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About Tudy

  • Birthday 06/02/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brno, Czech Republic

Tudy's Achievements

MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. One piece sold, So actual price for 4-pieces packet is 35,- EUR (postage free for this packet).
  2. Hi, I have five pieces of GM5 chip for sale - each for 10,- EUR plus postage 3,50 EUR (in EU). Or all five pieces for 40,- EUR (free postage). Paypal accepted. Or you can use eBay (but for higher price) http://www.ebay.de/itm/Ploytec-GM5-preprogramed-chip-for-GM5x5x5-/191618010925?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item2c9d52cf2d
  3. Hi Zid, I sent PM to You, for Ploytek GM5 sets and spare chips.
  4. Tudy

    Three Czech friends

    Yes, DX7 E! with backlighted display :)
  5. I am sorry - ..with 12V stabilized power supply. And I have 8580R5 SIDs in my sammichSID.. Thanks
  6. Tudy

    Three Czech friends

    :-) each baby has different father (from left): Me, A.Tom.X and Bodyia
  7. ..about 350mA (pertinent to a backlight intensity)
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