all needed basic configuration in PBEditor2, I chose to use Midi channel 16 for master BS, check that all your devices have their individual unique Midi channel.


    2: pull out all banksticks except master BS in ID0 position.  upload the master

    2.1: swap BS in ID0 position to one of the device BS.  Upload this device BS with the correct sysex.

    -repeat 2.1 for the remaining device BS´s


    3: insert all you BS´s (Master in ID0 pos, devices in the remaining positions)


    Woilaa no error reported, works 100%

  2. Hi.  I descided to reuse my "old" mbseq v3 boards on this project.  I´ve done nothing to the setup (all board are still inside the mbseq box with all the buttons encoders etc).... uploaded the pbx program, and the box reboots....


    I use a 2x16 lcd (replaced the dual 2x40 lcd with a singre 2x16lcd)


    after boot, the display only shows the info;

    Pedal Board

    Error 245


    After reading this thread and looking at the error codes, the error 24x indicates the bankstick has not been formatted for PB.... how can I format the bankstick?  (In mbseq v3 I used a menu to format banksticks)



    Ole Peder

  3. I´m finishing the build as the topic of this thread :-) (not trying to hijack the thread....)


    I will use the same PSU for all modules thus no need to use the optocouplers.



    Can I connect the modules this way: (Using only 1 cable for each of the lines below)
    LPC1769 -> MF_NG 1-3
    • J11- MI1 -> MF_NG(1) - J11-MO1
    • J11- MO1 -> MF_NG(1) - J11-MI1
    • J11-MI2 -> MF_NG(2) - J11-MO1
    • J11-MO2 - > MF_NG(2) - J11-MI1
    • J5B-A6 -> MF_NG(3) - J11-MO1
    • J5B-A7 -> MF_NG(3) - J11-MI1



    Ole Peder

  4. I just tested two HUI´s in protools.  


    running them in serial will not work.  1st HUI will control fader 1 and 9, 2 and 10 etc.  2nd HUI will only control fader 1 - 8


    Running them on two interfaces works perfectly!!  In protools I can address 4 different HUI´s through MIDI,  they will show with different color in the mixer in PT.


    Conclusion:  I must use novski´s plan. 

    3xMF_NG + 1xLPC17 over USB.


    Will using the USB result in 4 seperate MIDI I/O´s in protools (or any other DAWs) ?

  5. Hi

      Thanks for answering my post.


    Novski: Picture explainet very well howto, thanks :-)


    Ilmenator:  I Live In Elverum, not very close to Trondheim (used to live there tho...)  Thanks for the cofeeinvite!  I sure would have done that..... If you prefer Norwegian, we can "chat" in the Norwegian thread (If I recall correctly you native Language is German?)


    I guess I must try the HUI protocoll in real life.. (I have a Mackie HUI and a Yamaha 4416 laying around... those units should be able to Control chanel 1-16)


    I will order 3 MF_NG modules and try that as a start.  (I actually only need 1 MF_NG to fix my surface as only faderboard B software is faulty...)


    LPCXPRESSO/Magjack..... Ahaaa!!! :-) Thnx


    Thanks again for you replies.  This community rox, and ofc. TK !!!

    (I´ve been lurking here for years,,,, under alias mjproc.... but I lost my password.... :no: )

  6. Hi


    I´m currently repairing my Control 24 unit. I´ve so far replaced severals controller cards in the unit, unfortunately I still have 2 faders that does not "behave" correctly... Dealing with Avid support is uhm....put nicely.... HARD!!... Most answers I get from repairshops is like "the unit is way beyond - End of life"....

    Sadly there are no schematics or any documentation of the unit available.....

    My current status is the console is working 99%. The only thing that may fix this unit to near 100% functionality is to change the Main controller card (called CUB)...... or retrofit the faderboards with MBHP_MF_NG!!!

    I frequently stop my Midibox community to update me on the news... and last night I saw the light ;-)

    My plan now is to give up crying for support from Avid, and do the retrofit for the faders (as of now).... If Avid descide to stop support for these devices in PT11,,,, I can expand this project by replacing the guts of the rest of the unit....



    3x MBHP_MF_NG modules

    1x Core LPC17 module

    My power supply have both 10vdc and 5 vdc

    I basicly have to get the cards going and connect it the existing faders.


    Do I need the Core module? I am to control 24 faders.

    If I can drop the Core module, can I link the 3 boards according to the midibox link doc? and use HUI protocols in Protools?

    If I need the core module; will the USB to midi need any drivers/software to work in OSX? (I belive I cannot use OSC to control Protools)

    Is the LPCXPRESSO the same as SmashTV refers to as MagJack?

    Sorry about the long post, and I hope you understand what I´m´trying to explain....

    Brgds from Norway

    Ole Peder

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