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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. thanks ill have to check that out. As far as the hardware im looking at getting as compact as possible for what i want to do, so most likely ill have to get custom boards made once i get all this stuff figured out.
  2. awesome ill take a look.. i was planning on using buttons and joystick, but the joysticks are arcade style so they already map to separate switches. I did have plans to make adapters that would go from xbox/ps2 controllers and output them via usb midi, but i havent really had enough time to research to much into the controllers and how all the inputs work.
  3. Im looking at using the midi protocol to transport joystick commands. I was looking to use the pic to build a prototype but stumbled onto this" USB GM5 Module". Not sure if its right for me but i liked its small form factor. Basically i just need a way to go from simple buttons A B C D E to any midi(customizable would be great) message. Is this the right unit for me or is this just a component to a larger system?
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