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  1. yes, it works. i will test it tomorrow with multiple aout tracks, but from what i see it's a solid 2 note workaround. thank you!
  2. sorry, it doesn't depend on the loop count. here is a more precise description: when i'm playing a solo aout track the behaviour is the same like in V3.4f. but when a second aout track is playing then the gate of track 1 is always open. even after stopping the seq.
  3. don't downgrade! it works, but not from the start. the legato is correct after the second loop of the track, but then the last note keeps playing when i'm stopping the sequencer. gate doesn't close.
  4. still the same. im confused. when pressing 'exit' the displayed version is still 'V3.4g'. failed hex upload?
  5. i've tried it, but there is no improvement with the new version. still the same behaviour. my assembler knowledge is very limited, but i will try to analyze this code snippet.
  6. thanks for the fast reply, tk. i will try this tomorrow, have to go to bed now. :sleep: and yes, all the time i had no mayor problems with my seq - and therefore no need for troubleshooting.
  7. hi, first post here. since about 4 years i'm a happy owner of an mbseq. have spent so many wonderfull hours with this machine - thanks to torsten and the whole community. now i've installed an AOUT, the J5 gate outs and some DOUT drum triggers to control my analogue gear. this work fine but the gate outs handle overlapping notes in a strange way. the gate always closes when the first of two overlapping notes ends, it doesn't wait untill the second note ends. it is not possible to play legato notes. i've found no information about this problem in the forum and i'm wondering if somebody else noticed this.
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