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Posts posted by ErMangaver

  1. Good :)

    Once I was able to achieve something similar to what you are asking.

    There was a mod around for Cadaver's GoatTracker that implied a .dll file, a real C64 and a DIY cable. Parallel port of the PC <=> user port C64, I'm not sure, it was quite some time ago, but I do remember that worked only in a DOS environment to me so I had to use a Win98 PC.

    I don't remember the protocol involved but the speed of the communication was similar or slightly faster to that of MIDI, you basically had to restrain yourself to 1X SID.

    Let us know if you find something, it's interesting.

  2. On 8/5/2013 at 10:01 PM, cuca said:

    hello i found the ASID player and it works with my sammichSID .But now i have a new question . how can i extract a sound from a SID tune and save it like a patch ? for example , i like the kick or the snare in a sid tune and i want to extract it and save it like  a patch / sound.  Do you know what i mean ? Need to do it in a DAW or something ? can i separate the channels in a SID tune with the sammichSID ?  many questions , i don´t know how to do it . Can somebody helps me ?

    Looks like it was working then ?

  3. Mi dispiace, non ti buttare giu' pero'.

    Qualche anno fa in tre, ciascuno per proprio conto, ci siamo messi a costruire il MBsid. Gli altri due provarono la strada del DIY anche per le schede, io preferii comprarle direttamente. Uno si fece il core con il bromografo l'altro addirittura a mano con una perforata, abbiamo faticato tutti e tre ma per me fu piu' facile soprattutto in fase di troubleshooting. Dopo vari tentativi e molta pazienza funziono' tutto. Quasi tutto, apprendo ora che la versione "perforata" del core e' stata buttata via..


  4. Humm... supponendo che la configurazione computer drivers riguardo il midi sia testata e che sia su Win, che ti dice MIDIOX quando connetti il core?

    Per capire se il microcontrollore effettivamente parte direi di ridurre le possibili variabili al minimo.

    Quindi prendendo in considerazione solo il midi out del core possiamo del tutto escludere il fotoaccoppiatore (6n138) IC2, magari levarlo momentaneamente dalla scheda.

    Per partire il PIC non ha bisogno di molto credo, un voltaggio positivo su MCLR(1), l'alimentazione Vdd (11,32) Vss (12,31) che hai gia' verificato, il cristallo Q1 e relativi condensatori C1, C2.

    Il MIDI Out e' facile, R7 con TX, massa, R8 con +5V, occhio a non aver invertito i pin sul DIN 5, mi e' capitato spesso, se non funziona prova a scambiarli (massa sempre al centro).

    In questa situazione tutto il resto del circuito dovrebbe essere superfluo ma va controllato non ci siano corti che potrebbero impedire il boot del PIC.

    Facci sapere :)

    Edit: testa tutto con MIDI-OX

    Edit 2: Ho trovato una prova piu'veloce e sicura:


    Accendendosi il core dovrebbe mandare una richiesta di upload che fa tremolare il LED.

  5. Sparx, sounds like a sweet plan :)

    Re-reading the entire thread from the player perspective: lyrics, tempo and key changes, a loop function, a filter/routing function, I see a lot of possibilities.

    From a first, yet functional and small midi player (Core, LCD, SD Card, SCS) with lyrics, tempo and transpose functions.

    Toward even more hypothetical (not being a programmer I can only suppose :sad: ) advanced configurations where for example with a button matrix it would be possible to recall snapshots of different settings of more advanced functions like loop points and routing.

    ..now you can definitely shoot me :whistle:

  6. Thank you TK for your clarification and willingness to help, I had this doubt/hope the possibility was already there.

    Pete I'm sorry but my question wasn't really related to yours, just another one.

    Does this multiple outs thing belongs to Midio128?

    I don't know, maybe not, but I chimed in believing to have similar needs to the OP ones, an affordable, small midi player with multiple outs.

    I'm curious, what's your opinion about lyrics output, it belongs?

    I like MIDIBOX also for his modularity which means to me, in a broader sense, freedom, choice and "something which matches the needs of multiple users".

    Agree, with choices could come complexity but maybe your firm "NO" was a little bit drastic in this context.

    Or maybe yes you're right, a full fledged midi file player doesn't belong at all and, I'd like to add, is the kind of application that deserve a dedicated hardware project, another smaller MBSEQ variant.

    TK, Pete don't shoot me :whistle:, just a thought.

    Peace and love :)

  7. Hi

    I'm going to ask about this: "..multiple tracks can be played in parallel."

    Obviously with the MBSEQ I can have different tracks outputted to different ports, but is this feature extended to

    the midi file player?

    For example, is it possible to route different midi channels of the midi file to different output ports?

    Or maybe there is another way to do it?

    Most of midi file players out there have only one independent midi output port,

    The MIDIBOX platform up to twelve (!?), great stuff :)

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