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TAG last won the day on January 10 2017

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    Louisville, KY

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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Thanks TK, this is exactly the kind of information I was looling for! Hyperr, i did consider attempting to synthesize the pic in the fpga, but i dont think it would be worth it considering the resources it would use that could go to more SIDs, and also I havent found a good candidate for a core that would be a drop in anyway.
  2. Yes, I have forked the code and plan to start digging in. What I was hoping to find out was a kind of big picture of what is missing. It looked to me like there was quite a bit there already and it wasn't obvious what the missing pieces were.
  3. The reason I think that an updated version of the SID project makes sense isn't for performance, but rather cost and lowering the bar for the community to add new features. The PIC is expensive and people are less likely to tinker with assembly. Also the recent developments in reproducing SIDs in FPGA make an updated STM32 version more enticing. Would it be possible to get some information regarding what would need to be done in order to finish what TK started? I am interested in helping move the project forward.
  4. I saw the conversation about the FPGASID project and I'd thought I'd share some work I have been doing regarding SID implementation in FPGA as well. I purchased a Papilio Pro (http://papilio.cc/index.php?n=Papilio.PapilioPro) board as part of the retrocade synth (http://retrocade.gadgetfactory.net/) a while ago and recently decided to try and find out how many SIDs I could fit into the board if I took everything else out. I ended up with 4 SIDs plus the associated shift registers that I am able to connect right up to my MIDIBox MB6582. I can even drive both real SIDs and the FPGA versions from the same signals from the MIDIBox in order to do A/B comparisons. I am working on designing an interface board to connect the midibox to the papillio pro, it isn't finished but if anyone is interested it is here: https://upverter.com/LVL1Soundbuilders/32fbede244e1a406/Papillio-Pro-to-Midibox-SID-Interface-PCB/ The papilio pro is open source, the board I am working on is open and I'd be glad to share my file of the 4 sid implementation. I'll post a link once I decide on the best place to put it.
  5. Found the answer for the FM here:
  6. They are custom caps milled from acrylic sheet.
  7. TAG


    Isotope 192, 192 key isomorphic velocity sensitive keyboard based on MIOS32.
  8. I finished my project a couple years ago but never posted pics, you can find them here: http://wiki.lvl1.org/Isomorphic_Keyboard
  9. What is the status of the SID and FM projects in the MIOS32 SVN repo? Are they functional?
  10. Every time I tried to upload the application I got the same error, and the application ran with what I assume was a blank patch (the displayed patch name was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or something like that). I swapped the 452 out for a 4685 and was able to upload the 4685 application 100% and the application ran with the Fender Rhodes patch. I will probably try completely erasing the 452 and trying again just out of curiosity.
  11. I am using a 452 with the 452 firmware. Mios studio shows 20736 bytes of flash and 256 bytes of EEPROM, is the 256 bytes of EEPROM the single default patch? It seems that what is happening is that I have the application with a blank patch. I got it to work by sending a patch with the SYSEX tool. It seems to be working fine now but I'm not sure why the application download in MIOS Studio isn't able to complete 100%.
  12. It gets to 98% then displays "Upload aborted due to error #4: Write failed (verify error or invalid address)"
  13. Is there EEPROM within the 452? Is is possible that the flash is being programmed properly but not the internal EEPROM?
  14. I have a basic MBFM setup: Ctrlr, the MBHP_OPL3 module and the MBHP_CORE. My understanding was that once I started the MBHP_CORE with the MBFM application I would be able to play an e-piano sound with no control surface, but I am not able to get any output. I have loaded the test tone application and that works fine. After loading the test tone, when I went to reload the MBFM application in the core I got an error message in Mios studio during the download, but the MBFM application was still able to start up and run. Does Mios studio try to program a bankstick at the same time as the application? I don't yet have a bankstick in my setup. Thanks
  15. Thanks for all the help, here is a link to my working project on the make blog: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2011/03/diy-isomorphic-keyboard.html
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