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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Hi Thorsten,


    just for info, if you're interested.

    I'm glad to say that i fixed the problem. It's in the firmware of the 9090. I tried to contact Trevor for some hints, but there was no answer to the mail i sent.

    But i think the mail adress i used is not actual.

    So i studied the TR 909 Service manual and the schematics of Trevors 9090 Drum for a long time. I figured out that the different is in the velocity signal.

    In the TR 909 the signal appears until a new value is set, in Trevors 9090 Drum this signal appears until a noteoff signal is received. Trevor is using some kind of Multiplexing in the velocity section.

    So, i was glad that i found som .asm file of his firmware in the internet. As i don't now something about programming, i was very supriesed that i found the item in this file that sets the velocity when noteoff is received. Not knowing what i'm really doing, i erased the items for the cymbal, ride and hihats sounds.

    Then i created a new hex-file, burned it to the pic. And: IT WORKS:-)))) 

  2. The MB808 and the 9090 Drum are just conected via midi (built an intern switch, so i can change to "local off" when i use this box with an DAW, or "local on" when i use it in standalone)

    So it's not the gatelength of the analog trigger, its more about the notelength of the midiout. It would be cool if there is a way  to increase the distance between note on and note off (a little bit more legato on the 

    open hihat, cymbal and ride section;-) Maybe adjusting this is not such as difficult?


    the more i think about it, the more I'm not shure if this problem could be solved on the midibox, maybe i have to ask Trevor Page if this can be fixed in the midisection on this 9090 drum board. Since this "issue" is related to the sample sounds.

    I think these samples should be played as one shot if they are triggered.( except the open hat, since it depends on the closed hat.)

    Anyway i hope there's a solution.

    Best Regards, Jamie

  3. Hi, i already finished assembling my MB9090 (MB 808 Seq + 9090 Drum).

    So now, everything works fine excepting one thing: The notelenghts of the MB 808 Seq

    are to short for some sounds. For example the open hihats sounds cut of.

    If i trigger the open hihat in Live-modus and press the button as long as necessary

    the hitat will be played till end.

    Is it possibile to modify the programm, so that the outgoing midinotes get more length?



  4. Midibox Addict thanks for your hints.


    I checked the PSU by connecting both (Core Modul and my own PCB) on it. PSU works fine.

    But now i was able to compare the PIC one on one. So i started measuring the voltage on the PICs  Pin by PIn and found out,

    that there were some shorts on my PCB. This was caused by some signalstripes that were too close together.

    I fixed that by cutting this stripes an soldering some wires in.

    So now the PCB and the PIC works fine.


  5. Ok, some new results:


    I put the pic back in another core modul, switched the power on an to my suprise it starts mios and the application.


    So there is no problem with the upload (what a nice result), but in the other pcb it seems that the pic won't start mios or the application.


    Does anyone got a clue what the possible reasons can avoid starting the application?





  6. Hi,


    something strange happens when i try to upload mios into the PIC.

    First of all some infos.

    Im using a Mac with OS x 10.7.5 , Midi-Interface AMT 8 emagic (and RME Hammerfall Multiface,) Mios 1.9g, Mios Studio 2.4.2 and an own designed PCB of a mb808 sequenzer (seq dr.)


    The story:

    I burned bootloader 1.2 with MBHP Burner on the pic. then i stick the Pic into the PCB an connected the MIDI cabels to the Midi-interface. I switched on Power and started 

    Mios Studio. The display (16X2) on the PCB shows a line of squares in the upper row. Mios detects the Core and shows:


    Operating Systems: Mios8

    Board: MBHP_Core or similar

    Core Family: PIC18F

    Bootloader is up & running!


    Then i choose the Mios hex file for PIC 18F4620 and start the upload.

    after rebooting the Pic Mios Studio shows


    Operating Systems: Mios8

    Board: MBHP_Core or similar

    Core Family: PIC18F

    Application  is up & running!


    Everythings seems to be fine, but the display of the Midibox still shows a line of squares in the upper row, no "copyright" an no "ready" strings appear.


    If i try to uppload an application nothing happens. It's like there is no Mios uploaded.


    Is it Possible that Mios is running and the Display shows still this line of squares?

    I checked all the voltages on the Pic and the Midi connections like described in the troubleshooting for about 5 times. I also replaced the pic (3 times) but the result is always the same.

    I also took one Pic out of a real fine working Midibox ----> same problem.


    Does anyone got an idea how i can solve this?





  7. The "CV via DOUT" option is implemented, and I tested it on a single DOUT -> works!

    Now the remaining resistor networks have to be soldered on the PCB + some testing has to be done.


    ;; CV values can also be output via DOUT shift registers
    ;; This option is sufficient to control the "velocity" of drum instruments, and it's cheap as well!
    ;; We expect following connections:
    ;;   DOUT      ca. 160k
    ;;    D7 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;              ca. 80k  |
    ;;    D6 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;              ca. 40k  |
    ;;    D5 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;              ca. 20k  |
    ;;    D4 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;              ca. 10k  |
    ;;    D3 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;              ca. 5k   |
    ;;    D2 ---o---/\/\/\---*----o CV Out
    ;;              220 Ohm
    ;;    D1 ---o---/\/\/\--------o free assignable trigger
    ;;              220 Ohm
    ;;    D0 ---o---/\/\/\--------o another free assignable trigger
    ;; The DOUTx channels are matching with the AOUT channels as specified in the DEFAULT_TRKINFO table above.
    ;; Allowed values: 1-16 (selects DOUT shift register) or 0 to disable
    ;; Ensure that DEFAULT_NUMBER_SR is high enough so that all DOUTs are updated.
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR1  4
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR2  5
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR3  6
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR4  7
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR5  8
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR6  9
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR7  10
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR8  11
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR9  12
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR10 13
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR11 14
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR12 15
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR13 16
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR14 0
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR15 0
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR16 0

    Note: more than 16 DOUTs are not (and will never be) supported.

    3 DOUTs are used for the 16 GP LEDs + 8 status LEDs.

    Means: only 13 are really free for velocity outputs... and the PCB has 11 of them!

    On the other hand, instruments like Open/Closed HH can simply share the same velocity, as they are (normally) not played concurrently.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Hi Thorsten,

    puh, I'm still confused and have some questions to make shure that I get it right.

    In case of using a 9090 Board of Trevor i connect the CV Out of a SR to the Vel-In of a 9090 Instrument and i connect the trigger out of the SR to the trigger-In of a 9090 Instrument, right?.

    If i want two instruments to use the same CV Out, do I simply connect their Vel-In to the same CV-Out of one SR?

    What about the "another free of use trigger out", can I use this pin for other purposes e.g. Status LED.

    What about adjusting the velocity of the instruments when I programm a sequence? I simply don't know how to set the values when programming a sequence.

    Are incoming midinotes with different velocity values also effecting different CV Out values, too?

    Are you going to write some additional manual for the "dr" version?

    Puh, a lot of questions :(, but I have to get shure not making a mistake in my first PCB-creation

    Best regards


  8. Hi,

    I'm currently working together with kogz23 on a new MB808 baseboard + frontpanel PCB (combined) which will provide individual velocity levels for the TR9090 project.

    The velocity levels will be controlled by additional DOUT shift registers + a resistor network (similar to the original TR909 design).

    Since the number of DOUTs is limited to 16 maximum, only 10 velocity outputs will be available, but I think that this is acceptable for most cases (e.g. Open/Closed HH can be shared)

    Once I got my hands on the PCB, I will update the MB808 firmware accordingly.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Hi Thorsten,

    are there some further progress in creating the update of the firmware ore the pcb. I'm stuck in assembling my "mb909", because the firmware and the schematic about the individual velocities (e.g. restistor network <--> shift registers) are the last pieces of puzzle i need

    Best regards


  9. Hey Jamie,

    Could you let me know what the reasons are why you are not just connecting the MB808 sequencer with the 9090 boards using MIDI?

    will this save a lot of money on a component level?



    Hi Jef,

    yeah that's right, the easiest and cheapest way is to connnect this two parts using midi.

    But i want to build a 909 like standalone drumsequencer. so I can use in two ways:

    - In studio with the daw and other equipment.(there are sometimes some pretty good results if you trigger some other instrument with patterns of the mb808)

    - for some live jammin acts on stage as dj.(without using a midicable as bridge between the midiout jack of the sequencer and

    the midi-in jack of the soundboard.

    And.. what can I say, but I think doing projects like this is not about saving money. It's about the feeling if you finished it an it works like you always dreamed about it.

    It's the harder way and I'm tellin you I really need a lot of help, but if it works .....---> "Kühbacher Weißbier"

    I took a look on the pics of your work. Pretty pretty nice :)!! i think you got lot of skills, so tell me why are you connecting this two board via midi an not using the trigger outs

    Best regards


  10. Hi,

    I'm currently working together with kogz23 on a new MB808 baseboard + frontpanel PCB (combined) which will provide individual velocity levels for the TR9090 project.

    The velocity levels will be controlled by additional DOUT shift registers + a resistor network (similar to the original TR909 design).

    Since the number of DOUTs is limited to 16 maximum, only 10 velocity outputs will be available, but I think that this is acceptable for most cases (e.g. Open/Closed HH can be shared)


    I almost finished creating the pcb for the MB808 sequencer. As i intend to create a all in one board i need some dokumentation of

    the part of the upcomming velocity controller.

    Are there already some schematics or sketches about the resitor network and the connection between the shift registers and the resistor network. (maybe even the connection to the 9090 boards)

    It would be great if I could finish the pcb in meantime, as all further hardware constructions depend on this pcb (size of the pcb -->size of the case ->frontpage, etc.)

    So if the new release comes out, i just have to do some adjustments of the defines.

    Best regards


  11. Hi,

    I'm currently working together with kogz23 on a new MB808 baseboard + frontpanel PCB (combined) which will provide individual velocity levels for the TR9090 project.

    The velocity levels will be controlled by additional DOUT shift registers + a resistor network (similar to the original TR909 design).

    Since the number of DOUTs is limited to 16 maximum, only 10 velocity outputs will be available, but I think that this is acceptable for most cases (e.g. Open/Closed HH can be shared)

    Once I got my hands on the PCB, I will update the MB808 firmware accordingly.

    The MBSEQV4 firmware can handle individual velocities, but only via an AOUT module (expensive! And only 8 channels are available).

    The DOUT solution is inexpensive, and it's done like in the original TR909 design.

    Adapting the MBSEQV4 for the MB808 user interface is too much work, therefore I will only enhance the existing PIC based MB808 firmware.

    I guess that you will like this enhancement? Because you won't need to build a new MIDIbox, just add some 74HC595 :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


    this sounds very, very, very great. So i'll wait for the new update. In the meantime i'll think about the design of the case, knobs etc. (oh, there's still enough work)

    Im so excited finishing this projekt and i'm lookin forward jammin with my own MB9090 :frantics:

    Thank you very much

  12. Hy,

    like so many others, i want to build a "MB9090", too. I already finished the 9090 Modules (Trevor rules)

    and i also finished the Midibox 808 (yeah TK rules too)sequencer.

    This two parts work fine since i connected the trigger and velocity of each sound

    to the Dout pins of the mb808.

    But i'm missing some individual dynamic variations. (not the whole velocity range, but two values e.g.

    accented - non accented for each sound)

    Is there a midibox with i can realise this (maybe seq4). If yes, what parts do i need for and how do i have to connect the soundboard

    with the sequencer. So if it would work with the seq4 is it possible to configure it like a mb 808 (buttons, instr. encoder, bpm, tempo encoder etc)

    because i like this MB808-stylish sequencer



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