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    Orlando, Fl

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. There is a programmers guide on the MBHP_OPL3 page...
  2. Hi Paul, from what I remember, the 'send request' button switches to the selected patch and imports the sequencer settings. If the patch does not have the sequencer already running you will need to turn it on. (Switch 'Sync' to 'note' or 'free') The rest of the sliders etc. change the steps. Martin.
  3. Sorry for the delay. Yes. As Roel found, it looks to be working correctly now. Thanks! :smile: Martin.
  4. Thanks. :smile: Martin
  5. Hmm. I'm seeing something strange on my device. I just installed the new Firmware from the MIOS Download Section and made sure 1.4h appears. It looks like the last 16 steps on the WT are shared between all the patches and are automatically saved. If I set all the step values for a patch on the device itself, with or without saving the patch, the last 16 steps values (16 - 31) show up on the other patches as well. The first 16 steps work fine. Thanks, Martin.
  6. Thorsten, as Roel stated the RAM issue looks to be fixed. Thanks! From my quick tests it looks like just the first 16 steps are stored in RAM. Is this correct? Roel, Great! My utility does work elsewhere. :smile: And, I'm glad you like the patches. :smile: Though, I need to fix the WaveTable ones. As you are sharing the MIDI connection, the delay could be due to either side. Java or Live. But, a 1 bar delay likely means live is the culprit. I'm glad Live at least likes to share its MIDI. Martin.
  7. Ah. Sorry. It was compiled with Java 7. Recompiled with Java 6 and re-attached. Thanks! I'll check it tomorrow. Martin.
  8. Hi Roel, What OS are you using? You just need the Java Runtime installed not the development kit. Though, that just adds extra bits pieces. Double clicking the .jar file should open the program. If not open a "command prompt" and type:> java -jar "MidiBoxFM WT Editor.jar" the path to the .jar file should be in the quotes. Martin.
  9. mburch


    Mostly finished...
  10. Working Utility added to first post. Includes a 'runnable' jar file and source code. Will not work on Macs :sad:
  11. Nice! Beam me up Scotty! You're going to want smaller knobs. :smile:
  12. Great! Thanks. It all works outside of RAM. :smile: (Small bug when WAVETABLES_IN_RAM is disabled: There is an extra space at the start of line 401 in mbfm_rnd.inc.) I'll go back and check my Wavetable patches to make sure I didn't subsequently damage them. Thanks, Martin.
  13. Update 2: Back at it. I grabbed an older chip and re-burnt the newest firmware. The older 18F452 chip does work correctly with the program. The newer 18F4685 chip does not deal with the individual step modes and values correctly both with the request to RAM and Voice. I also sent messages using the SysEx Tool in MIOS Studio with the same results. Also, I noticed that the values returned from a sysex dump patch do not return the same values with the 2 different chips. But, the values do match what is in the 'loaded' wavetable. The last 16 steps seem to be always 0 on the 18f4685 chip. This might be the issue. As a side note, which may be relevant, I only have 4 patch memory chips (A - D) and not the full 8 possible. Thanks for the help, Martin.
  14. Hi Thorsten, thanks! That would be great! I remember JSynthLib from a number of years ago. Strangely, I have never seen the MIDIBoxFM editor. Great for a reference. Thanks! No Mac OS support pretty much defeats the purpose of using Java. :sad: I guess I'll look to see how easy it would be to move it over to Juce when it's fixed. Though, I know nothing about Juce. Thanks, Martin. Update 1: It looks like the JSynthLib editor is also not changing the step values / modes. The other Wavetable settings work. They all look to be sending Sysex Parameter messages and the Device ID looks to work. So, next up, put an older PIC back in and test again... :smile:
  15. I created a small utility quickly in Eclipse a while ago to edit and play around with the wavetables. Since I last used it, I have updated the core pic and subsequently, and stupidly, cleaned up the code without checking that it still worked correctly. So I am currently at the point where everything seems to work correctly except for sending Sysex Parameter Message updates for the individual steps... Values and Modes. The CC assignments, Rate and Sync work correctly using Sysex Parameter Messages. So, I think the parameter messages are working correctly under index 128. I'm not sure above that... For each Step Value Parameter Index I use the formula: = 128 + (step * 4) + channel + 1 So the message for Step 1 on Channel 1 reads: F0 00 00 7E 49 00 06 08 01 01 <value> F7 Does this look correct? Thanks, Martin. UPDATE: Working program with source code below: ---Backup your sounds before using as it will automatically overwrite the modulated values.--- Attached is the source code (using Java Sound) and a Runnable JAR Requires: Java Runtime (JRE) 6 or higher MIDIBoxFMWTEditor.zip
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