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Everything posted by SupahFly

  1. Thanks m00dawg and sorry for all my stupid questions. Reusing a C64 PSU seems to be the easier option to me but I've read people complaining about them? Can I use any revision PSU, i.e. are they all the same regardless of C64 version?
  2. Is there some step by step tutorial for complete beginners Somewhere? I have an ATX pc power supply at home, it seems to have +5 and +12 would that work?
  3. Thanks for your replies. I decided to take a small break and build an Arduinoboy first to learn a bit more about electronics. I'm back on the MIDIBOX now though and I have successfully soldered the core module and added an lcd screen. What I'm struggling with now is the power supply - I have no idea where to begin on this. From the core module tutorial apparently I have to connect the power (+5v) to the 2 pin connector on the board. I understand that I need to supply two voltages, one to the core and one to the sid module, is that correct? What would be a good choice for a power supply (I live in Sweden) - I'm not too fussed about size as I don't plan on having it internal in my box. I read bad things about suing the c64 supply. Can anyone recommend something that doesn't require a whole lot of engineering to setup? :)
  4. Hi! So I managed to finish my core module but I have a question, when it comes to the chip sockets and the pins which are used to connect to the module, do I have to solder every leg or is it enough if I solder everything in place with 2-3 solder points?
  5. Wow thanks for the link what an incredibly useful guide! i am well on my way to finishing my first core module now :)
  6. Ah cheers m00dawg. So I take it I should follow this http://avishowtech.com/mbhp_coreR4d.html exactly to build the core module (and the rest of the modules) - and then go to ucapps for details on how to put them together? Or do I need to do the bridges soldering on top? I'm really sorry for all these stupid questions, I'm just a complete and utter beginner. Regarding the soldering, I take it I only need to solder the resistors/bridges and just insert the rest into their sockets? Or do I need to solder all components in place? What is the best approach to solder a resistor, push it in all the way on the pcb, cut the legs then solder or what approach should I take? Thanks again
  7. So I received my parts today from SmashTV - horrraay! I ordered everything in Kits and it came nicely packaged with each kit in a different bag. I also managed to avoid customs which is awesome :) Now I figured I would start building the Core module. The PCBs are all labelled so identifying the correct PCB was easy, thank god. After that I immediately ran into trouble. Looking at the soldering guide I want to start with step 1, soldering the 4 bridges. The problem is that my PCB looks nothing like the screenshot in the guide so I don't know where to begin. Everything on the pcb seems to be clearly marked but I don't have anything to go on as the "holes" don't match up. Is there a guide somewhere for my type of PCB or can someone guide me to where I should solder the bridges and resistor? Also as a side note, how do I distinguish between the different types of resistors - they don't seem to be marked with numbers. Is it through the colour coded stripes? I would be really grateful for any help with this. Thanks
  8. It was indeed a typo :) I have a question regarding mounting of buttons and screen. Connecting the screen doesn't look so bad http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=midibox_sid_manual_fp.html and I guess I just need to screw it to some surface and that will be that. The buttons for the minimal control surface however is more of an issue, what types of buttons are recommended? Can I buy pcb buttons and connect them via wiring to the pcb or do I need to have them physically on the pcs. SOrry for the n00b questions.
  9. thanks ilmenator, I don't think it's a typo - when I google it I get quite a few hits on HD77480 :( edit: actually only like 1400 hits so maybe it is a typo - I'll email them and ask
  10. Thorsten has some code for the keyboard bit which sounds like the easiest solution. Regarding LCD I don't quite understand if it needs to follow a standard or not. Would this one work? http://www.electrokit.se/download/JHD202C.pdf I don't have a direct link to the LCD at the store but it is called LCD 2x20 JHD202A STN blue/white LED Controller: KS066 (HD77480 kompatibel)
  11. hmm I guess you're right - I'm just brainstorming a little. How about buttons for changing the octave? I'm going to stop now I'm just excited and can't wait for my parts to arrive :)
  12. thanks again Thorsten. I guess now would be a good time to finally learn assembler then :) My idea was to use a joystick with, say 4 directions (digital), each direction being mapped to a different function. I thought up and down could be mapped to a pitch bend but since it is digital I guess this would either have to be some increasing pitch bend depending on how long a direction is pressed - but I don't know if that's possible. I think a joystick could make the synth a really interesting performance tool :)
  13. Thanks so much Thorsten! Will there be any noticeable latency using this method? My plan was to add 16 buttons in a 4x4 grid which the user can play. Would it similarly be easy to implement pitch bend (I assume this is supported via midi) at the touch of a button? Oh by the way, what language is the software written in?
  14. thanks m00dawg. I think I will just go for a simple small-button-layout similar to sammichSID. I startd a new thread about triggering notes from buttons which is what I would like to use larger buttons for. I'm thinking a 4x4 button grid similar to an mpc or maschine controllers which would allow me to play melodies on the same box - but I am getting ahead of myself as usual already planning for things I have absolutely no idea of how to implement :)
  15. Hello :) I haven't built my midibox sid yet but I would very much like to add buttons which, when pressed trigger notes, i.e essentially a keyboard but I would like to use buttons instead of keys. I've seen a few boxes here which have incorporated existing keyboards but I am wondering what the best approach would be to implement this using just some standard buttons? Another feature I would like to add to my midibox is to mute the synth at the press of a button. I guess the easiest approach would be to cut off the signal before it reaches the outputs but I have no idea how this would be implemented in practise. Or can I do it through software? What I want to achieve is essentially a "transforming" sound which can be produced by cutting the sound on/off quickly. (e.g. Older DJ mixers usually have transform switches). Any guidance on these two features would be greatly appreciated!
  16. thanks again for all your help! most of the parts ordered :)
  17. thanks for your replys! I think I will want to go with the c64 PSU as I have one and most likely will want at least the minimal control surface. I have some more questions :) I would like to use a larger LCD screen - are there options for larger screens without better resolution (or using larger fonts). THe walkthrough states that larger screens work fine but that the main screen doesn't look all that good. I'm not fussed about more screen space, I just thought a larger screen would look cooler :) Regarding the minimal control surface - I see that the sammichSID has all 6 buttons aligned under the LCD screen. I don't know their respective function but would it make sense to have buttons in 2 rows of 3 or does that make the UI unintuitive? Now I'm just thinking out loud but has anyone incorporated any step sequencing into their machines? That would be awesome, particularly for drums :)
  18. Thanks m00dawg! I apologize for not being clear enough I was refering to the PIC ID header which is a field where I can provide an ID when I place my order - however I do not know what this means. I'll have a look at twin SID - thanks for the tip. I agree that this is rather daunting but I feel confident that I can put something together as long as I can figure out which parts I need :) The scariest bit is the power supply - I can't read schematics very well - is there a step by step tutorial that some kind soul has written?
  19. Ah I found the checklist at the bottom of the V2 walkthrough. I still don't understand what the PIC header stuff means. So a stereo setup requires another SID kit from what I gather - is it possible to mix old revision SIDs with newer ones?
  20. Hello everyone! I've been lurking around for a while and now I have decided that I really really need to build myself a midibox sid :) I would like to build a basic version to start off with - I guess that would be the minimal setup described in the hardware manual. My first question is regarding the stereo setup - I don't understand if I need two sets of the minimal setup or if I can somehow fit the second SID onto the same board? From what I've gathered I would need to order the following: The Core8 Kit + PCB from http://mbhp.coinoptech.com/buy.html This would be with the PIC18F4865 and a couple of midi jacks. The SID Kit + PCB from the same site. Would I be correct in assuming that this is what I need for the minimal setup? What does the PIC ID Headers mean? In order to get this working I assume I need some kind of power supply (from the C64?) and of course a SID chip. Is there anything I am missing? Thanks!
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