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Señor Frio

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Really encouraged by Doug's email response! He's testing out the boards! :sorcerer:
  2. true. Just sent him an email. :cat:
  3. Thank you for the update Doug. I'll email you directly if I have any more questions. Based on your update, would you say the shipment of the main batch of boards is several months away? Thanks
  4. Unfortunately, we already put in a deposit for the project. It seems like the PCB's are already built and ready to go.
  5. I built an 808 kick module put together by some friends. But, it would be nice to have all the voices and sequencer in one box. I totally understand that life can hit people pretty hard, maybe Doug can hand over the project reigns to someone else who has more time to see it through?
  6. Anyone hear any new updates on this? Been waiting... paid the deposit... no word. If the hold-up is the pots or rare parts, could we just have what available parts there are shipped to us now?
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