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  1. jamie


    Hi, fine job. It’s an amazing unforgetable feeling getting a Projekt finished after struggling a couple of years, isn‘t it
  2. Hi Thorsten, just for info, if you're interested. I'm glad to say that i fixed the problem. It's in the firmware of the 9090. I tried to contact Trevor for some hints, but there was no answer to the mail i sent. But i think the mail adress i used is not actual. So i studied the TR 909 Service manual and the schematics of Trevors 9090 Drum for a long time. I figured out that the different is in the velocity signal. In the TR 909 the signal appears until a new value is set, in Trevors 9090 Drum this signal appears until a noteoff signal is received. Trevor is using some kind of Multiplexing in the velocity section. So, i was glad that i found som .asm file of his firmware in the internet. As i don't now something about programming, i was very supriesed that i found the item in this file that sets the velocity when noteoff is received. Not knowing what i'm really doing, i erased the items for the cymbal, ride and hihats sounds. Then i created a new hex-file, burned it to the pic. And: IT WORKS:-))))
  3. jamie


    ....behind the scenes ;-)
  4. jamie


  5. jamie


    The labels is an right sized PDF -File printet under the eloxiallayer of the Frontpanel. (Schaeffer is doing such as cool stuff) I found this buttons at conrad.de
  6. jamie


    Thank you, what an an honour.
  7. Thank you for this hint. Changing the value in SEQ_LAYER_GetEvntL seemt to be a helping solution. I'll try this. In the meantime i also try get some solution in changing firmware on the 9090 Feedback is following. I'm using version 1.3a Best Regards, jamie
  8. The MB808 and the 9090 Drum are just conected via midi (built an intern switch, so i can change to "local off" when i use this box with an DAW, or "local on" when i use it in standalone) So it's not the gatelength of the analog trigger, its more about the notelength of the midiout. It would be cool if there is a way to increase the distance between note on and note off (a little bit more legato on the open hihat, cymbal and ride section;-) Maybe adjusting this is not such as difficult? the more i think about it, the more I'm not shure if this problem could be solved on the midibox, maybe i have to ask Trevor Page if this can be fixed in the midisection on this 9090 drum board. Since this "issue" is related to the sample sounds. I think these samples should be played as one shot if they are triggered.( except the open hat, since it depends on the closed hat.) Anyway i hope there's a solution. Best Regards, Jamie
  9. TPTK-M9 ?? such a strange name. But it's just a dedication to Trevor Page (TP) for creating this awesome 9090 Drum PCB and Thorsten Klose (TK) for introducing this Midibox Projekt and for his very fast helping support!! Thanks a lot. (M) for my wife for being such as patient when i spend so much time for realising this projekt And (9) for (what can i say ) another MB9090 midibox. cheers jamie
  10. Hi, i already finished assembling my MB9090 (MB 808 Seq + 9090 Drum). So now, everything works fine excepting one thing: The notelenghts of the MB 808 Seq are to short for some sounds. For example the open hihats sounds cut of. If i trigger the open hihat in Live-modus and press the button as long as necessary the hitat will be played till end. Is it possibile to modify the programm, so that the outgoing midinotes get more length? jamie
  11. Midibox Addict thanks for your hints. I checked the PSU by connecting both (Core Modul and my own PCB) on it. PSU works fine. But now i was able to compare the PIC one on one. So i started measuring the voltage on the PICs Pin by PIn and found out, that there were some shorts on my PCB. This was caused by some signalstripes that were too close together. I fixed that by cutting this stripes an soldering some wires in. So now the PCB and the PIC works fine. THANK YOU!!
  12. Ok, some new results: I put the pic back in another core modul, switched the power on an to my suprise it starts mios and the application. So there is no problem with the upload (what a nice result), but in the other pcb it seems that the pic won't start mios or the application. Does anyone got a clue what the possible reasons can avoid starting the application? Thanks jamie
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